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  1. PYKE

    Things that Need Doing

    I am doing a vision Friday night to seek more info on the town that is not quit right in Merrow. May need to bust in the doors and fix a problem. Pyke The brotherhood
  2. PYKE

    Grand master of moshtan clan of the malakari

    I have had many months of thought on my racial transformation and the fear I had gained from it. I wish not to be in such fear for my life that I can't enjoy a meal for gear of being poisoned. I did not kill my grand master as you did not have a cure and I had one but had to use it upon myself...
  3. PYKE

    In search for mark scroll

    Have the need for a tattoo. And what better way than having it done magically. Anyone have a mark scroll for sale? Pyke The brotherhood
  4. PYKE

    Looking for a supplier of alchemy

    Even thou I am good at making alchemy I do run out of time and can only do so much. I have a need for some gasses to be made and some coatings. If there is a merchant that has a supply please let me know. Pyke The brotherhood
  5. PYKE

    Troll daddy

    Thank you Gideon, I will prepare for a battle of I do pursue an audience with thomm. Pyke the brotherhood
  6. PYKE

    Troll daddy

    During the encounter last market day thumb made a comment to me that has been on my mind. But I don't know much about him and where he lives. Does anyone have information on him? Pyke The brotherhood
  7. PYKE

    Dragonfall Event Feedback Thread

    Haven't been able to think exactly what I felt about this event. I loved the event. Made pyke feel very uneasy because the atmosphere was flipped and he couldn't get used to it. Made myself as a player remember the world we play in comes in many forms and need to know you never know what to...
  8. PYKE

    September 22nd-24th Pre-Reg Open

    And we were worried about it being cold and was gonna tell everyone to take precautions for cold nights lol. Michigan for you....
  9. PYKE

    Fivver's grand acadamia is now open for all

    We are now renovating and expanding. Business is booming and in with the new out with the old. Multiple old looking decorations that have been around for a long time. Many manuscripts with jargon of no use to us that we can see. Make offers of anything you see. will be bringing some things...
  10. PYKE

    The one who wears yellow and black

    You and you alone are responsible for what happens next. You slay me for nothing and make me resurrect in a unfamiliar circle. But thanks for that as I now have an ally to make my rath upon you that much more. Fear me as I am BACON! OINK! (Jared TC plot)
  11. PYKE

    May have a fight on our hands

    Have scouted the town north of Merrow that was using slave labor. It shows signs of being focused on walls and towers. A direct order was given my lord Lucas to the barronee of Merrow to have them stop it. I will work again with my barroness to see if they need us to force the stop of this...
  12. PYKE

    A girl comes to talk

    A child come through the mist and is quite shy as she approached the camp. Sits by the fire and tells a story of a pigkin killing a her family and her neighbors, then raising them as undead. She hide as she say that they were forced to burn their own homes down. She also saw her brother in a...
  13. PYKE

    Latex weapon modification

    I have gotten a latex hammer as a magic item. It's too hard and won't probably be soften ever. I have foam that would work if I modified the hammer. But have never worked with latex before. What would be the best option to make the hammer usable
  14. PYKE

    Visions for September

    Gideon I have been looking to have one done. I have a target and will send a raven with further information. Pyke The brotherhood
  15. PYKE

    August favorites

    I had a great event. I am still learning as a plot runner and I know I have a fault of going to bed early. I work early and its hard to get out of the system of getting up early. I had a lot of fun playing the zipper rattling stone elf. Havok is a hard man to fight. and the ending of that whole...
  16. PYKE

    Blacksmith or Craftsman Wanted

    Many thanks Nommeric. That was impressive you made it so fast. I hope it will work as it took my ancestors months to craft that. I will send someone if not myself next time you gather for a market day to retrieve it. You can always come to buthland and enjoy the finest wines and sample some of...
  17. PYKE

    Chair trouble

    No problem. Will keep it safe till next event
  18. PYKE

    Chair trouble

    Do you want it before the next event or do you want me to hold on it till then
  19. PYKE

    Chair trouble

    Yes. Looked fairly new as well
  20. PYKE

    Chair trouble

    I have a green chair that was left on site. Is that one yours Jared