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  1. Itaeo

    Makeup Advice Please?

    On the note about Cold cream- when I did a Clown Camp (yes I know- but I 19 and a counselor so I have an excuse.) We did a layer of Ponds Cold Cream UNDER our white greasepaint. It acted as a barrier like the lotion would and also made taking off the thick set makeup that much easier in the...
  2. Itaeo

    Makeup Advice Please?

    These are all great tips! thank you everyone! I'm super grateful- and thank you for all the brand recommendations!
  3. Itaeo

    seriously- I BIG hand to all the players who play Orc and Ogres- those Tusk- I could NOT pull...

    seriously- I BIG hand to all the players who play Orc and Ogres- those Tusk- I could NOT pull that look off.
  4. Itaeo

    It's SO hard to pick what your first PC should be- ALL the creatures in inhabiting this world...

    It's SO hard to pick what your first PC should be- ALL the creatures in inhabiting this world are AWESOME
  5. Itaeo

    Oh goodness- trying to wade through the official handbook

    Oh goodness- trying to wade through the official handbook
  6. Itaeo

    Makeup Advice Please?

    Hello Everyone! I have a question for anyone who has or is playing a character who heavily relies on makeup as part of their racial requirements. SO all the lovely High Orcs, High Ogres, Sarr, Kin and Dyards- could you offer me your advice and tips? I have fairly sensitive skin and I'm sure...
  7. Itaeo

    Dryad Questions

    Thank you Phil90 for answering my questions! I REALLY appreciate it. (trying to wade through the race packets and rules is a daunting task to say the least Lol) I do have another question as I mull over creating a PC (I like to have all the details laid out for my groundwork before I let my...
  8. Itaeo

    Dryad Questions

    Hello Everyone- I am a very new to LARP (no ex at all) and I was reading over the race packets and had a couple questions (as I'm thinking of trying to create a Dryad after playing NPC's to get the hang of the game) 1) When a New Dryad is entered into a game- is that dryad just newly...
  9. Itaeo

    Custom "Movie Quality" Dwarf Beard

    Really does! I cant tell where you end and it begins! :3
  10. Itaeo

    Now Closed- Thankyou!

    Awesome! How much does a larp mask generally cost? (like a ballpark amount?)
  11. Itaeo

    Now Closed- Thankyou!

    Just as a question, could you do an Oryx (Gemsbok) Larp facial mask? I think it would be similar to the Tusked deer you did but this animal has different coloring and longer straight/slightly curved...
  12. Itaeo

    Custom "Movie Quality" Dwarf Beard

    That beard is lovely! Did you use wool roving for it?
  13. Itaeo

    Weapon Donations for MAY

    Is there a link with directions for how to make the packets? I Love sewing so I can make some :3 I know they use birdseed but I don't know the dimensions or weight that is proper. if someone could link me or tell me I'll get on that.
  14. Itaeo


    Ill let you know how they turn out. Maybe I'll start a new fad. *wink*
  15. Itaeo


    No worries! I can see how it could be confusing if there are actually weapon "claws" But I meant soft little things on my gloves to give the effect of claws for a animal.
  16. Itaeo


    Oh heavens I wouldn't use anything hard or sharp! that wouldn't be safe at all! :3 I was thinking of needle felting claws onto a pair of gloves- a Wylderkin character I have in mind has claws for digging and fighting. So I was thinking it might be an interesting add on for a costume element...
  17. Itaeo


    Question- when playing a Wylderkin- or any race that has claws what is most commonly used to represent that? do you make a glove with claws on it? (claws of legal foam or other soft stuff) What is the norm? Thanks! And any suggestions for crafting something would be really appreciated!
  18. Itaeo

    Questions about race relations

    Hi, I remember reading in the rulebook that the races are all very distinct and separate- like a elf raised by humans is still an elf- still behaves like an elf, dresses like an elf. What I was wondering IS adoption allowed? Like in your back-story if you had it that your character was...
  19. Itaeo

    Wyldekin Questions

    Oh Fantastic!
  20. Itaeo

    Questions about submitting a character

    Oh thank you so much!