End of May event pre-registration: CLOSED

Re: End of May event pre-registration

Please email me, do not PM me, as I have better access to my email.


Re: End of May event pre-registration

Elissa Ward, to be NPCing :)

Re: End of May event pre-registration

I will repeat of those people still PMing me:


Thank you,

Re: End of May event pre-registration

man... we have no npcs... :cry:

so... can people who are PCing take a break from it and dark side for a few hours so long as we never learn any plot and just play cruchies?
Re: End of May event pre-registration

Robb Graves said:
man... we have no npcs... :cry:

so... can people who are PCing take a break from it and dark side for a few hours so long as we never learn any plot and just play cruchies?

Well, I already know I'll be running around non-stop as a crunchy/plot minion for this one. Which, quite frankly, is what I am gleefuly driving 3 hours to do. So if I'm to run around twice as much? MUAH HA HA, can the PCs -handle- an NPC hopped up on pure adrenaline :twisted: We shall seeee

The few, The proud: The Crunchies. :D

Re: End of May event pre-registration

Robb Graves said:
man... we have no npcs... :cry:

so... can people who are PCing take a break from it and dark side for a few hours so long as we never learn any plot and just play cruchies?

Folks have done this before. So long as it's just crunchies or a wave battle or something that isn't going ruin your fun by hearing info you shouldn't, I have no issue.
Re: End of May event pre-registration

Yeah -- NPCing is usually cheap enough that pre-regging isn't much of a priority.

But worse come off, I don't think I'll mind dark siding for a few hours. :> Everybody loves a little Kelsey in their NPC camp!
Re: End of May event pre-registration

Everyone fears the tiny NPC girl when they put packets or pipe in her hands.

That being said, if there's any point you need an extra body for an NPC role, don't hesitate to send someone out and grab me, Mike. :)
Re: End of May event pre-registration

youthculture said:
Everyone fears the tiny NPC girl when they put packets or pipe in her hands.

It's like a Chubchub. 8-)

Re: End of May event pre-registration

Who in their right mind named the Griffin Cabin "Blythedaleish"?!?! We've got ONE Blythedale guy in there, and come on...it's Garathon. He's like, the Blythedale Groupie! It should have been something totally not cheesy like "Nathan's Nest," or "Khorwyn's Keep." I'd even settle for "Ithica's Infirmary," because seriously, he's the only one in there who's going to keep us all from dying this event. Pfft! ;)
Re: End of May event pre-registration


shield magic does not protect you from arcane fear....


Re: End of May event pre-registration

What the pants is "Shield Magic"? Do you mean "Spell Shield," Mr. Wizard? Because if that's the case, then yes...I'm a tard. ;)
Re: End of May event pre-registration

eff this game. page 47 of my 7th edition rule book i got ten years ago says shield magic, level 5 spell, so there :P

is it any wonder why i blow so many verbals?
Re: End of May event pre-registration

I call forth mystic power to shield magic... blown!
I call forth mystic... blown!
I call... blown!

Someone give me a damn sword already.

Re: End of May event pre-registration

mikestrauss said:
I call forth mystic power to shield magic... blown!
I call forth mystic... blown!
I call... blown!

Someone give me a damn sword already.

