First off, The REAL CASTLE was excellent! Attacking the main gates and breaching them with a “giant q-tip”. LOL! And then the later defense, boy did it feel like we were going to lose the keep at one or two points.
Extreme kudo's to the NPC's and our Chapter owner, without whom this event would not have happened! :shout:
Ok, the rest in no particular order:
1) Rping with Lady Eldandiril (did I spell that right?).
2) Hearing frightened PC screams as the great hall’s door snapped open, and out came the NPC's tossing Arcane Death.
3) During that fight hearing this sequence “Arcane” “Spell Shield”(double whap) “Death”, “Don’t worry your okay.”
4) “Arcane Charm” “TURN!”
5) When I made my announcement to the town, getting a priceless look from Ryan!
6) Rping with Gearfree and giving him the money to buy his first workshop, much to his surprise.
7) Having long conversations with Brother Eric Marsters, which were quite enlightening for Tazoulti.
8) Being at the front gate rushing to Brother Eric’s defense when he pops off the wall of force that turned the tide of battle!
9) Having Fern get upset with Tazoulti’s announcement, and him telling me for the first time, “You’re the most fair minded, balanced, and and…” that was truly epic!
10) Hengin’s minor panic thinking Tazoulti wasn’t coming back, and then his practically interrogating me about the reasons. Gave me something to smile about! :shades:
11) Zed’s hand (I believe it was him) searching around the doorway trying to retrieve me while downed from behind corrupt lines. I could almost hear him thinking “Dang it, there’s a large dwarf around here somewhere!”
12) When some corrupt broke the line amongst the new pc’s swinging 2’s and 3’s, Kendra & I stepping into the breach swinging 6’s & 15’s (at least that’s what I thought she was doing, what a awesome barbarian!), and forcing the NPC’s to retreat.
13) While charmed, getting goosed by a NPC, and I couldn’t help laughing while trying to say “hey, I’m on your side!”
14) Tarqaq’s eyes going wide while he was berserked & took a stab at me, my reply “Prepare to die!”, and (I assume) his relief as I finished, “Disarm weapon”.
15) Seeing a Dark elf touting an umbrella and nearly laughing, then seeing DJ in the dress and having to duck my head in order to keep my composure. Luckily for me, I was out of game disjuncted back @ my forge in hope’s reach making the locks, otherwise I might have started something that probably would’ve got me rezzed… :twisted:
16) Oh yes, I can’t forget seeing all the action on the upper parapets during the archery defense. That was just sweet! I wish I had a camcorder to record it.
17) “restarting refit”… “Restarting Refit again”… (angrily)“Kill that S.O.B. or defend us” (in grumbling tone) “Restarting refit One More Time!”
18) Making Dure'dhel cranky while discussing what the order stood for with Captain York.
19) Me while guarding a downed Brother Marsters, “Touch his pants and you’ll be out with the dogs!” Pc whom I said that to:“Just kidding, just kidding… Really?”
20) Gets out the clue by four and waves it, “DG - We must come back to this site!”
Extreme kudo's to the NPC's and our Chapter owner, without whom this event would not have happened! :shout:
Ok, the rest in no particular order:
1) Rping with Lady Eldandiril (did I spell that right?).
2) Hearing frightened PC screams as the great hall’s door snapped open, and out came the NPC's tossing Arcane Death.
3) During that fight hearing this sequence “Arcane” “Spell Shield”(double whap) “Death”, “Don’t worry your okay.”
4) “Arcane Charm” “TURN!”
5) When I made my announcement to the town, getting a priceless look from Ryan!
6) Rping with Gearfree and giving him the money to buy his first workshop, much to his surprise.
7) Having long conversations with Brother Eric Marsters, which were quite enlightening for Tazoulti.
8) Being at the front gate rushing to Brother Eric’s defense when he pops off the wall of force that turned the tide of battle!
9) Having Fern get upset with Tazoulti’s announcement, and him telling me for the first time, “You’re the most fair minded, balanced, and and…” that was truly epic!
10) Hengin’s minor panic thinking Tazoulti wasn’t coming back, and then his practically interrogating me about the reasons. Gave me something to smile about! :shades:
11) Zed’s hand (I believe it was him) searching around the doorway trying to retrieve me while downed from behind corrupt lines. I could almost hear him thinking “Dang it, there’s a large dwarf around here somewhere!”
12) When some corrupt broke the line amongst the new pc’s swinging 2’s and 3’s, Kendra & I stepping into the breach swinging 6’s & 15’s (at least that’s what I thought she was doing, what a awesome barbarian!), and forcing the NPC’s to retreat.
13) While charmed, getting goosed by a NPC, and I couldn’t help laughing while trying to say “hey, I’m on your side!”
14) Tarqaq’s eyes going wide while he was berserked & took a stab at me, my reply “Prepare to die!”, and (I assume) his relief as I finished, “Disarm weapon”.
15) Seeing a Dark elf touting an umbrella and nearly laughing, then seeing DJ in the dress and having to duck my head in order to keep my composure. Luckily for me, I was out of game disjuncted back @ my forge in hope’s reach making the locks, otherwise I might have started something that probably would’ve got me rezzed… :twisted:
16) Oh yes, I can’t forget seeing all the action on the upper parapets during the archery defense. That was just sweet! I wish I had a camcorder to record it.
17) “restarting refit”… “Restarting Refit again”… (angrily)“Kill that S.O.B. or defend us” (in grumbling tone) “Restarting refit One More Time!”
18) Making Dure'dhel cranky while discussing what the order stood for with Captain York.
19) Me while guarding a downed Brother Marsters, “Touch his pants and you’ll be out with the dogs!” Pc whom I said that to:“Just kidding, just kidding… Really?”
20) Gets out the clue by four and waves it, “DG - We must come back to this site!”