Berserk and Weapon Carriers

Sunnfire said:
Or having someone touch cast a reflect magic on you while you have a spellshield up. You can choose to accept the spell, and thus override your spellshield as you cannot have both.

This is actually confusing. Because I was talking with several people, I'm not sure if you were one of them Jesse. Maybe Chazz was one, and the consensus (and it can matter for mages duals) if you touch cast a reflect magic on yourself if you already had a spellshield would be that it would blow the spell shield and be gone. Or did the reflect just fail because you are not a valid target for a reflect magic when you have a spell shield up?

However in either case I didn't think you could just "over-ride" the spell shield, so now I am confused. :?
huh? you touch cast it... then all you have to do is accept it and the reflect becomes active and the spell shield goes away. that's how I've played it for years.

**edited because i am lame
Robb Graves said:
huh? you touch cast it... then all you have to do is accept it and the reflect becomes active and the magic armor goes away. that's how I've played it for years.

How is that...magic armor has nothing to do with a reflect...hehehe I know u meant spell shield or did u mean shield magic ;)
hahaha. yeah sorry, meant spell shield. meant shield magic too if we're talking about the old days (old days for me anyway)

-Robb (never got to cast Doom and is sad about it)
jpariury said:
I'm a bit confused on the carrier Life bit.

If you are not Dead, then Life is of no benefit to you. If you get hit with a Life spell, would you call "No effect" and appear to be immune to Life or "Taken", but have no appreciable effect? You're not Immune to Life, so I guess I'm kinda confused why you would call "No effect" if down to no armor, but being stricken by "<X> Life".

Similarly, if you have, oh, a Magic Armor active, and someone casts Magic Armor at you, would the appropriate call be "No effect", or "Taken"?

Yes you would call no effect if a life spell hit you while alive..

From the rule book
"This spell will not normally affect a living target or an undead creature, although it will remove a spell shield or reflect magic"