Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff

As a thank you for all of the assistance that we have shown them and their nation, the Freedom Coalition has provided a number of useful Magic Items, Ritual Scrolls, and components. These were delivered late in the evening at the last gathering, and those of us still awake at the time determined that holding an auction for these items between the gatherings would be best.

The terms of this auction will be as follows:
- Bids must be publicly posted here; I will not be taking private bids
- Bids must be in increments of at least 1 gold
- The auction will end at 11:59:59 PM on Wednesday, May 29th.
- However, if any bids are made on an item/scroll in the last 30 minutes, the auction will continue for that item/scroll for an additional 30 minutes past the original deadline, with additional bids during this time further extending the deadline. (For example: A bid is made on an item at 11:55 PM. The new deadline for bids on that item becomes 12:25 AM rather than 11:59 PM. Another bid is made at 12:10 AM, extending the deadline to 12:40 AM. No other bids are made by 12:40, then the person that bid at 12:10 is the winner).
- If you win something, your payment is expected to be present at the next gathering of the adventurers in Erabella (June 14th). If you are unable to attend, you may have another party pay for and collect your winnings in your stead. If you do not have another party pay for your winnings in your stead, your bid will be forfeit and the item will go to the second highest bidder.
- The final pool of coin from the auction will be divided among those present at the May gathering. A list of names was gathered earlier and will be posted once the auction is complete to confirm everyone is appropriately accounted for. If you are unable to attend the next gathering in June, another party can be given your share to be given to you at a later date.

I will do my best to keep the listing updated with the current bid, but it may be in your best interest to read through the bidding rather than relying on the listing in the event the listing is out of date.

If you have questions as to what a ritual does, I would recommend checking this helpful listing that will give you a bit more information.

Item #1 - A necklace of large, red and green beads
Effects: Magic Evocation (C), Explosive Demise (C)
Duration: 40 Days of Use
Tied closely to Evodia (LCO)
SOLD: 2 gold to Locke

Item #2 - Green glass bauble on a leather cord
Effects: 1/ever Elemental Manipulation (C), 2/day Counterspell (C)
Duration: 40 Days of Use
Tied closely to Evodia (LCO)
SOLD: 8 gold to Vaelin

Item #3 - Wooden wand with white clay handle
Effects: 1/day Channel Health (E), 1/day Retribution (E)
Duration: 40 Days of Use
Will easily Travel the Mists
SOLD: 7 gold to Locke

Item #4 - Braided necklace of golden chains
Effects: Jack of All Trades (C), 1/day Recharge Prowess (C)
Duration: 40 Days of Use
Will easily Travel the Mists
SOLD: 8 gold to Liam

Note for Items #5, #6, #7: These items are small crystals that contain magical enchantments within them that a Formalist can transfer onto a different item. Think of them as “pre-cast” rituals on a valid item type of your choice. Once the magic is transferred out of them onto the new target, it will stay in place and cannot be shifted to another item.

Item #5 - Small crystal (must be transferred to a WEAPON of any kind)
Effects: 1/day Memory Strike (C), Perfect Riposte (C)
Duration: 40 Days of Use
Will easily Travel the Mists
SOLD: 20 gold to Iganeous

Item #6 - Small crystal (must be transferred to a WEAPON of any kind)
Effects: 2/day Assassin’s Edge (E), 1/day Magic Imbuement (C)
Duration: 40 Days of Use
Will easily Travel the Mists
SOLD: 9 gold to Bruisey

Item #7 - Small crystal (must be transferred to a suit of ARMOR, see Flaw)
Effects: Armored Shell (E)
Duration: 40 Days of Use
Flaw: Can only be transferred to a suit of armor that is 30 Points or smaller
Will easily Travel the Mists
SOLD: 2 gold to Azeban



Poison Cache (G) - SOLD - 4 gold to Ragnarok
Poison Trigger (G) - SOLD - 6 gold to Ragnarok
Summon Extraplanar Creature (C) - SOLD - 3 gold to Kallith
Ritual of WOE (E) - SOLD - 6 gold to Kallith
Perfect Riposte (G) - SOLD - 3 gold to Cass
Trap Avoidance (G) - SOLD - 3 gold to Gandian
Heal Golem (C) - SOLD - 2 gold to Zen
Stalwart Shield (G) - SOLD - 11 gold to Kallith
Spirit Recall (E) - SOLD - 2 gold to Jamina
Strengthened Blow (G) - SOLD - 1 gold to Vaelin
Sorcerous Triage (E) - SOLD - 12 gold to Gandian


We also have a great number of Traveling components available. Another announcement regarding the purchase of these will be made separately at a soon but later date.

Let the bidding begin!

May your Words have Power and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Magus of Tempered Rage
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1 gold for Item #4
1 gold for Sorcerous Triage
1 gold for Trap Avoidance
1 gold for Poison Trigger
1 gold for Summon Extraplanar Creature

~ Gandian
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2 gold on sourcerous triage

2 gold on summon extra planner creature.

1 gold on Ritual of WOE
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To be completely transparent, there was also a ritual of Merchant's Insight but it was decided that it would be to everyone's benefit to cast it on the tavern. The ritual and the components to cast it were set aside in the town box and we will do our best to have it cast at the June gathering.

Also, 2 gold for the poison cache.

Zen Mallowbrooks
Wait wait I'm still at 1 gold thought you bid 1 Gandian so uped it sorry.


PS reading is still hard yes I'm at 2 gold on the summon extra planner and the sourcerous triage
4 gold each on #6 and sorcerous triage, 2 gold on #7
Five gold on item number four.

#5– 2g
Stalwart Shield - 2g
Item #2 - 1 Gold
Item #4 - ah never mind I can't match Liam's money, plus he could write a mean song about me.
Item #5 - 3 Gold
Summon Extraplanar creature - 3 gold
Heal Golem - 1 Gold
Stalwart Shield - 3 Gold
Sorcerous Triage - 5 Gold
Item #1 - 1 Gold
Item #2 - 2 Gold
Item #4 - 6 Gold
Item #5 - 4 Gold
Stalwart Shield - 4 Gold
Strengthened Blow - 1 Gold
8 gold on item 4!

#5 - 5g

I'll bid a gold on the spirit recall scroll

2 gold for the heal golem scroll and 1 gold for the perfect riposte.

Zen Mallowbrooks
6 gold for item #5

7 Gold for item #5
5 gold on the stalwart shield scroll

8 for #5

10 Gold for #5, because I like making big moves!