Event Review: Dragons, Giants and Crows

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REMINDER: IBGA'S ARE DUE Sunday August 25th

**NPCs - Do not post here. Let us know if you had any highlights or concerns in the NPC FB group. Thanks! **

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews for 2.0 get you 25 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name
1. Post your favorite moments

Being an orc! Seriously the best part of my weekend! Everyone asking about the banners ;) the water balloons! All my interactions with the new players. My epic honor duel with Stig! Playing the homeguard initiates and meeting 'The Stig' and that whole group being able to save us!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

Okj this section is bigger, but don't take its size for me having a bad time, I had a great time!

The lack of communication leading into the Friday night reaches. No one was told where to go to start, npc's were sent to the wrong area, multiple holds were called in different areas for things like being told we can't go somewhere when we actually could, or waiting for a ritual marshal which then threw off the 30 minute duel timers by almost 10 minutes allowing the big bad to pretty much run wild while we were stuck.

The avantador fight as a whole. Fighting NPC's when they are all attached by plastic chains and 1 is in the middle getting tugged on and hearing him asking others to stop pulling because it was choking him was disconcerting. The fabric body is taking hits that are not being registered, the tail is tripping over the chain, and no one can really get in close to stab because personally i was scared of someone tripping and dragging the whole dragon down. On top of that the weapons being used would never pass a safety inspection and hurt to the point of bruising and loss of breath. I actually ended up walking away from the fight because of what i wrote above, but came back as i didn't tell anyone iu was leaving and didn't want them to be looking for me afterwords. Then when the undead came out we have undead charging up to players, spinning claws around and flourishing, running full speed behind them, swinging claws in a hugging fashion around a player basically on top of them, in the dark being back lit so it was close to impossible to see them.

3. What you would like to see more of

loot! I haven't collected some actual loot in a few months. I've been finding it harder to go on mods, i don't find insta mods, and ive been on my second lair for the year this month and it had no loot. This is alot based on people sharing and me being able to loot, but when i do loot im getting copper, and like i said about the lair. My stores are running pretty dry :p

Mechanics like the water balloons, something that acts as siege weaponry! That was an awesome mechanic.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Finally looking upon the finished product hanging from his veranda, Jinn smiled in pride. "Those are exactly what we needed. you did some amazing work" Jinn says while he pats Calan on the back.

5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
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1. everyone screaming for Phal once that dragon finally dropped. / pretty much every interaction with the new players it is always fun to get to form new relationships. Getting to double hook as an orc I had forgotten how much I enjoyed being an NPC that fight was epic. all of the danger. I think this was the first event where I really felt like Calan could die at any moment. by my count, I was dropped 13 times over the weekend. oh also..... and this was probably one of the most confusing and terrifying moments of the game..."Oh, there are my eyes, I had wondered where they went to." :oops::oops::oops:

2. lack of communication when doing Orcellions, but I know this is already something that's been addressed. so it is what it is. even so, it was just frustrating but not a game-breaker. I still had fun.

3. more mechanics like the volley 50 massive it was great down south it was great here. I really enjoyed the beach ball boulders last month. any time something new pops up it adds a breath of fresh air to the game. Also keeping away from the formulaic play is great. having giant fights midday was a great step toward this. I feel like it can be super easy to have events go as follows. semi-large fight Friday night, mods and lairs Saturday - big dangerous mission Saturday night followed by big town fight to close the game Sunday. when you have an inkling of how the whole game is going to go it makes you feel relaxed. you know when to save your skills for and what not so a surprise to force us to spend skills out of the blue is always welcome in my books. I think it might be interesting to have to potentially go to a dangerous mission completely spent.

4. Calan makes his way back to his feet after Polare had graciously healed him back up. his eyes scan the dark battlefield looking for those he considered family. First, he heard Jinn, but could not see him then second, he saw Rohnan and began walking toward her. it was about when he reached her side that jinn emerged from the darkness. Calan looked Jinn in the eyes

" I am completely spent. I worry I am doing more harm to the party than good. I don't know how many more of those bursts of flame I can take before one finally kills me." Calan looks back and forth between his two friends. Jinn speaks up.

"If you need to leave I will not hold it against either of you, in fact, you two should leave."

Calan and Rohnan gave a nod and started to briskly move toward the portal home. the begin to get within sight of the portal when Rohnan starts to speak." our skills may be spent, but we still do have potions we could feed people if needed, and we still can carry people places if need be."

Calan pauses in place they are close to the portal but not close enough yet. Rohnan had already died for Calan once and he wasnt about to watch that happen again. Calan started walking toward the portal again but Rohnan stayed where she was. she began speaking again.
"I dont feel right leaving Jinn like this, I think we should go back and do what we can for all of our friends."
Calan let out a sigh, it was clear his plan was not going to work. he began walking back towards the battle once more.

"I guess you're right, we can still do something." Calan looked at his friend in the eyes with a grin. " I was going to push you through the portal and return to the battle anyway. I might as well have you there to pick me up when I fall."
"I Fu#$^ng knew it, you little Sh#@ ." Rohnan shouted with a disapproving look.
Calan shrugged still smiling and said. "can't blame me for trying."
1. Post your favorite moments

Honestly so much, from going through the opening of the newbie mod into a "town" of about three people, being so welcomed by people in-game and out, the orc encampment fight, and getting to fight (run away from) a dragon in my first weekend!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

This was more just a personal issue, but I'm still not sure of the etiquette of waiting for mods! We newbies threw off other things at least once on our own

3. What you would like to see more of

Dodging water balloons was an awful lot of fun

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

"Thistle handed Genevra the triage vial as they prepared to go to battle for this town she had just entered. Gen took it with determination. She had already unwittingly not been there when the Earth Weavers needed her once, she wouldn't disappoint again."
(Next time I'll remember an actual conversation D:)

5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset

It feels like the only rule set I've ever known...
1. Post your favourite moments

All my interactions with the Rodenzi were terrific. We came upon a group of them looking for a storehouse and one of them was speaking in French, and them all being confused by their friend talking was hilarious. Having them fight.

When we went to fight the Rodenzi at the storehouse, Stig came with us. A few NPCs dressed as members of the Homeguard (Josh and Derrick), and while Ruki was disarming a trap had some terrific dialogue regarding Stig and his heroism in the fight against the Orcs. These NPCs popped up again at the Alchemy lab fighting the Rodenzi and it felt cool being able to save them from the Rodenzi.

The fight with the Dragon. It was really cool to be a part of the epic fight, and feel like I was able to do things.

2. Post your less favourite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

The fight with the dragon, when killing the whelps they didn't have any loot, and as a new character, it sucked to fight the only thing I could, and then not be rewarded for helping in the fight.

3. What you would like to see more of

More loot, especially on smaller enemies. Specifically on the Dragon whelps, or on the Rodenzi in the storehouse, new player mod questline.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Myrdin and his friends were in serious trouble with this dragon. There was fire everywhere, and being burned alive wasn't an experience he thought he'd have once, much like three times. He and Adraxis were running from the Dragon, when Jinn called out, "Get your friends, and you four get out of here. No one would blame you for retreating now."

They didn't need to be told twice, Adraxis got Elly, and Myrdin ran to find Gen. "Jinn says we should get out of here, Gen. We are wasting their healing resources we need to go."

Gen didn't seem to want to leave, but she acquiesced at the mention of taxing the other's resources. The four new friends ran to the portal back to the Lux and escaped with their lives. Myrdin felt good about proving that he could help in this fight and good that others acknowledged their limitations.
1. -So many things! This was probably top 5 LARP events for me, hands down.
-The reason it's one of my favs? The orc fight. Everything about it was amazing. The encampment, the walls, the volleys, the intensity of the NPCs, the mini-instamods while the fighting was happening, the fighting, the escort mission, the fear of death, and the epic as heck Stig vs Chief battle! I cannot wait to get the footage from this one.
-The lair we went on was pretty cool, and one NPC pretty much rolled 4 of us.
-Being a drained husk and having to fight my friends and blowing up Jinn. Oops.
-Assisting the newbies with their mini storyline! I'm glad I got to be a part of that for them.
-The feeling of 'getting a win' with the closing of a reach, as well as taking out the mechanical dragon.
-Selfishly, I liked winning most heroic.
-Chasing after the orc warchief who was chasing after the striketeam with Arlyne.
-The sanctum growing!
-Players returning!
-PCs being scared for their lives.

2. -The confusion on Friday night wasn't great. We weren't given any direction when sent to the reaches. We could have avoided a good chunk of those deaths I imagine! The dragon fight seemed more frustrating than anything (Was it 100 or 50 voice radius? Either way, constantly... that hurts and is dangerous... and hits not registering).

3. -Creative and epic things like the orc camp. My goodness, that was fantastic.

4. Ruki watched as his friend Jinn negotiated with the fae lord of hedonism. He realized quickly that, now that she knew about the ritual they would perform, that if they started it without distracting her, they would be destroyed and the ritual and eventually all of Calendonia would be lost. Two had already stepped forward to give their lives, he waited to see who else would join them.... and waited.... eventually the fae lord began to count down. Ruki's spirit was weakening, but if his life was the cost of this ritual going off, he would gladly pay it.
For the loot, that is 100% on me. We were so hurried in getting our NPCs our, that I kept forgetting to put the piles out. The semi good news is, that loot just stays in the box and we add to it for next month.

For larger monsters, we will have dedicated Marshals with them to coordinate.

And again, I want to thank all of the PCs who swung into MC to help out. The event would not have been as amazing without your help.
So what your saying is next month the lux wins the lottery!!
1. Post your favorite moments
Phal finally went to the Dark Reaches! It was nerve wracking at first, but it went well this time so he's now not sure whether the danger he'd been told of was from a lack of participation or if they just got lucky. He also got to examine the dragon constructs after he was done keeping it paralysed, which was fun to roleplay with Yazig.
Also enjoyed teaching Polare and Cameron a new game, even if I lost (badly). :p
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I spent a lot of Saturday looking up Ritual effects and rules, which... I generally don't mind, but it meant I spent quite a bit of time out of game tracking people back down to give them answers as quickly as possible after they wandered off. This is mostly on me, so next month, I'll figure out a way to manage it better.
3. What you would like to see more of
Puzzles of all kinds, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority on this one.
Also would be nice to see more non-combat stuff go out during the day, but NPC camp was strapped this weekend and you had a bunch of big fights and setup to do, so this is more a general comment than a critique of this weekend in particular.
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Phalaenopsis watched Morrigan expertly work the forge in Yazig's tower; her skill with the tools was simply amazing, and despite the urn mostly being in large pieces that just needed to be sealed together, she was taking the time to restore the fine details back into each piece, as well as add her own designs and truly "make her mark" on the vessel. The heat of the lava that was keeping the Dawnsteel molten was intense, and at times he doubted that his entirely basic knowledge of the craft was in any way helpful. He cast several glances at Illandra as they worked; she seemed nearly as uncertain of her assistance as he did, but Morrigan never once acted as though they were a hindrance, and as the Dawnsteel cooled in the cracks of the urn, Morrigan inserted the last piece, finalizing the creation of a truly masterful piece of work, worthy (and, apparently, capable) of holding the spirit of an esteemed Dragon.

The three presented their work to Yazig, for confirmation of their success, and the Selunari sang their praises. Phalaenopsis was content to wait in the tower until he was needed, one hand in the bag containing the globes Nadia had made for them; Morrigan, however, seemed antsy and anxious, and shortly after confirming that the vessel was suitable, handed him the urn and the dragon egg and charged out of the tower to face the mechanical dragon. Phalaenopsis waited with Evo, listening carefully for the call for the globes, and assuring the light-headed Sanctum Master that his health had to come first.
5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
This is more of a personal thing, but I really need to memorize more of the rulebook so I don't have to run back and check it for every question...

mythic said:
For the loot, that is 100% on me. We were so hurried in getting our NPCs our, that I kept forgetting to put the piles out.
Well, how dare you fail to remember to hand things out of the box that sits behind you and out of sight all day. :p
All treasure goes to Phalaenopsis, to do with as he pleases.
1. Post your favorite moments
- getting the bejesus scared out of us when attacked by Rodenzi in the dark during the newbie mod
- crazy lore drop from Evo and Cato on Friday night
- seeing the dragon in the distance and maybe peeing a little
- Josh's orc chieftan. Holy what. I'll probably have nightmares about being stuck in that little forest corridor and him just drawing that blade across his neck... DAMN.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- newbies weren't good for much except getting rid of whelps during the dragon fight, then didn't get any loot, felt bad for having to go unconscious a bunch
- clearly some confusion regarding phys reps on Saturday for rituals and whatnot
- didn't get loot for the Rodenzi mini mod on Sunday (did get alchemy stuff, but would've been nice to pick up some copper from mobs since we're too low level to use them)
- some OOG drama did sneak in, which is always a bit disappointing

3. What you would like to see more of
- mixed combat difficulties: it was pretty great to be able to help with whelps during the dragon fight but things were ultimately just way too much for level 2 nerdlings and we felt we couldn't really participate. The orc fight felt a lot more mixed, where I could help with shield wall-ing and taking out orcs and running triage

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
- The fire giant stood directly in her path. Orcs were pressing in from both sides of the narrow forest corridor, ripping through those around her with wild strikes and shrieks of savage joy. She heard the incant for a Doom spell and jumped backwards as the sinister-looking bolt missed her leg by no more than an inch. Not the life of the scribe I had imagined, she thought, wishing desperately for the shield that had been shattered moments before. It was certainly a trial by fire, all right. The hottest fire forges the strongest steel. As the paralyze spell that caught her by surprise took effect, she felt a strange calm wash over her. She would be all right. She trusted the people who fought with her. Later that night, after their flight from the camp and surrounded by these strangers at an unfamiliar campfire, it was the first time in weeks she truly felt... safe.

5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
- entry level stuff for things like the Sanctum seems pretty steep, difficult to actually enter even as an initiate without playing 2-3 months.

Thanks y'all, I know everybody works really hard on this stuff. :)
1. Post your favorite moments

I really had a blast with a lot of the new player focused events that occurred (newbie intro mod, the Rodenzi quest chain, even a wild hunt). It was really nice to have some things that were geared towards new players and the game environment and players were incredibly welcoming. The field battles I participated in (orcs/giants and the dragon fight) were really fun!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

The only real feel bads I had was also echoed by some of the other new players above re: monsters having loot on them as a reward/way to progress. At low levels when the monsters you fight deal more damage than you and have more health than you do, it is risky to engage them. To have that risk not feel rewarded at all feels real tough. Specific example of this was trying to be effective by taking down whelps in the dragon fight on Saturday, then not having anything to show for it while being hit with the voice radius 50 flame effects over and over. The Rodenzi quest chain also had zero loot on it which seemed like a major oversight. It wasn't until a fair bit after the chain was done we had a number of items pop into existence for us as a delayed reward but it would have been far more motivating to have something to show for each fight we did with the Rodenzi and more fun to see the reward there for us at the end of the chain so we could react more appropriately in-play.

3. What you would like to see more of

Loved the mechanics of the Orc/Giant fight. That felt great and creative and I loved it. I loved the open nature of the fight with the dragon with running around with no safe place to do a triage-type environment. That was such a nice contrast because we had to approach those large-scale battles differently (one we could have a back line and the other was forced to be more mobile) and this really helped make the combat feel fresh and unique!

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Finally the front gates of the Orc encampment had been breached and Town rushed in to skirmish with the Orcs. Adraxis followed. After finding a way to slip a blade in between the ribs of a few Orcs a boom went up. Ruki had exploded in a tent. Flank, strafe, stab. Pull back, regroup, refit. More skirmishing. The heat of the volcano and the brightness of the day were too much for the Dark Elf. Now seemed like a great time to find some shade and fix his chainmail. Two others were already inside the Orc hut. Adraxis pulled out his tools and got to work on his armor. The other two had finished their recovery. One left and a wave of magic ripped into them. The same happened to the other. His chain wouldn't stop this terrible energy. He tried to keep others away from this magical trap but someone strayed too close and fell victim it.

"Myrdin!" Adraxis yelled as loud as he could to get his comrade's attention. When the Elf heard and made his way over Adraxis made his plea.
"This hut has an enchantment on it. It's going to wreck me!"
Myrdin made ready. Adraxis steeled himself and stepped out, his body wracked fully twice over. Before his injured body even hit the ground, a flurry of healing magic and energy brought him back to consciousness just in time to catch himself. He breathed a sigh of relief and got up, thanking those around before the battle cry of the Orcs pulled Town's attention closer to the volcano.

Thanks for the event! I had a blast and will be coming back.
-Jerrett Stephenson
- newbies weren't good for much except getting rid of whelps during the dragon fight, then didn't get any loot, felt bad for having to go unconscious a bunch

Don't feel too bad about that. That was also me, and I'm level 23 or something. I ate up way too many resources.
Echoing Ruki, new characters always tend to feel bit like they're sucking up resources or otherwise 'useless', but a) even just serving as a distraction for the little crunchies while the stronger people focus on the big guys is super helpful, and b) you don't have a lot of Body to heal back just yet, so unless you're dropping every couple of minutes in an hour-long fight you're not being as big a drain on healing resources as you think, especially with the introduction of channeling.

The dragon was a bit of a rough introduction to that, but from everything I saw and heard? You all did great. :)
1. Post your favorite moments
The whole orc encampment/cauldron fight was amazing from top to bottom. At one point when I saw Logan fire a ballon from off to my right, I whipped my head back and to my left, and heard a couple people behind me go "ooh". I'm fairly sure that balloon went through my beard.

Our Sunday morning lair. The puzzle we had to do, the first fight against smaller golems, protecting Solveig from the big golem as she worked on disarming the trapped chest even as it occasionally stomped past her and gave her a couple whacks. It really gave the fight a different dynamic than our usual flowchart of "either kill it or run away". Awesome from start to finish.
I wanted to shout out to Steven S. for being an awesome golem. He was swinging 10 massive with a huge 2h claw, innately reflecting spells, and still managed to find the sweet spot to made the fight hard (Very hard. I think I got everyone in the party up at least twice!) without completely mopping the floor with us, because he definitely could have wiped us if he'd gone full speed.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
The messed up communication Friday night was moderately vexing, but as one of the people protecting Hamish's ritual circle I don't think I saw the worst of it. The dragon fight was incredibly frustrating. five NPCs literally chained together, with apparently different defenses and maybe separately tracked health? There was no way to tell if spells hitting the body were being counted, and getting into melee with the arms and tail could literally choke the body carrier (Matt?)

3. What you would like to see more of
Siege weapons! The water balloons were awesome, and put real pressure on us to push through the gate and deal with them. The range that Logan could get on his was amazing.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
As Barra ran towards the fire giant, he heard it begin a spell. Trusting to luck and speed, he accelerated past it, hunching his shoulders against the expectation of it landing from behind.
"I curse you with doom!...****!"
The malevolent burst of magic sailed past just behind Barra, snuffing an innocent tree, and he was clear, sprinting towards Baibh's motionless body.
"Activate life!"
1. Post your favorite moments
The orc battle was absolutely incredible! Seriously, I have never seen anything like it and I had a blast.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
The timing on the ritual was rough. I know that is PCs sent everyone for a loop when we decided to split off. It seems as though we do that a lot so maybe a plan for next time to deal with separate groups and timing.

3. What you would like to see more of
More battles like the orc one, that was awesome. And maybe more traps? I’m having fun learning to disarm them.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Solveig was absolutely exhausted from the battle against the orcs. That chieftain was truly terrifying... and those elementals *shudders*
She glances around to make sure there weren’t any losses and collapses into the cool grass to rest.

5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
Seemed to run well from what I could tell.
1. Post your favorite moments
The orc battle encampment felt amazing and having the dedicated forces and the feel of it really pulled me into it as if we were actually storming an encampment., really really well done.
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
My less favorite moments came down to some logistic troubles with the timers going off on the Friday and I know it has been talked about and discussed in monster camp
3. What you would like to see more of
I would love to see more of the camp style fights and even the dragon fight, both felt really good. I also liked having the giant metal golem follow us out of our lair.
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Listening to Jinn talk to Orcelieon and getting nowhere with what we needed done, Sarryn thought to himself "We need time, I don't care if its my first death or if this was my last we need time..." stepping up, he looks Orcelieon in the eyes "You can have me" he says coldly starting to strip off his clothes and weapons and handing them off as others start to do the same...

5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
It is working pretty well from what I can see, it comes down to changing some of the LCO rules I have in my head from long ago.

Sarryn Therion (Anthony Percival)
I'm glad so many people are enjoying the golem lair on Sunday! I think that lair was my favorite of the bunch that I wrote.... I just wish I could have seen the puzzle live!
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