Costuming help?

I do my entire face black every time I PC for my Dark Elf. Paradise cake is amazing...

Joy I might actually want to ask you if I could borrow/use some of your barrier spray at the next CH weekend. I haven't tried it yet, although part of the reason for that is I've been pretty happy with how well my makeup stays on anyways.
Seriously, you have to try it. Back when Shin was black leopard Sarr rather than a fox, it made all the difference between smudges on -everything- and being able to fight in the rain while wearing an annoyingly bright red shirt without smudging it like crazy.
Ren Suzume said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
Nope. The Three S's. Sarr, Stone Elves and Scavengers FTW!
I interrupt your scheduled internet flame war to lament the fact that Engler beat me to the shameless Stone Elf plug on this thread. You may now return to your keyboard cannons and continue firing. *ducks*

Amelia has two of the three. All she needs now is a Sarr for the complete set. :ugeek:
Dreamingfurther said:
I do my entire face black every time I PC for my Dark Elf. Paradise cake is amazing...

Joy I might actually want to ask you if I could borrow/use some of your barrier spray at the next CH weekend. I haven't tried it yet, although part of the reason for that is I've been pretty happy with how well my makeup stays on anyways.

I'll pick up an extra bottle...I can't remember exactly how much they cost, I think it's between $5 and $8, so if you want me to pick you some up, too easy.
TieflingRogue said:
That is very helpful advice on the costume. I'll have to write a lot of it down or print some of the advice out. The horns were actually going to be smaller, classic style devil horns but making the bigger, sweeping horns would be pretty cool too. Are most of those supplies going to cost me a bit of cash? I'm relatively poor.

As far as the horn prosthetics.. You might want to check online. There are a couple prosthetic makers who do make a fine set of horns. And have the adhesives to help them stick.. Without damage to you or your clothing. For some reason I forget their name. I do remember they used to sell at the star trek convention in vegas. I just hope this helps.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to do some of the clothing accesories I wanted, like a bandoleer for daggers and other things. I'm also not sure how to make a cheap chain mail shirt looking vest either. I don't know if I'll really have this made before Halloween or not.
Chain's one of those things all of us armorers hate to hear. There's no real good way to get good cheap chain with any kind of speed. It takes bloody forever to make any large amount of it. That said, you can find split-ring stuff on ebay pretty cheap, thanks to being manufactured places where labor costs are tiny.
That's not what I meant exactly. Your thinking I literally meant real chain. I just want something that LOOKs like a chain shirt. In no way does it have to be chain. I was wondering if there was some kind of cheap, easy and fast way to make something that resembles chainmail.
I've seen some cloth that looks sort of like it's knitted from very small rope. In a silverish tone it can appear like chainmail. Theatres and some older movies used it for he chainmail effect.
I've been meaning to try out what WETA did for the LOTR movies. Most of the chainmail they used was really thinwall PVC pipe, sliced on a meat slicer, then dropped in boiling water to round the edges and vinyl dyed steel-colored. They then split the rings, wove the chain, and epoxied them closed.

Due to the current armor rules, it would be pretty useless for our purposes, but for costume it could be pretty nice.
Wraith said:
I've been meaning to try out what WETA did for the LOTR movies. Most of the chainmail they used was really thinwall PVC pipe, sliced on a meat slicer, then dropped in boiling water to round the edges and vinyl dyed steel-colored. They then split the rings, wove the chain, and epoxied them closed.

That's interesting. I never heard that before. I thought their whole focus was making everything seem real for the actors so it would be like they were using the armor and weapons that actually belonged to the characters. Using PVC for chain really throws a wrench into the immersion factor for the actors involved.
It was mostly used for extras. As I recall, the leads all used the real thing.
Wraith said:
It was mostly used for extras. As I recall, the leads all used the real thing.

Ah, that makes sense then.