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  1. Aggravain

    Updated Magic Item Purchase policy 2024

    Updated policies At Alliance NEPA, we want to make sure that people who go out of their way to lend a hand to the chapter get properly rewarded for their efforts! That’s why we offer our players the Magic Item Pick List, from which anyone can “buy” Magic Items, scrolls, catalysts, or...
  2. Aggravain

    LCO effects NEPA

    Consume Functions as an Engulf and any effect that protects against an engulf will also protect against all effects of Consume. In addition to the engulf rules, the Vreech destroys one ritual on a spirit, body or a whole magic item of the player’s choice for use within the chapter. The ritual...
  3. Aggravain


    Sibling Long black tendrils pulsed as they ran along the cave floor. They coiled around themselves and various rocks before each ended in a glowing soft greenish black aura attached to a being. The light here was soft only given by that aura. It casts macabre shadows of unspeakable and alien...
  4. Aggravain

    A place of peace

    A place of peace The air made a soft sound as two figures filled the space on the peak. The place where they rifted into was a small outcropping overlooking the valley that Bastion rested in. Lightning danced between the clouds as the lightning elemental “ the mistress of storms “ Worked...
  5. Aggravain

    LCO cultural Packet for Cephalopod Kin the Scarax Hidoru

    Scarax Hirudo The Astral Hunters Cephalopod Kin Lco: this is an LCO packet for Cephalopod Kin within the Alliance Nepa Game. The special roleplay effects are LCO as well This packet represents a character who meets the race criteria for this culture and would have been raised by this...
  6. Aggravain

    The Havenite Cultural packet

    The Havenites Ascension Humans / High Ogres OFFICIAL ASCENSION CULTURE PACKET All information enclosed in this document is copyrighted to Alliance LARP Ascension. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any...
  7. Aggravain

    2023 Fundraiser

    Hello TRUE BELIEVERS! It’s time to Prepare for our 2023 Season! Slowly we return to the new normal. In Ascension things are far from the normal lives our adventurers have known within the Cairn. Previous years we had done fundraisers and we have been lucky enough to have a huge outpouring...
  8. Aggravain


    Public Projects The efforts to establish a settlement and defend against the various problems in the world is a daunting one. To this end various players will be making a ton of effort in various categories. You can now invest goblin stamps you have earned into various categories. Each category...
  9. Aggravain

    Winter Vinette: Interrupted Breakfast

    Servants scrambled to assemble the small table and flat ware. They laid plates and filled the wine glass. All in preparation for the man slowly walking over. Black gems on his brow and a great coat brushing the grass by this roadside clearing. The light snow of the previous night melting and...
  10. Aggravain

    Getting back in after a long absence

    - About how many players show up at each event? Our first on site event had about 25 players. We if course are hoping for more. - About how many events do you run a year? This year we are running two. We are hoping for more next year. - I used to play at Alliance San Francisco, but I don't think...
  11. Aggravain

    Night Market announcement

    Ooc you got the space!
  12. Aggravain

    First event player sponsorship

    ASCENSION PLAYERS! AND POTENTIAL PLAYERS.! We are extremely lucky in that we have some people sponsoring players for our opener. If you are interested in coming but financially can't swing it please submit your character and interest to We only have a few spots but this is...
  13. Aggravain

    Night Market announcement

    Oog: Acknowledged. A space is yours
  14. Aggravain

    Night Market announcement

    Pinned on the notice board in the tavern, you see a large and flashy poster calling for aid from those brave pathfinders who will be leading the people of the Cairn to the surface. “Surface explorers! As you bravely go before us, know that home is not far from you. I, Kala the Golden, am...
  15. Aggravain

    August 19-21 Event Signup

    August 19,20,21 event signups! Pcs: 1.Chris W 2. Kate F 3. John M 4. Kyle G 5. Alex K 6. Grant M 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Npc: 1 Kyle S 2. Sam 3. Gabe 4. Angel
  16. Aggravain

    2022 event schedule

    Hello Friends! Our 2022 event schedule for our on site games at EMR are as follows: August 19-22 Sept 30-Oct 2 Info can be found at
  17. Aggravain

    Gifts of the Forgotten program

    Boons have been posted.
  18. Aggravain

    Boons of the forgotten

    BOONS!!! We are adding a new way to spend goblin stamps! There are powers at work in the world that are long forgotten. Boons of Nature: Deal with healing and restoration of mind and body. Boons of Hope: Deal with empowerment and purpose Boons of Despair: Deal with boons of destruction and...
  19. Aggravain

    Gifts of the Forgotten program

    Heya friend, I'll have a second post for this by end of the week. I was concerned about dropping them with some changes that happened in the rules. Kyle
  20. Aggravain

    9 pm curfew ????

    Heya! So those laws are to let you know the world and culture youd characters from the Cairn grew up in. The curfew is in now way a thing during the events. -Kyle