Best NPC Interaction (June 8-10)

The honeymooners. I cringed, Ilarion cringed, I think we all cringed, but damn was that the most hilarious non sequitur NPC appearance I've ever seen. :D
I enjoyed getting behind (fake) Joesph (green dragon, not merchant) only to watch shatter spirits weapon strikes and obliterate weapon strikes. Hesitated a moment before striking, of oh man this is going to hurt, still attacked though cause 13 would have. Made only better for Joesph got to taunt me, Naomi behind him shaking her head indicating for me not to attack, still attacked after goading.
I enjoyed getting behind (fake) Joesph (green dragon, not merchant) only to watch shatter spirits weapon strikes and obliterate weapon strikes. Hesitated a moment before striking, of oh man this is going to hurt, still attacked though cause 13 would have. Made only better for Joesph got to taunt me, Naomi behind him shaking her head indicating for me not to attack, still attacked after goading.

I'm totally glad you did. I think it really shows your commitment to roleplaying that you jumped at that. A lot of people ignored me because they knew I was "fake". Which is kind of boring. I'm glad you engaged. I also liked that you got a bit of foreshadowing about the of some of the scavengers. It's part of the reason I always go to Annette with stuff that seems obviously fake. She also engages with it so well.
I had two, first one was Grandpa and then when I was the last person stuck in the healers guild hut; just standing with my back to the right of the door making eye contact with Fear and standing shoulder to shoulder with her creation. Glad Mathis thought to ask if anyone else was in there.
Best interaction actually wasn't mine. It was Banradi and one of Travis's NPCs with Radi explaining that he rotated the Borderlands using the Obelisk so that it attached in a different way. The NPC's reaction was priceless. It's easy to get cavalier about really big stuff like that, and I got the impression that Travis was playing Someone Important, but even he was mostly speechless at Radi's explanation. As a table we IG marveled at the massive ego of adventurers and how careless they can become. Later there was a comment about how apparently a town on the border was leveled in the process, and we collectively were like "See?!"

(Love you, Ian.)
Look man. I had like 30 seconds to figure out where to place an entire ******* continent onto another continent while also calculating 4th dimensional vectors and political implications while doing so. That was hardly careless. Sometimes things have to be sacrificed for the greater good.

(Love you too JT :P )
Looking back at the event, I realized that I didn't end up talking or interacting with a lot of NPCs this event, but the interactions that I did have were fantastic. For me, I think it's a tie between either what JT mentioned above, or perhaps my discussions with Ko.
Okay, so I would pick Ko but Travis knows he's awesome as him.

Special mention to Stephanie- she did a great job when I was torturing her. She rolled with the punches and I was impressed with how loud she can scream.

I want to vote for Lisa, however. When she played Fear she killed it. She put on this confident and intimidating show. For a first time NPC, I was impressed. She also was tortured and screamed her head off. It was great when she off the cuff gave a perfect In game answer for not knowing any tactical info.

Also, her dedication to each NPC I saw her play was wicked!
Okay, so I would pick Ko but Travis knows he's awesome as him.

Special mention to Stephanie- she did a great job when I was torturing her. She rolled with the punches and I was impressed with how loud she can scream.

I want to vote for Lisa, however. When she played Fear she killed it. She put on this confident and intimidating show. For a first time NPC, I was impressed. She also was tortured and screamed her head off. It was great when she off the cuff gave a perfect In game answer for not knowing any tactical info.

Also, her dedication to each NPC I saw her play was wicked!

Thank you, TC! I had so much fun playing all the different characters - thank you to everyone for being patient with me while I'm getting used to all the rules... and apparently learning improvisational acting on the fly, haha :)

Stephanie and the other NPCs were excellent partners in crime for the weekend. I look forward to NPCing at the future events. Fear and Joseph were a great time!
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Absolutely Lisa as fear. I think most of town started off with a "whats so scary about this lady?" and hearing your maniacal giggles as "fear Joseph" was stomping us, I truly meant what I said, "Oh, yeah that'll do it. Town certainly feared him."
runner up to my main rockboy Monolith, its always fun discussing things with you Lou.
Absolutely Lisa as fear. I think most of town started off with a "whats so scary about this lady?" and hearing your maniacal giggles as "fear Joseph" was stomping us, I truly meant what I said, "Oh, yeah that'll do it. Town certainly feared him."
runner up to my main rockboy Monolith, its always fun discussing things with you Lou.

Wow sir. You have struck at me to my core.
I LOVE my interaction with Brooks as a Cobalt. He got behind the line so I confined him. He said he had secrets so I called Trog over. Trog proceeded to rip his limbs off and getting to witness the interaction with the two hadme in tears crying of laughter. Brooks singing to answer "where is this man" was hilarious while Trog tortured him "over the river and down the hill" he sang through sobs. Brooks and Stu impress me so much with their roll play. Trog finishing off the Cobalt after his arms were ripped off by stuffing the Cobalts ear into his mouth and saying "troll daddy says hello" while Brooks cried topped it off. It was such Amazing moment. I don't know how they didn't break character.
Fear and Joseph combo was powerful as hell.

Also I liked seeing Silverstar if only for a moment.

Extra shout out to Vigilance!
Also also - Grandpa was amazing!!!
We're really happy to see such great role-play experiences. One of our goals to be more than just a combat game and seeing the wide variety of great interactions our Players enjoyed lets us know were working toward that goal.