This might be more of an opinion/tone thing, but it's really bugging me that there are a lot of "he or she"s, "him or her"s, "his or hers"s, and "himself or herself"s. They could (and in my opinion should) easily be replaced with singular they/them pronouns, which would be both more inclusive and more readable. Some passages in particular are bogged down by the "he or she" wording to the point of being clunky and difficult to parse.
For example: "Even so, the harmed party can choose to change his or her mind at any time, thus “freeing” himself or herself from the mind ability. However, the player so deciding cannot suddenly remember who did this to him or her if the character was previously unaware." (p. 70)
It would be easier to read (and less alienating for people who don't go by either he/him or she/her pronouns) to instead have this: "Even so, the harmed party can choose to change their mind at any time, thus “freeing” themself from the mind ability. However, the player so deciding cannot suddenly remember who did this to them if the character was previously unaware."