Costuming help?

Your sheltered aren't you? :P You DON'T. You would resolve conflict the way the world of darkness LARPs do. Via Rock, Paper, Scissors or with playing cards the way Requiem does. In Vampire the Requiem LARP you get 10 cards numbering from 1-10 and so does your opponent. You each draw a card from the other persons hand and the person then adds up any applicable modifiers like skill, stats, gear and the highest score wins. Easy. No retests either. That's probably how I'd do my own game. Or I'd use the Cinematic Unisystem rules in Buffy/Angel RPG. They work well for a LARP conversion and combat is fast and fun. *I* don't really have a problem with boffers but as I said my group would.
sheltered is a improper term as I do believe most of us were picturing SCA based combat, by the contrary what you suggest is... well old school
Telokh_Amdo said:
Dreamingfurther said:
In fact if you ever meet my Dark Elf I am quite friendly. ;)

Acting friendly is all just part of your evil plan. You'll suck everyone in with manners, decorum and polite behavior. Then, only then, will you unleash you plan for world domination. We're onto Eldarion. Don't think us fools. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

(Was that a bit over the top? ;) )

Dam you noticed! :D PS. Mike you are always over the top with your RP and RP conclusions. ;)
Tetsu said:
Don't get all upset, but I skimmed over this and saw a few things, and I have to say; if you are willing to drive to SF for a convention because it's more worthy of your time, trust me, Alliance LARP is just as worth the trip. I'm just sayin, don't get mad please, I'll be quiet now.

Alliance LARP: Where you're 85% more likely to survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

Additionally, Dwarves and Orcs are the best.

Nope. The Three S's. Sarr, Stone Elves and Scavengers FTW!
Melleth said:
sheltered is a improper term as I do believe most of us were picturing SCA based combat, by the contrary what you suggest is... well old school

Actually it is not. Boffer is the old school. The cards is a new thing. Nor does "old school" or "new school" make anything somehow better.
Marcena said:
So it's just like table-top?

In a way but no dice are used. That's probably how I would do it. The cards would simulate the 10 sided dice used in World of Darkness table-top or in Unisystem, which is the other system I'm considering.
Ill admit it, you just hit another layer in the geek superiority chart. Most of us (as boffer fighters) feel that the WoD style combat system is just...meh? Im sure its much the same as the SCA heavy fighters feel about us.
I tried it, and I couldent just stand around and not move. Hell, my tabletop games have to an extent suffered the same problem, I wanna hit things with stuff.
It's more that people cannot get it that the people I would try to play with have no interest in boffer fighting. I would gladly smack elitists upside the face all day if I could. ;) I do not find any one style entirely superior to the other. I DO however find less cops bothering me about what I'm doing is a plus since I wouldn't have a boffer weapon and our game would be on UC Davis Campus at night. It's mostly the other players not wanting to have boffer fights though. I probably will just use Unisystem and a deck of cards. I have no problem personally with boffers. I have done it and had fun. I just have lots of friends with the opposite ideas that boffer larps are nerdy, ect, the whole "Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt!" video. I ALSO have freinds who only tabletop and think any and all LARPers are weirdo's and too into their PCs, ect. It's all terribly frustrating.

This discussion has gone way off track of costumes and even races. Is there a way to make a seperate topic link or something for all the stuff about my custom LARP ideas?
nope. we would just go to that topic and fill it with all this nonsense anyway. we are larpers. we are (gasp) boffer larpers. we preffer it. we find it (gasp) superior. otherwise, we'd be playing in parks dressed as tieflings with a deck of cards and not having nearly as much fun as we do when we play Alliance.
Some people (gasp) don't boffer LARP. (gasp) Not everyone finds it superior and (gasp) they have that right. :roll: Not to mention stop being so butthurt that my friends don't like it. I never said anything was wrong with it, or that it was inferior, only that they (my LARPer friends)don't like it. It's also not about if YOU or the other people here would have fun, it's about if my friends would. To reiterate, I don't doubt you have more fun boffer fighting and I myself find it fun. However, I was speaking about my friends and their likes and dislikes and they would not like it. That is fine and should be fine to you. Their likes and dislikes do not hurt you or Alliance LARP. Unless you have some strange physical condition in which you feel pain anytime you think someone doesn't like boffer fighting, in which case you have my condolences.
Sweet. We've entered the stage of the conversation where everyone tries to be internet badasses. Hold on, lemme break out my Useless Nerd Reference #1928329038234.

Seriously, though, let's stop taking this stuff so seriously. It's a game.
Don't anybody post anything.

I need to go get popcorn.
Naw Justin, I got ya. *passes full tub* I keep it at my desk.

Seriously, they are both games.. I play both... they can both be fun... .they both also have flaws... lets agree to disagree?
the first difference being, i am not going to non-boffer larp game's message board and posting about how i want to be a Tiefling and how thier game sucks because it won't let me. I don't start threads about costuming, and then get pissy when they go off on tangents like this is the first time this has ever happened on the internet before.

the second difference being, those on this board that have played both styles of larp have an educated oppinon. they can accurately compare the two styles. they have played alliance, and can rate where on the scale of larping enjoyment it may fall.

this guy, who is never going to play alliance... because we don't allow religion... and it's too far away... and it uses boffers... is by the definition of the word... ignorant
Personally, I hate boffer larps and I think that anyone who likes them is a loser.


Thanks, Paul!

Does this popcorn come with the specuial crazy sauce that makes someone want to own a chapter?

Oh, and I agree with Gary.
*shifty eyes*

I have... no... idea what your reffering to Justin.
Marcena said:
But best of luck with the costuming. For the tail, if you're a boffer-LARPer, like us, I am thinking about using a minimum-length pole-arm attached to my back. Not sticking out or anything, just kinda tucked up so it's not dragging on the ground so I could use my tail as a weapon IG. Maybe you can do the same except make one more like a spear?

Just remember, if it's attached to you like that, you're not using it as a weapon. Two hands on the hand grip, or taking all the damage you block with it. :mrgreen:

Lugo said:
Ill admit it, you just hit another layer in the geek superiority chart. Most of us (as boffer fighters) feel that the WoD style combat system is just...meh? Im sure its much the same as the SCA heavy fighters feel about us.
I tried it, and I couldent just stand around and not move. Hell, my tabletop games have to an extent suffered the same problem, I wanna hit things with stuff.

That was my problem back when I played WoD games. Combat resolution is intentionally bad in the Mind's Eye Theatre series of games to encourage players -not- to use it. What would be a fifteen-second fight for us is half the night in a Werewolf game. Talk about boredom.
If you come to Alliance larp, you don't necessarily ever need to swing pipe. You can roleplay in the tavern etc., as a page (non-combative player). You can spend exp/bp on crafting skills and be like, a straight up merchant. I'm just saying if you have a passion for top notch rp and cool social interaction, you can still attend an Alliance game and never lay a finger on a boffer weapon.

The cops generally aren't an issue at site...well...last Caldaria event was a special circumstance. We shall never speak of it again. Episode of Surviorman gone wrong, that's all I'll say on that.

As for your costuming for a Tiefling, you probably want to avoid lingerie devil mistress costumes. Simply for the fact that is what those are. You can make some neat horns out of clay and spirit gum/liquid latex them to your head. Maybe use scarecrow teeth or custom caps for an evil intimidating looking grill. Platinum caps are optional and dependant upon how 'gangsta' a demon you wish to portray. You could use facial putty to rep any sort of petrusions, gashes, or otherwise nasty details on your face. Then coat it all up with some slick mehron makeup, I've had a lot of luck with that brand.

Maybe some neat demonic gloves? Or some black ones with your own creative paint design, with banjo picks or pointy finger ring thingies.

As far as clothing you or anyone you know have some sewing skill? I guess the style is up to you, I don't know what those types of clothes these guys keep in their closets.

A tail hmm, well, you could always go to the local fair, win a big *** stuffed cat for your girl (or guy) and rip its' *** asunder for your costumial gain. Yeah I said costumial, I made it up, what?! You could, at the same fair, go to the stabby toy vendor, and probably find a leather wip...put a dull arrow head on the end...that would look pretty effing badass...

So I hope that was helpful, both on and off topic. I hope you reconsider trying out our game one day. It truly is a lot of fun, boffers or not. It's good excercise to boot. So if you ever find tossing cards at each other is beginning to get stale, or if you ever just need to lose yourself for a weekend...try us on for size.

We fit everybody. We are made of stretchy rubber and other form fitting goodness. Mmmmm.
