Tzydl Zhitelava
wouldn't it be fun to find a baby dryad??? like OOH we found him under a literally we found him under a rock HEHEHEHEHEHEH
lukeskywkr said:My girlfriend and I both plan on playing Dryads at the first possible event and I think the RP is gonna be awesome. Will things like where baby dryads come from be explained in the race packet?
"I speak for the trees"
Other races don't have sex! Babies come from cabbage patches! My mommy said so! Just, you know, the cells didn't differentiate as well with dryads as others.Fearless Leader said:The race packet is being worked on, but I am pretty certain that, as a race, they have sex and babies just like all the other races.
Tzydl Zhitelava said:won't serve DRYADS???? good heavens what's not to trust????
Fearless Leader said:Yeah, I'm kind of looking forward to the role-playing fun we might have when dryads appear. For instance, my magistrate will have to deal with the question of whether they are "people" and thus subject to our laws. Should be fun.