Best technique for keeping a Selunari gem stuck to the forehead?


Question's same as the title. I'm new to Alliance and to Larp in general, and just starting to build out my costume. What do ya'll swear by to keep a gem stuck in place all weekend?
I've only played one event as my Selunari, but the self adhesive small gems stayed on during all combats and actions, and I used plain spirit gum on the penny sized gem to the same (excellent) effect. May depend on your skin to / oiliness I suppose, but that's my two cents. :)
I found it useful to make a latex backing about two-three times the size of the gem(s). My experience is that a downward pointing triangle is the best re-contact points near the hairline and avoiding furrowed brows/raised eyebrow issues). It takes a little more work re: matching the skin color, but it gives you a much more reusable prosthetic.
I use prosaide as well, liquid latex and spirit gum do also work wonders though. One of my selunari brothers had a pretty bad allergic reaction to spirit gum so remember to always test your adhesive on the back of your hand for an hour or so to make sure you don't get a mark on your forhead!
Hey! I'm the one that @Ardos mentioned above! I tend to use large/heavy stones & a glowing prosthetic, and I've found that prosaide seems to work worlds better for larger things, at least for me. I'm also pretty aggressive with it too, and don't want to constantly worry about it falling off/reapplying.

I'm not normally allergic to spirit gum (or anything else, really), but it definitely reacted with the metal on the back of the gem I was using and gave me a pretty silly looking mark on my forehead for a few days. I can't stress testing enough! :D
I personally use spirit gum which usually lasts all day but I tend to re-aply at least once later in the day just in case. I used lash glue once but I feel that the stronger glues that are meant for prosthetics work better (I.e. spirit gum, pros-aide, liquid latex, etc.) but obviously lash glue might be a little more accessible for some people and it worked fine for me.

I've been doing special effects makeup for about 5 years so here are some helpful tricks for spirit gum:
  • Make sure your skin is clean and dry. I've noticed spirit gum really doesn't like oily surfaces so dirty, sweaty skin won't work. Wash the area(s) you intend to stick your gem to and make sure its dry and then it should hopefully stay longer and better.
  • Wait for it to get tacky. Spirit gum doesn't usually work as well if you place it immediately. Either you can give it a few seconds or tap it to speed it along. I tend to use my pinky or ring finger since they aren't used as much and any residual glue won't bother me as much as if it were on my thumb or index finger.
  • Thinner layers helps with the whole drying faster thing. You may want to just slather a bunch on but I promise it will just make things worse.
  • Apply both to the gem and a little bit (again, thin layers) on the area you plan to glue to. I learned this in a play where a lot of people had to wear fake beards and it seems that the glue likes to stick to itself.
  • Don't be afriad to reapply especially if you think its going to fall off. Its better to do that then lose your gem while adventuring. Like I said earlier, spirit gum doesnt like sweat and oils so it's likely it will want to come off at some point but my tips will hopefully help it last longer.
I'm no master but I hope this helps