Alliance 2.0 Rulebook: Beta 2

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It is reasonable to ask for clarification within the book, but what that clarification will read is something to the effect of:
Certain two-handed weapons are valid for blocking while held in one hand. This includes the Long Bow, the Short Bow, and the Staff. The Staff and Long Bow count as long weapons for the purposes of the Two Weapons fighting style skill. The Short Bow counts as a short weapon which means that Short Bow and Long Sword is a valid fighting style! Just remember the bow still requires two hands to fire; you'll have to put your sword away to use arrows.
Yo! That's an excellent clarification. It puts a bunch of disparate things together very nicely.
Yeah, this is a case where the rulebook's current text is clarifying a change to something that has been around for a while without mentioning the actual rule. The reason it calls out Short Bow/Long Sword is that's a comparatively new thing; Long Bow/Short Sword has been around for decades, just kind of as a blip in the rules that you're allowed to block with the bow 1 handed so that it's not a massive, massive disadvantage because our bows don't actually allow you hit someone, you know, 60 yards away.
Rituals on a spirit:

I’m having trouble finding anywhere in the new rulebook that states what happens to rituals active on your spirit (e.g. arcane armor, mark, spirit link/lock) when you resurrect. The closest I could find was “If the individual dies, some Rituals may expire upon resurrection if they were placed upon their Body.” (Page 170).

My understanding is that they stay active, which is the whole point of spirit link/lock, but that should be made clear on pages 90, 104, and/or 170.
Rituals on a spirit:

I’m having trouble finding anywhere in the new rulebook that states what happens to rituals active on your spirit (e.g. arcane armor, mark, spirit link/lock) when you resurrect. The closest I could find was “If the individual dies, some Rituals may expire upon resurrection if they were placed upon their Body.” (Page 170).

My understanding is that they stay active, which is the whole point of spirit link/lock, but that should be made clear on pages 90, 104, and/or 170.

I believe it states it on the ritual scrolls that can target the spirit.
“This skill allows a character to do an extra two points of damage to any foe they can hit from behind. It applies to any weapon in which the character has the skill. When used with a ranged weapon, the attack only does one extra point of damage but does not have to be from the rear.” (P. 39)

The bold part should say any mellee weapon, so that it isn’t contradicted by the next sentence.

(Unless I’m missing something, and the intent is that it does 2 extra from behind even with a ranged weapon. In this case the last sentence needs to be clarified.)
On page 152 in the Spellcrafting section, the third line in the second paragraph has it misspelled as "spellcrarfting".
“This skill allows a character to do an extra two points of damage to any foe they can hit from behind. It applies to any weapon in which the character has the skill. When used with a ranged weapon, the attack only does one extra point of damage but does not have to be from the rear.” (P. 39)

The bold part should say any melee weapon, so that it isn’t contradicted by the next sentence.

(Unless I’m missing something, and the intent is that it does 2 extra from behind even with a ranged weapon. In this case the last sentence needs to be clarified.)
The sentence you are referencing is addressing what weapons are valid to use with the Back Attack/Backstab skills, which for a given character is any weapon that character is trained to use, i.e. has the skill for. The following sentence is noting the different interaction with ranged weapons, but does not change what weapons the skills can be used with. Perhaps a more thorough wording would be:
“This skill allows a character to do an extra two points of damage to any foe they can hit from behind. It applies in this way to any melee weapon for which the character has the skill. It can also be used with a ranged weapon that the character has the skill for; when used in this way the attack only does one extra point of damage but does not have to be from the rear.” (P. 39)
Is there any chance we can get a fix for there being no such thing as an axe between 48 and 62 inches long? Either Polearms need to have a shorter minimum, or we need a Two Handed Axe that fills that range. Just a clarification that you can tag a 50" axe as a Two Handed Edged Weapon would be fine.


I brought that up during the last round of feedback, to no avail.
Is there a phys rep restriction that would prevent a 2H Axe from being built under the 2H Sword rules?

If not, then yeah, we can easily just convert 2H Sword to 2H Edge, allow 2H sword tags to be converted appropriately, and done.

Also, I’d probably clear a 2H Axe as a “2H Sword” for tag purposes; I mean, nobody’s objecting to us helping someone build a crossbow that would be an IG sling, after all.
I feel like this is a thing that needs to be made explicit in the rules, not covered by a weapon marshal's best guess.
Hiya folks! I wanted to make it clear that we are well past the point that we are making fixes that require Owner votes. Unless it is something that an Owner themselves brings up (like the Teacher removal), or is a critical fix that completely breaks something, we are not taking additional rules changes at this time. Alliance has lived with a gap in some specific weapon lengths for a long time; this is not a gamebreaking item for which we will take up another vote which will cause additional delay. 2.0 is finished, and we're trying to find any last typos or missed rules for the printed text.

If you feel this is something that 2.0 absolutely cannot go live without a fix, please reach out to your Owner and ask them to present a proposal.

-Bryan Gregory
I feel like this is a thing that needs to be made explicit in the rules, not covered by a weapon marshal's best guess.

While I don’t necessarily disagree with you, I’d remind you that 100% of weapon clearances are the result of a marshal’s best guess. ;)
If you look at cost, Long axe (25) is considered OHE as it is less than a long sword (30). That lower cost is due to it only having one striking surface. The same applies for the short versions. So a 2 handed Axe would be THE, especially if you wanted the 3 base dmg.
I absolutely agree it would be 2HE, skills wise and per the weapon chart.

However neither a generic 2HE tag nor a Two Handed Axe exist to be produced. Just Two Handed Sword. This seems like a simple typo, something left out of the list of production tags, not a major systems issue that requires Owner level rework.
Is it intentional that Cleanses cost 25 Production on the Alchemy chart, whereas they cost 20 on the Potion chart?
Pages 35 & 36
Is it intentional that Cleanses cost 25 Production on the Alchemy chart, whereas they cost 20 on the Potion chart?
Pages 35 & 36

Alchemy and traps are generally more expensive than the equivalent potions and scrolls, yes.
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