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  1. Redcloud

    BRIEF Overview of New Guild Policies

    ((OOG Question. If I can't make an event but cover it with a goblin blanket, would that also make me active as far as my guild is concerned? According to the rule book example: The crux being "as if his chr was there", So if I was there I would have been active... ))
  2. Redcloud

    August Favorites

    Joe, its not that the riddles were that easy.... its just that I'm that good... lol. [/Brag] Honestly, I cant post favorites because, except for the life-force draining heat, I loved every minute of this event. I felt we were always busy, and even my downtime was spent doing some wonderful...
  3. Redcloud

    This just in at the McFinnegan trade Co.

    I just want to say, having seen first hand the chaos (both figuratively and literally) and trouble Lempur items have caused in the past..... tread carefully. -Redcloud Black Forest
  4. Redcloud


    Will you be posting the updated points for the guild soon? -Red
  5. Redcloud

    Gold to $ conversion

    Thanks for all the info, it was def helpful. I have some ballparks and we'll just see how things go. This is all for ig coin, however, I will have buisness cards available that have info on how to view/buy stuff oog if you really like something, but lack ig funds. I will not, I repeat, will not...
  6. Redcloud

    Gold to $ conversion

    The $20 is what it would sell for at a craft fair, etsy, gemshow. There is a small markup(for labor and such) but its not that much. Justin, I was headed that way, set a mental price, offer a higher starting price and haggle, course now that everyone knows that, nobody's gonna just pay the...
  7. Redcloud

    Gold to $ conversion

    Thats just it, im not looking to sell stuff ig to make oog money. Im selling stuff ig for ig money, just looking for what a f as irvand reasonable market price would be for said items. Due to them not being magical items, I really dont expect people to shell out tons of gold, but on the other...
  8. Redcloud

    Gold to $ conversion

    Ok, i know this is a lil unorthodox, but I need opinions. As you may or may not have read, I will be looking to sell some homemade jewelry at the upcoming event, however I can not seem to come up with a consistant exchange for IG money to OOG money.... if i got with what i've heard as the...
  9. Redcloud

    Jewelry for sale at next gather

    I have to say, I am a little concerned at the lack of interest shown by the community as a whole. Please, I ask of you all... be truthful, and do nae try and spare hurt feelings.... is this something that people are interested in? If not, I will save the troubles of producing and transporting as...
  10. Redcloud

    Jewelry for sale at next gather

    Just to whet some appetites, here are some examples of some styles of the things I intend to bring to the next gather. Let me know if there is any interest and perhaps I might be able to share my estimated price and even haggle a bit.... Raw amethyst bracelets ... Green ocean jasper...
  11. Redcloud

    Guild Moot at Next Gather

    That is most helpful. I hope my work will be to your liking and up to guild standards. Redcloud
  12. Redcloud

    Guild Moot at Next Gather

    Sapharia, M'Lady, you neglected to inform me as to your ring size. However, most of my stock is adjustable. I will make due with what I have. Until then, may fate carry you safe. Redcloud
  13. Redcloud

    Jewelry for sale at next gather

    Come one, come all. In an attempt to further my own skill and perhaps make a little coin, I shall be crafting some pieces of gemstone and semi-precious mineral jewelry and bringing them to the next gather for sale! I will do my best to have a variety of things to satisfy all tastes and price...
  14. Redcloud

    Guild Moot at Next Gather

    Sapharia, I am sorry that I missed you at the last gather. I had to leave saturday eve at around 8 bells. However I want to let you know that Brandr was extremely helpful in getting me admitted to the guild. I look forward to meeting you in person, (formally, as I have seen you around town, but...
  15. Redcloud

    Greetings Jewlers, Gem Cutters, Silver Smiths (general guidelines)

    Sapharia, I thank you for the welcome and am eager to meet with you, however I require more information. What abilities am I expected to display? How skilled do I have to be to join. How am I to demonstrate my skills? Are there fees or costs to join? I want to be completely prepared when we...
  16. Redcloud

    Greetings Jewlers, Gem Cutters, Silver Smiths (general guidelines)

    Greetings, I will be looking to join the guild at the next gather in a few weeks. I would like to inquire as to what I would be required to have for membership, any policies or procedures that need to be followed and to whom I should speak with for membership. I'm a fast learner and would be...
  17. Redcloud

    What kind of world do you want?

    And there are TONS and TONS of new pics, hell 3 or 4 years worth, on this site. Our Twins
  18. Redcloud

    What kind of world do you want?

    Kindergarten went mostly smooth, I can't believe the lil ones are 6 already. Summer's here, we're looking for camps and stuff to keep em occupied and in "learning mode" right now all they've learned is the name of all the monster trucks on Advanced Auto Parts Monster Jam (and which driver goes...
  19. Redcloud

    Traps, dammit!!! I want more.

    I used to build, sell and extensively use all forms of traps between 2002-2005, I dropped the skill in the "magic change" for a few reasons. 1. there very hardly ever any trap mods 2. a vast majority of the people playing had no idea what the proper rules for traps were 3. I was constantly...
  20. Redcloud

    What kind of world do you want?

    The key is persistance. No matter how tough or hopeless it seems, ya gotta keep plugging along and looking for that one thing, or combination of things that works for you and your kid(s). May the supreme being give you the strength you need to keep soldering on. G'luck!