Costuming help?

I'd pretty much be dressing the way the first character looks in my sig. Mostly dark clothes, long devil's tail, hood, vest, boots, gloves, ect. What's a good body paint to use? My Tiefling is dark skinned and I'm Caucasion. As an aside I hope no one would get upset at a white person painting themselves very dark or black. Has anyone had that problem come up? I think once they figured out it was for a fantasy costume they wouldn't mind so much.

I was also going to ask if there are other decent colors I should use for clothing because if my skin is black and my clothes are black too then it might be hard to see detail or to me it just seems not very creative. It would also be pretty hot:-p
TieflingRogue said:
I'd pretty much be dressing the way the first character looks in my sig. Mostly dark clothes, long devil's tail, hood, vest, boots, gloves, ect. What's a good body paint to use? My Tiefling is dark skinned and I'm Caucasion. As an aside I hope no one would get upset at a white person painting themselves very dark or black. Has anyone had that problem come up? I think once they figured out it was for a fantasy costume they wouldn't mind so much.

I was also going to ask if there are other decent colors I should use for clothing because if my skin is black and my clothes are black too then it might be hard to see detail or to me it just seems not very creative. It would also be pretty hot:-p

Heh, no, there's no trouble with the black makeup - there is a whole race called the Drae which are basically Drow elves.

I would be careful about putting too much black into your costume - only because so many other people do it that it really doesn't stand out. Reds are good to add with black though as well as some deep blues. Using the character creator you have with your sig can actually help you choose color schemes that work well.

There are two types of makeup - creme based and water based. Creme based tends to stay on longer without needs for retouching however it remains wet and will smear easily. Water based is drier but sweating and such will cause it to run/smear easier. I personally use a brand called Kryolan - which is a water based product. If applied thin enough, I don't have an issue with flaking and it tends to stay on very well. Mehron is a creme based that most Drae swear by.
Yeah the Drae sounded interesting but don't sound like the stereotypical evil dark skinned drow. All these ideas for how to create things are pretty useful. I was thinking of using a water noodle for the foam part of my tail. Those are cheap and easily found for the most part. The wire so it's poseable I'm not sure on. I'm looking to save as much cash as I can. Course my real problem is not actually having a game to wear it to but still, it DOES make for an awesome Halloween costume and as a gamer I've wanted to try dressing up as one of my D&D characters quite a few times before.

As an aside I found an old boffer staff I made and I'm going to take it apart and see what I made it out of. I know I didn't use pvp pipe for it but some kind of thin wood, it was light and still durable. I say that because it would be nice to have a boffer weapon as part of the costume as well. I'm sure you dudes also are pro's with the boffer weapon making? ;-) I googled "tiefling" and got demonic humanoids. Are you RPing this as a Mystic Wood Elf or some sort of scavenger or what? I've never seen a MWE with a tail which is why I ask. What's your home chapter?

I just ask because I'm curious, not to detract.
He's not playing.

He's too far away.

Don't go into it.

He'll lose his grip on the handle.
I already stated in my first post that I do not play in any Alliance LARP. I'm just a guy who wants a tiefling costume. That's all. I may try doing my own LARP in which I would allow Tieflings and other such races but it would be a play for free game not attached to any other games and more than likely I would make my own system.
I might play though. Have to decide which type of animal person I'd look best as. ;)
Oooh! Be a sheep! Sheeps are the best! And you're too young to know about Lauroc, so no one can give you flak about it! :D
Is that what the cute gamer girls like these days? Hmm I dunno... :P I'm more of a wolf than a sheep. I'm sure I could make a decent wolf.
Naw, we have too many wolves. Or read the thread about dinosaur scavvies. I'd like to see something like that. Would be pretty rad to see some extinct scavvies running amok.
I'm still willing to bet I'd make a decent wolf or black cat. I also considered a snake person.
TieflingRogue said:
I'm still willing to bet I'd make a decent wolf or black cat. I also considered a snake person.

We have a great Snake-guy over here on the East coast. He made his own mask out of leather. It looks phenomenal. Anybody have a pic of Kainen?
Nothing wrong with a good ole wolf scavie. :) I do not think there are too many.

IMO- I think Marcena beleives 1 wolf scavie is too many.
I have the sneaking suspicion that this isnt for an Alliance game. Heck, if he wants to be a teifling for fun some after noon, let him!

Please, please please please dont use wood for your weapon core if you plan to use it in combat. Its heavy, it can get whippy, and when it does break (and it will), its just stupidly dangerous. Fiberglass kitespar is the core material of choice as its light and pretty damm strong. I dont think I have ever heard of a .505" fiberglass core breaking.

Back to horns. If my Planescape memory serves me correct about Teiflings, my guess is your looking for something like the Zephyr? Honestly if you have some creativity on ya, you can make some fairly good stuff out of craft clay, like sculpty. Just be carefull with drilling the holes for the headband.
I was probably going to use bamboo of some kind. That's what my boffer staff is made of and it's not heavy at all and seems to be fairly sturdy. My Tiefling costume would look pretty much just like the guy in my sig, the first one. IF I play in Alliance I would either be a Wolf, Snake, Cat or Rat Scavenger.
TieflingRogue said:
IF I play in Alliance I would either be a Wolf, Snake, Cat or Rat Scavenger.

Cats are their own race, called Sarr. Their advantages and disadvantages are different from Scavengers.
Lugo said:
I have the sneaking suspicion that this isnt for an Alliance game. Heck, if he wants to be a teifling for fun some after noon, let him!

Please, please please please dont use wood for your weapon core if you plan to use it in combat. Its heavy, it can get whippy, and when it does break (and it will), its just stupidly dangerous. Fiberglass kitespar is the core material of choice as its light and pretty damm strong. I dont think I have ever heard of a .505" fiberglass core breaking.

Back to horns. If my Planescape memory serves me correct about Teiflings, my guess is your looking for something like the Zephyr? Honestly if you have some creativity on ya, you can make some fairly good stuff out of craft clay, like sculpty. Just be carefull with drilling the holes for the headband.

Yes, it is NOT for an Alliance game at all. It's for fun first and a LARP second if I can find one where I could wear my costume. As far as the horns I'm more going for classic devil horns on the forehead. Though I liked the Malice Horns as well. Just look at my sig tiefling and then imagine it as a costume. That's all I'm doing.