1. Post your favorite moments
- getting the bejesus scared out of us when attacked by Rodenzi in the dark during the newbie mod
- crazy lore drop from Evo and Cato on Friday night
- seeing the dragon in the distance and maybe peeing a little
- Josh's orc chieftan. Holy what. I'll probably have nightmares about being stuck in that little forest corridor and him just drawing that blade across his neck... DAMN.
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- newbies weren't good for much except getting rid of whelps during the dragon fight, then didn't get any loot, felt bad for having to go unconscious a bunch
- clearly some confusion regarding phys reps on Saturday for rituals and whatnot
- didn't get loot for the Rodenzi mini mod on Sunday (did get alchemy stuff, but would've been nice to pick up some copper from mobs since we're too low level to use them)
- some OOG drama did sneak in, which is always a bit disappointing
3. What you would like to see more of
- mixed combat difficulties: it was pretty great to be able to help with whelps during the dragon fight but things were ultimately just way too much for level 2 nerdlings and we felt we couldn't really participate. The orc fight felt a lot more mixed, where I could help with shield wall-ing and taking out orcs and running triage
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
- The fire giant stood directly in her path. Orcs were pressing in from both sides of the narrow forest corridor, ripping through those around her with wild strikes and shrieks of savage joy. She heard the incant for a Doom spell and jumped backwards as the sinister-looking bolt missed her leg by no more than an inch.
Not the life of the scribe I had imagined, she thought, wishing desperately for the shield that had been shattered moments before. It was certainly a trial by fire, all right.
The hottest fire forges the strongest steel. As the paralyze spell that caught her by surprise took effect, she felt a strange calm wash over her. She would be all right. She trusted the people who fought with her. Later that night, after their flight from the camp and surrounded by these strangers at an unfamiliar campfire, it was the first time in weeks she truly felt... safe.
5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
- entry level stuff for things like the Sanctum seems pretty steep, difficult to actually enter even as an initiate without playing 2-3 months.
Thanks y'all, I know everybody works really hard on this stuff.