
Robb G

I just wanted to say thanks to all those who reccomended the SCA Boots. I just got them today and wow, they look and feel fantastic. I can't wait to try them out next weekend at HQ.
Robb Graves said:
sorry, thought it would be obvious

You thought wrong! :D

Now, if they made them in EEE mega-wide width I'd be in business. Or rather, they'd be in business. My business.

Or something.
Probably should be obvious.

But when you think of the obvious sites for say, the white house, or Dicks sporting goods, you will not find there what you originally sought.

So I usually ask.

Playing url roulette is fun, but not when it shows up in the server logs.

Don't go to the sites suggested above (unless thats your thing).

Especially not from work.
those are pretty i just could never wear a boot that tall!! i'd be standing in a puddle!! heheheheh from my feet sweating that is...jeepers didn't realize how wierd that sounded til i reread what i typed! :shock:
Sunnfire said:
Probably should be obvious.

But when you think of the obvious sites for say, the white house, or Dicks sporting goods, you will not find there what you originally sought.

So I usually ask.

Playing url roulette is fun, but not when it shows up in the server logs.

Don't go to the sites suggested above (unless thats your thing).

Especially not from work.

URLs are funny things. I found a pic online of a store ( I forget where) that was named Mole Station. Put those two words together to see what their url is. :eek:
heheheheh...that would get yanked from my computer and it would be a website i couldn't visit here at work...and since i don't have a computer at home....i will forever be without the Mole Station heheheheh
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
heheheheh...that would get yanked from my computer and it would be a website i couldn't visit here at work...and since i don't have a computer at home....i will forever be without the Mole Station heheheheh

They had the two words running together on the sign above their store as well! Unbelievable.
hey telokh mun where do you play your caracal? (sp?)
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
hey telokh mun where do you play your caracal? (sp?)

He's from NJ. There should be a few from his culture at the NJ events this year. Not all are Sarr though.
dern i wonder how far that is from us...prolly a good 12 hour drive...i'd love to see sarrs in action. i saw them ONCE for about 1 hour in a wave battle but there were no sarrs in caldaria where i NPCd last year...i just would love to see people being all felinesque
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
dern i wonder how far that is from us...prolly a good 12 hour drive...i'd love to see sarrs in action. i saw them ONCE for about 1 hour in a wave battle but there were no sarrs in caldaria where i NPCd last year...i just would love to see people being all felinesque

This year's NJ events will be at the HQ site (Faireplay).
oh yeah thats a 10 hour drive i think...yikes...
It was a 9 hour trip from York, PA to the old NH site. So I would say it would probably be more of a 6 or 7 hour trip for your to get to the Faire Play site.
the old NH site is 3 hours from my house...i live about 45 mins from canada heheheheheh but my husband istoying with the idea of heading to the annual event so we'll see!! i may get to see the caracal!
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
the old NH site is 3 hours from my house...i live about 45 mins from canada heheheheheh but my husband istoying with the idea of heading to the annual event so we'll see!! i may get to see the caracal!

Using Google Maps says that to go from Claremont, NH (old NH site) to Fairdale, PA (current HQ) takes approx. 5 1/2 hours. Due north of Claremont takes about 2 hours to get to Canada. If you are east and south of Claremont you'd be closer than the map time. If you make a 3 hour radius around Claremont, the only way it would even take you 8 1/2 hours is if you drove to Claremont first. So, end the suspense and tell us where you're driving from. :)
HOTTNESS!! I'm from Hyde Park, Vermont heheheeh but if its only 7 hours thats not bad at all!!!! i've driven further for much less exciting things!!! If I got out of work at like noon i'd be there by 8 p.m. latest!!!!!
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
HOTTNESS!! I'm from Hyde Park, Vermont heheheeh but if its only 7 hours thats not bad at all!!!! i've driven further for much less exciting things!!! If I got out of work at like noon i'd be there by 8 p.m. latest!!!!!

6 3/4 hours drive time using Hyde Park to Fairdale on Google maps. Logistics is still going strong at 8 pm so you'll see my bright, shining face on arrival!