Distraction at work

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA if i was to get latin tattooed it would have to be the family crest...

Nobilis est ira leonis

Nobility is in the lion's roar but its not translated well...

as for the sleeping dragon tattoo TOO FUNNY!!!
i think it would be cool no matter what you had on...sleeping tickling....i mean honestly...only us geeky folk would know what it was...
Don't worry about it.
wow.....none of the harry potter movies? did you read any of the books??? i'm surprised but its alright if its not your thing its just not your thing...i've never read the silmarilion...go figure..and i call myself a fantasy LARPer...::pushaw::
Nope. None of the books. None of the movies....some of my friends are big into it though. I've also never seen any of the Matrix movies or LOTR!
Marcena said:
Nope. None of the books. None of the movies....some of my friends are big into it though. I've also never seen any of the Matrix movies or LOTR!

No Harry? :o No Matrix? :o No LOTR? :o

I'm sorry, but I must ban you from all future events, these forums and any cons you wish to attend. You are not sufficiently geeky enough to take part in our noble pastime. ;)
But...I'm too geeky for the normal crowd....where will I go? Please don't leave me alone out there....they...I mean I...won't survive! :twisted:
Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

1) Watch all 5 current Harry Potter movies, or better yet, read all 7 books
2) Watch the extended versions of all 3 LOTR movies...in a row if possible.
3) Watch the first MATRIX movie and the other two if you can stomach it.

Then, and only then, will you be welcomed back into the fold as a full fledged geek in good standing with your peers.

This post will self destruct in 5 seconds. 5...4...3...2...1...*poof*
You can avoid watching LOTR... it's okay. You're sanity will thank you. I mean... who wants to watch a fat, lazy peck try to be a hero and a lone human take on some really wimpy (but supposed to be scary) bad guys all at once? I mean... c'mon. If Nazgul are so scary, the whole fellowship party should have been dead before even reaching the Mines of Moria. Lame.

But, then again... I'm a fan of the Wheel of Time and Myrdraal would so kick a Nazul's ***... hell... the Trollocs would too. :twisted:
Blashphemy! Thou shalt not bad-mouth the works of Tolkien, even in movie form...unless it's the never-finished animated version by Ralph Bakshi.

As for WHEEL OF TIME, I'm stuck on the first book. They've left the town and are headed for, um, wherever their headed. I think they reached a river last time I checked. I haven't gone back to it in months. Everybody talks about it so I want to read more, but it just hasn't sunk its claws into me yet
Yeah... WoT takes a bit to get into...

but its ot nearly as rough as The Dragonbone Chair (I forget the author)

the first 300+ pages are the daily life of the main character who's a scullion...


The rest of it is pretty good though ;-)
WoT is great too because the way he writes the books, you almost NEED to go back a reread to pick out all the hints and events that you thought were stupid and meaningless and end up affecting the whole outcome.

I'm on book 7 currently. :)
Yeah, I heard Wheel of Time is a sort of slow read. I'm still working on The Divine Comedy myself for my Forensics class.
Marcena said:
I'm still working on The Divine Comedy myself for my Forensics class.
I loved The Inferno! Half way through the third canto I realized: Hey, 75% of the fantasy stories I've ever read root in this poem. (Take a second look at The Series of Unfortunate Events after reading The Divine Comedy)