Alliance SoMI
Which NPC interaction was your favorite from the event. What made is special?
I enjoyed getting behind (fake) Joesph (green dragon, not merchant) only to watch shatter spirits weapon strikes and obliterate weapon strikes. Hesitated a moment before striking, of oh man this is going to hurt, still attacked though cause 13 would have. Made only better for Joesph got to taunt me, Naomi behind him shaking her head indicating for me not to attack, still attacked after goading.
Okay, so I would pick Ko but Travis knows he's awesome as him.
Special mention to Stephanie- she did a great job when I was torturing her. She rolled with the punches and I was impressed with how loud she can scream.
I want to vote for Lisa, however. When she played Fear she killed it. She put on this confident and intimidating show. For a first time NPC, I was impressed. She also was tortured and screamed her head off. It was great when she off the cuff gave a perfect In game answer for not knowing any tactical info.
Also, her dedication to each NPC I saw her play was wicked!
Absolutely Lisa as fear. I think most of town started off with a "whats so scary about this lady?" and hearing your maniacal giggles as "fear Joseph" was stomping us, I truly meant what I said, "Oh, yeah that'll do it. Town certainly feared him."
runner up to my main rockboy Monolith, its always fun discussing things with you Lou.