PC talk. March 22nd 2019
Hello Players!
This coming weekend the adventures will be tasked with reclaiming the lost town of Steepfall. Please see the in-game post here.
Players are able to stow and set up their out of game gear only in cabins before lay on however no IG items should be brought save what you can carry in with you. There will be opportunities later on to use the Waymaker stones to bring more IG items to town.
Game will layon at 9pm. You will meet the NPC mentioned in the IG Post and will come into game at the Waymaker Stone in town. There will not be a normal PC talk so please submit any questions you may have here or on our Discord server.
Please review some of our new policies that have posted. They address Chaos damage, the Logistics day switch, Crafting kits, and very importantly our new policy on LCO uses of Craftsman (Type) Skill.
Find the policy changes here along with the Craftsman Packet.
We are still running the 2.0 Alliance rules. Please make certain you have familiarize yourself with them. You’ll find the rule packet here.
If you haven’t seen it yet we now have our own Discord server! Please join us there as we talk larp and other good times. Many players and staff are on during the days to help answer questions about anything including builds, rules, costuming, even in-game conversations.
Find the Discord server here.
This info will be printed and made available with any other event info at check in as well.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Hello Players!
This coming weekend the adventures will be tasked with reclaiming the lost town of Steepfall. Please see the in-game post here.
Players are able to stow and set up their out of game gear only in cabins before lay on however no IG items should be brought save what you can carry in with you. There will be opportunities later on to use the Waymaker stones to bring more IG items to town.
Game will layon at 9pm. You will meet the NPC mentioned in the IG Post and will come into game at the Waymaker Stone in town. There will not be a normal PC talk so please submit any questions you may have here or on our Discord server.
Please review some of our new policies that have posted. They address Chaos damage, the Logistics day switch, Crafting kits, and very importantly our new policy on LCO uses of Craftsman (Type) Skill.
Find the policy changes here along with the Craftsman Packet.
We are still running the 2.0 Alliance rules. Please make certain you have familiarize yourself with them. You’ll find the rule packet here.
If you haven’t seen it yet we now have our own Discord server! Please join us there as we talk larp and other good times. Many players and staff are on during the days to help answer questions about anything including builds, rules, costuming, even in-game conversations.
Find the Discord server here.
This info will be printed and made available with any other event info at check in as well.
We look forward to seeing you there!