Leyk of Clan Ahas
I think she was talking about Leyk
jpariury said:Man.... I think some uncle needs to have a talk with his niece.....
seth adoris said:... people that sell wards for reasonable prices ...
Tharval said:Or you could always set a watch. And sleep with one eye open, weapons in hand.
And wear armor. There's nothing quite like sleeping in chain.
I prefer a mix, wards, locks, and death traps.Balryn said:Bah... Wards....
Don't entrench yourself in defenses. Rely on mutual self-destruction! Just inquire with your local trap maker....
even with traps I like to go for a mix. A little gas, a little fire, a little massive. Sometimes some explosive, not to much weapon. Now the required responce to the blues dwarves comment.davio said:Yah, but Krauss, if a giant fire trap goes off, it won't even hurt you or most of your friends.
I'm kinda picturing the group of you waking up in the morning, digging out of the rubble ala The Blues Brothers.
Now the Blues Dwarves... that's an image.
Egor said:Well I treid to get a ward but it seems the only people who had them wanted Five gold and or A lock of my hair Now Bet you cant guess how they were going to take this lock of hair if you guesed waylay you would have also guesed Gypsys and which gypsy well I'm not going to mention His name only that he was Nearly exicuted for Multiple charges last event. :fridge: