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  1. Grianadhmad

    Second Character

    Well, I mean, I am trying to go to a few SoMi events as well this upcoming year.... :)
  2. Grianadhmad

    Second Character

    Looking ahead to next year and very strongly considering blanketing for a second character. Assuming that the policy is still in place for the upcoming year. I read through Chris's post on the matter and it seems pretty straightforward. I guess my only real question is, can it be done even if...
  3. Grianadhmad

    Hiatus from LARPing... Unbearable

    I am not going to be able to handle winter coming and not being able to see all of you until April/May. Either in- or out-of-character. So if I go off all whackadoo on these forums, just know that it comes from a place of love? :p
  4. Grianadhmad

    Submit a short story to the next Fortannis collection

    @Mike Ventrella is this still going on? I might like to slip in a little something.
  5. Grianadhmad

    10 % Project

    That's okay, I only made it to three TC events because that's when I started ;) My costume was, out of necessity and ill preparedness, pretty barebones, and it was all green rather than changing colour as the season went on (I'm a dryad). I have plans to improve the look of the character and...
  6. Grianadhmad

    10 % Project

    Traverse City fellow here hoping to hit up at least 2 SoMi events next year. Definitely will join this 10% initiative. :)
  7. Grianadhmad

    Calling the Children of Autumn!

    OH! Absolutely fine then. I wouldn't have included it in my signature if it was more private. It's basically so I don't forget all the things I did as the character (like how I haven't done any entries for our October event and I'm already having trouble recalling the mods), but it's definitely...
  8. Grianadhmad

    Calling the Children of Autumn!

    ...why did that face follow the "I found your blog"? o_O
  9. Grianadhmad

    Calling the Children of Autumn!

    Oh right I removed the pronunciation key from my signature. You're not far off. The closest you can get in English is "gree-in-uhᵍ-mahd." Barely sound the "g" between "uh" and "mahd". If you read proper IPA, the pronunciation is /ɡɾiən̪ əiˠ mad̪/
  10. Grianadhmad

    Calling the Children of Autumn!

    Very pleased to "meet" two other dryad players. Hello Phil/Bota and Tyler/Phal! Same. I didn't come up with my character's own nickname but I've gotten rather fond of it. Grianadhmad (which means "sun branch") kept trying to introduce himself properly to the adventurers in Ardic (Traverse...
  11. Grianadhmad

    Calling the Children of Autumn!

    ^ This. This is why Grin has problems with Spores. xDD
  12. Grianadhmad

    Calling the Children of Autumn!

    A few scenarios for comparison for all of us who play dryads :) I have a lot of fun with this first one - people inevitably make comments about how Grin is "a walking tree" and I like to sigh dramatically and roll my eyes and explain that we aren't actually trees, we too are flesh-and-blood...
  13. Grianadhmad

    Fall Festival

    Thank you for the wonderful Alchemy lesson, Lady Ahlana!
  14. Grianadhmad

    Season closer feedback

    LOVE this chapter, love the community! Thank you all for being so welcoming these last three months! I already can't wait for next season. I have a habit of sticking with the people I met right off the bat as a "safety net" but I got to interact with so many new (to me) people during this event...
  15. Grianadhmad

    Emblems / Coats-of-Arms

    Thank you Cory! I should also have asked about Lord Sunseeker's livery but forgot to include in my original post.
  16. Grianadhmad

    Emblems / Coats-of-Arms

    I'd like to work on Grin's costume for next season in the upcoming months, and I'm wondering if there are¹ emblems² for the Fortannis, Valdannis, the Elorian Empire, or Ardic. If so, what are they? :) If not, one of my nerdages is heraldry and blazon, and I'd like to offer my help to design...