check for it in the soda section of your local grocer
You can also get it from...

we don't have fancy here either....I live in a village of 4,000 people...well until last week i did heheheheheheh now i live in a booming metropolis of ....a little more??? we only have 600,000 in the whole state! YAY for country!! hahahahah
So did you move or did a bunch of other people?
heheheh well its not my magnetic personality. i moved to a city for my job.
Oh ok... I was just wondering which way it was...

Either one is neat...

thanks...had to downsize...that is very hard to do since Alliance requires much storage and craft we have to figure out where to put our kid when we can get him/her...
See, everyone has an Alliance closet or basement and devotes so much space to it! I have one Alliance drawer and a backpack that fits in the drawer with costumes and arrow/alchemy packets.
yeah..i'm high maintenance...i'm old...i'm allowed to be high maintenance...PLUS we run the tavern so we have stuff....and two sewing machines, my leatherwork, etc....
i thought it looked like a gas globe heheheheh and tzydl is an alchemist.
okay done playing with my avatars..hehehe
my husband dressed up as tzydl's husband ...Michel aka Rothsphere
ehhh i call every cute thing that i love weird little names...shmoopys wigglesworth and shmoozy woowoo and stuff...I'm a fruit...hehe