I was so drained from the weekend, and had such a crazy week, that I haven't had a chance to write this out... but finally getting that chance. Here are mine:
Tent camp! Having a fire, sharing foodstuffs, and generally getting to spend time among friends old and new. This was a great experience and lots of fun. As an item of note: Better prepare for cold nights. Friday night I slept terribly because I vastly overestimated the thermal conservation capabilities of my sleeping bag. I also had no idea how well the heater would perform, nor how fast it would consume fuel. I definitely learned a lot and should be MUCH more comfortable come May.
Being extremely conflicted about having celestial security measures placed on the tent. Decided this won't happen again, but I was grateful for it's presence. In the past I have had some very restless nights, waking up at the slightest noise... and after freezing my *** off Friday night, I may have enacted some real violence on the bugs who came chittering around saturday night.
Receiving the amazing gift from Dame Katherine on behalf of the Vigilant. I still have no idea how the tagging works for the item, but I am SO grateful for this crazy generous gesture! It definitely came in handy.
Speaking of the Vigilant... yaay! We managed to get things rolling. I fear I wasn't nearly as inspiring as I was hoping to be saturday morning (see "froze my *** off and didn't sleep", above) but I'm really grateful to have some amazing people as part of the organization. We got out there and modded for most of Saturday morning/afternoon in order to start building resources, and definitely did exactly that.
Special thanks to Amy for compiling that great booklet of info on the undead. Going to start working that into the IC book with illustrations, etc. Speaking of which... I need that made ASAP.
More thanks go out to Jessika for representing the group's interests and taking such an active role in getting things identified, ensuring everyone received an equitable split, etc.
BARBARIAN ENCOUNTER! Gathering all our kinsmen to fight off an ancient enemy, nearly dying (only to be saved with literally seconds to spare by a very generous and helpful Peat Moss), and getting to fight alongside an amazing NPC as portrayed by Jesse. This was probably the biggest highlight of my weekend. Thank you Jesse and NPCs!
As mentioned by everyone else... that Fae encounter! Such ambience, much lights, wow. I was really impressed with just how extensive that setup was. It looked absolutely breathtaking when I came around the bend and saw all the lights in the dark.
I'm sure I am forgetting some things, but I need to cut it off now. All in all, I will get better sleep next time, and will hopefully be able to perform the other half of what I'd planned for Vigilant night time activities. = )