Concering the Murder!!!

Accusing someone of a crime falsely in many lands carries the same penalty as the accused crime. So like Evie said, I would say that is qpretty serious.

Ket has elaborated that he misspoke in his haste, and perhaps there is no lasting harm done. Time will tell.

Certainly the murderer needs to be caught and brought to justice, but that does not mean that one should go about casting aspirations on others. That goes for this Eagle Eye as well. Anyone with evidence of any sort should be bringing it to the authorities, not bandying about in peoples thoughts with vague statements and threats.
That actually makes it more difficult to conduct investigations, as people then end up thinking they know something when in fact they just heard someone whisper a rumor in a bar.

When the murderer is caught I would be happy to assist in his prosecution. My offer of services was in fact genuine, to any who feel they need them. I often find the adventuring sort in need of said services frequently, or in entire groups, hence the offer of discounts to repeated clients. Would a smith not offer a discount to someone who buys armor from them regularly? So I find your insinuation that I have some need to chase wagonloads of injured people both rude and completely uncalled for. High Orcs seem to use that discount the most, silly green bastards, always getting themselves in trouble, but how can you help but love those guys.

As for the mild humor in my thoughts, how can you not find something at least a little amusing about an unknown person or entity making vague statements as to the guilt of well known and established heroes that then leads to a public statement of guilt by someone with no evidence. To many the absurd is amusing, clearly you are not one of them.

I applaud your summation of this unusual and interesting string of dreams Anyon. It seems like you have a solid head on your shoulders so to speak. What lands do you travel in? I have not had the pleasure to meet you before but perhaps we will one day if you visit Fairdale to serve as a Barrister. Hopefully I will not be in need of your services myself but if I have a grievance that I need settled I will keep you in mind.

May the stars shine on your paths,
-Mage Eldarion Avari

I do not believe that I have ever met you. I welcome your services, as a long time ago I too called myself a Barrister. I did not choose that profession based upon a desire for wealth. Most often the accused had no coin. I believe very strongly that the accused must be represented by one who has knowledge of the law and a tongue that will not enrage the Magistrate. This I feel is in interest of seeing that justice is indeed meeted out against the guilty and not the uneducated.

Unfortuantely the Magistrate does not always allow the accused the priviledge of a Barrister. I do not know why this is, only that it is.

I hope that you have a working knowledge of Icenian law, as no other knowledge will help those accused. I very much look forward to meeting you. Perhaps you would allow me to purchase you a drink, after the trial and we could discuss the finer aspects of the law of Icenia and of other lands to which you have traveled.

-Squire Sergeant Ignatious Skippio Vex
Amaranthus Landcharmer

I suggest you shut your "Earth Damn" mouth. Your existence has never and will never be a reason why a citizen cannot accuse another of a crime, if they believe they are guilty. I do not care who you know or consider honorable. It has no bearing on this investigation.

Past deeds do not excuse or make impossible murder. You as a Biata Councilman should be more concerned that a Biata sleeping outside the "safety" of a ward was murdered. Perhaps you should make use of your time in making sure that this does not occur again, instead of wasting ours with inane prattle.

If I discover that you have tried to manipulate Jarrin in any way while you are both in the Deadlands; you will find yourself in the stockades when you return to Fairedale. This I promise you. Tamper with my investigation in any way and I swear to you that you will answer for it. Save your words for the trial, if you find yourself called as a character witness to defend the accused. You cannot possibly offer more as you were not present in Fairedale on the night of the despicable crime.

-Squire Sergeant Ignatious Skippio Vex
I am rather disturbed that two of my friends stand so accused by one who appears to have come out of no where. However, I have no doubt that they will stand before justice if and when they are called to do so. I trust those doing the investigation to be thorough and fair. I also know that justice will be unbiased, swift, and appropriate if you are the one to carry it out, Squire Ignatious. While I was not present for the crime if I may be of any help due to my relation to Andros and Darkan, I am at your service.

Honor and Duty,
-Gwendara Alanik
Seneschal of the Stormblades
If you think this incident dosen't bother me you are GREATLY mistaken. Unfortunatly circumstances do not alow for me to attend as many gathers as I would like, or I would have been there and delt with my private buisness with Jarrin by now, which incedently isn't about his murder, tho I would like to hear from him the full mesure of what happened. I also have aquiered an Icenian Warder Glyph Scroll, which I make avalable to all Biata for the purpose of Spellcrafting, so they might obtain a measure of comfort in the night, but I have never been one to persue coin, so I do not have componants to offer. I just need to get back to town so the scroll can be placed in the charge of those present more offen then I.

I take this with the utmost seriousness. I also do not sleep behind wards, as most of our people do not, and am greatly concerned by this. I was equaly concerned to hear two of my friends accused of the henous act in open fourm, and to hear thier family (the Stormblades) slandered so. We are all the sum of our deeds, so I weigh a man's past actions as the mesure of his character, and I would like to think that Andros and Darken have prooven themselves as honorable men. Do I belive they are "beyond reproch"?, of course not, no one is. I do however belive that those who have sacrificed to keep this Kingdom safe should not have to listen to baseless acusations and have thier names draged through the mud.

If you realy belive that I would hinder your investigation, or do anything other then try to help Jarrin bring his killer to justice, then you obviously know nothing about me. I am here to serve our people, same as you. I do not wish to fight with you Squire, but it is insulting that you apperently think so low of me. If that's your opinion of me then I will do what I can to proove you wrong. I wish I could be present for gathers more, but I can't, so I must do what I can "behind the sceenes" as it were. In Nov, I may be able to make the final gather of the season before the snows make travel much more difficult, and that gather is in the in Deadlands of Larethan, so there I will go. If it were in Fairdale I would go there, alas it is not (as much as I would prefer that).

In time we will learn the truth of this matter, and those responsible will be put to the sword, as it is writen in Icenian law, and as it should be. I am certain that the baseless acusations against my friends are just that. And if someone wants to slander those I call friends, I will most certainly let them know where I stand. Fortunatly speeking my mind to a common citicen is not a crime, Squire.

In Service,
Amaranthus Landcharmer
youthculture said:
Slander is a separate incident than murder! Accusing or slandering someone of the act of murder is preeetty serious stuff. Lemme tell you.

And no. We chase fish and.. whales and stuff.


Slander is not illegal. If you are upset that someone has slandered you, you may challenge them to a duel as long as the law is followed regarding duels.

As to this "Eagle Eye" character, please excuse me if I am mistrustful of someone who says things anonymously and does not report crimes to the proper authority. It appears he or she may be trying to blackmail someone.

Sir Eros
The Fairdale Mages Guild also has in it's possession a Warder Glyph scroll that can be used for spell crafting. We understand if the Biata and Vansir of Fairdale do not wish for us to do the actual casting, but the Scroll can be rented for spellcrafting and we usually have a stock of components for sale as well.

Wizard Nathan Westwind,
Guildmaster, Fairdale Mages' Guild
Elemental Warden of Icenia
We have yet to arrange payment for the amulets, might I talk to you about arranging a trade? Componants for Biata seeking Warder Glyphs for more metalworking and etching? I'll send you a letter as soon as I find a curior.

Much has changed in the past year. The Guild will pay for the pieces you sent , but we have another Smith to handle our full order. Thank you for your time.

Wizard Nathan Westwind,
Guildmaster, Fairdale Mages' Guild
Elemental Warden of Icenia
Fearless Leader said:
Slander is not illegal. If you are upset that someone has slandered you, you may challenge them to a duel as long as the law is followed regarding duels.

As to this "Eagle Eye" character, please excuse me if I am mistrustful of someone who says things anonymously and does not report crimes to the proper authority. It appears he or she may be trying to blackmail someone.

Sir Eros

I take slander of my fellow Stormblades as slander against myself. When the investigation and trials are complete, and if Darkan and Andros's names are cleared by the legal system, I will be seeking repercussions for such slander. Thank you for clarifying the laws concerning slander, Sir Eros.

Honor and Duty,
-Gwendara Alanik
Seneschal of the Stormblades
Fearless Leader said:
Slander is not illegal. If you are upset that someone has slandered you, you may challenge them to a duel as long as the law is followed regarding duels.

As to this "Eagle Eye" character, please excuse me if I am mistrustful of someone who says things anonymously and does not report crimes to the proper authority. It appears he or she may be trying to blackmail someone.

Sir Eros

I didn't say it was illegal, Mister Sir Magistrate, but I did say it's serious stuff. For any person involved with adventurers -- whether as a house, a venture, or what-have-you -- slander tarnishes reputation whether it's true or not. If people hear a group or an individual did something, even if it's not proven, they tuck it into the back of their minds and it surfaces whenever they interact with you. They may not choose to do business with you because of it, or go on some mission, or share information. So if slander is weighed against you -- even if it's not true at all -- it still holds pretty serious effects. That's why it is illegal in many of the lands I travel to, even if Icenia isn't one of them. After all, "slander" and "lies" aren't too far apart from each other.

Similarly, it gives the person who levied the slander a knock to their reputation as a public instigator. So it's poor form all around -- for those accused of slander and those being slandered -- and doesn't accomplish anything but public humiliation for all parties involved.

- Evie Poldo-Naiobi
So some stranger claims to have seen everything.... and then some how privately influences other people and suggestions to make public accusations. IE, KET whom I know for a fact is of good nature and would never act with haste fullness or malicious actions. Though he made public accusations against great people and even great friends of mine. I think if he came forward and apologized I could look past it, I suggest you all do as well....

As for Eagle eyes, Again another stranger come and gone, a whisper in the night. So many time citizens let down their guards and allow strangers and would be friends pass and influence us. And in this case specifically, are we that naive, perhaps Eagle Eye himself could of been the very killer... Do not be so narrow minded people. I dismiss all things and conversation spoken with Eagle Eye here publicly and privately. I find no creditability to himself or them selfs or what ever the f^ck he referred to when he claimed to be "many", which see "everything".

I will only offer this, As an Adventurer like most of you. With no longer carrying title or with out Noble ranking. I offer my services to anyone who may know something on this matter. Consider myself a private investigator on the matter. There has been talk of not trusting nobility, there has been talk that if your not in the "in crowd" or of high standings in some way, that you do not get treated with fairness. That a punishment unto you is more severe... Well in this case allow me to be your voice, allow me to be your back and carry the load. Those who may know something on this matter, but have yet to come forth do to fear of repercussion, or fear that you are to insignificant, or fear the nobility and law system. Come to me instead, as my equal. I shall do all in my power to keep your identity confidential, but if nothing else protect you should your physical testimony be required.

Maybe inztead of being offended zat zome vone zinkz zat vone ov your friendz iz involved you zhould be more upzet zat vone ov your people 'az been murdered. You are putting friendzhip above you're duty to your people. And yez I underztand vat you muzt be zinking. I do not know much ov your people I do not know ov your vayz. Vell I vill tell you zat any vone in a pozition ov power or rezponzibility 'az been appointed by zeir people. And in zaying zat it meanz zat ze firzt proity zhould be zeir people not zeir friendz. But you vere not zinging ov your people ven you firzt dremt. No. You vere more upzet at ze fact zat your friendz vere being called murderz. Tell me pleaze iv I am vrong. For I zink iv you go back and rezink vat you did upon firzt hearing zez dreamz you vill zee I am correct. Zink hard Amaranzuz. I am not tring to upzet you. Juzt point zomzing out to you zat more zen vone perzon 'az notizt.

Lanna Rose
Do people not remember what adventurers do for a living? Adventurers are murdered -all- the time!

On the battlefield, off the battlefield...this world is far less safe than one would be inclined to think. This has gone on for decades, long before you came to Fairdale, and long after you leave it by old age, retirement, or permantly dead body.

The incessant whining however and fingered accusations is rather loud and annoying, and can disturb even my sleep after a long while.

If you have something of importance to say, say it to the Sheriff or Squire Sargeant Ignatius. Otherwise, stop your idle prattle and save your breath for those who are around you when you are awake.

Universally, unless one has proof of an accord, or a time or place, no one has any evidence, which is what will bring the real murderer to justice. The rest is nothing more than hear-say, and dredging up the dreams of those of us who have more important things to do - like protect the commoners around us with sharp minds, brought around only by quiet dreamings, or of dreams that are of important information. Not constantly circling around a topic that has grown long dead by this point. Besides, if the killer dreams, I am sure he or she is far, far from Fairdale by now if they have heard all of your talking.

You would've been better to approach the Sheriff, the Squire Sargeant, or Sir Eros privately, so that the murderer would've stayed in Fairdale, and were available to be caught.

-Aislynn Ravenshire

Do not presume to know my thoughts or where my concerns lay. Do not presume to know who I care "more" about. I know very well my responsibilites to my people, and I do not need or desire the voice of an impulsive Gypsy telling me where I should be concerned. I voiced my mind on what I thought was an accusation to allies of mine. Turns out it was a miscomunication. It is done, and I have spoken with Ket and we are both hoping the true killer can be found. No where did I sugest I am not deeply disturbed by this, or that I think defending my friends was somehow more important. I want Jarrin's killer caught, tried and executed as much as Jarrin must want it himself, but what would you have me do at this moment Lana? Would making accusations with no merit and oaths of vengence make you feel like I am better doing a job you know nothing about? Would calling out into the night at the unknown assailant with threats and insults somehow make me a better leader, or better show my concern?

Again, I have every intention of doing what I can to assist, and to prevent something like this from happening again. I take it with the utmost seriousness, and I take my duty to my people even more so. Do not presume to know what I am thinking, or how I am working, for there is much you do not and will not know. If you have anything else to add, I'll gladly hear it, in person, in the Deadlands.
Amaranthus Landcharmer
"If you have something of importance to say, say it to the Sheriff or Squire Sargeant Ignatius"

Or you can still come to me. I am pleased and satisfied of the number of you that have contacted me privately on this matter. I feel honored you but your faith in me to aid through such troubled times. I encourage those who have not come forward to do so, As I have quite the pile of verbal statements, and substantial evidence.

I am however shocked and troubled on the amount of people who do not feel comfortable, safe, or just plain displeased with thoughts of taking your statements and evidence to the nobles.

Sgt. Ignatius I would like to speak with you soon, as a voice for a few who have asked me to do so.

dreadpiratebill said:

Do not presume to know my thoughts or where my concerns lay. Do not presume to know who I care "more" about. I know very well my responsibilites to my people, and I do not need or desire the voice of an impulsive Gypsy telling me where I should be concerned. .......

Again, I have every intention of doing what I can to assist, and to prevent something like this from happening again. I take it with the utmost seriousness, and I take my duty to my people even more so. Do not presume to know what I am thinking, or how I am working, for there is much you do not and will not know. If you have anything else to add, I'll gladly hear it, in person, in the Deadlands.
Amaranthus Landcharmer

Easy Amar... Zat is my little sister you are talking to. I know of your position, and I understand 'ow hard it must be for you to 'ave to deal wis your friends being accused and not being able to do anysing immidiat. But it was still harsh to call 'er an "impulsive Gypsy". Zat hurts not just 'er eiser. If you 'ave been talking to Ket, and all is vell, sen disregared the angered statments of one 'oos lover vas just killed.

I agree vith Asling, and Ithica. No more of sis idle arguing and chatter. Write letters vere every vord is not on the vind for any open ear to hear. Iif zee information iis important, take it to za Squire or Ithica... not 'ere.
Zen I vill zee you zere Amaranzuz. Az I said before I zaid not zoz zingz to anger you.
Az for ze inzult... Try to remember zat ve are not 'gypzie' ve are Romani. Iv you can learn to do zat, I zink I can learn to keep my opinionz to myzelf. Zank you.
Zafe travelz.

Lanna Rose