Favorite Moments

Egor said:
Well I treid to get a ward but it seems the only people who had them wanted Five gold and or A lock of my hair Now Bet you cant guess how they were going to take this lock of hair if you guesed waylay you would have also guesed Gypsys and which gypsy well I'm not going to mention His name only that he was Nearly exicuted for Multiple charges last event. :fridge:
Keep in mind, a wiz lock is cheaper than a ward, and almost as good. Tho its easyer to take down, the monster/person doing it has to waste a dispell on the posobility that its a wiz lock. (as there is no IG way to tell the diffrence).
~dressing Leyk up in my skirt and scarves to save him from the hags

Oh come on I never get to have any fun.... :glum:
We got one

THe Following day there was a big Brown W on our door ya it was a wizard lock :duel:
Egor said:
THe Following day there was a big Brown W on our door ya it was a wizard lock :duel:

yeah.. so don't say a gypsy never helped you! ^_^

... I just like making elipses...

It was a Gypsy that helped us put up the ward Yes some gypsys are good But thene theres those bad apple gypsys so many worms in that sort :flameth:
Egor said:
It was a Gypsy that helped us put up the ward Yes some gypsys are good But thene theres those bad apple gypsys so many worms in that sort :flameth:

bad apple gypsies? how silly! everyone knows that ALL gypsies are ultimatly good guys! they like to have their fun, but then who doesn't? i tell you, you can have no more loyal friends than gypsies.
Triana_Devorjk said:
bad apple gypsies? how silly! everyone knows that ALL gypsies are ultimatly good guys! they like to have their fun, but then who doesn't? i tell you, you can have no more loyal friends than gypsies.

They are certainly loyal when it is convenient... not so loyal when say, someone needs a life spell... for example. :P
Jim said:
They are certainly loyal when it is convenient... not so loyal when say, someone needs a life spell... for example. :P

Hey now... you shouldn't go dying on us. Most people don't want to feel indebted to a gypsy (for some odd reason). It's not out fault we can't be in the healer's guild (stupid gaje). Everyone I associate with gets lifed.... (and even a few I don't associate with!)

No Bad Apples

You May ask How do I know they were going to waylay me? Fair Question Well That unnamed Gypsy Hheam Mykell hm Decided that the free of charge removal of a Gypsy curse. "praise the Shreiga" Preformed By the Helpful Kerjal on my Friend Needed a price. So he said Two gold or somthing like that. Well Being His first event he had no Gold so they said "a lock of your hair then" he turned around and they Precceded To waylay him. You can see why no ward was Purchased From them that Night :boom:
*sigh* Your friend learned early on, then. NEVER turn your back on a gypsy. Don't get me wrong, there are some very very nice gypsies. But don't tempt them by turning your back. I don't think they can help themselves sometimes. ^_^

Best moments not already mentioned:

"He has been tortured throughout his live by pink bunny rabbits" (or something to that extent) - Mykell's Trail
The conversation with Masticon and Kayleigh (and Aeris). Its good not all people want lockets of hair for favors :rolleyes:

And to clarify the whole thing Egor was trying to say, the male gypsys seem a little more harmful in there fun (a waylay and a lock of hair to remove the "Praise the strega" curse). And everyone we asked about the ward all pointed us toward the (male) gypsys, which tried to earn a little more then a living from the n00bs.
Ah well... Its all over now and its not like I didn't learn my lesson... several several SEVERAL times :D
My freind ^^^^^^

This is the Friend I speak of Hee Finaly Posted somthing :eek:
Egor said:
You May ask How do I know they were going to waylay me? Fair Question Well That unnamed Gypsy Hheam Mykell hm Decided that the free of charge removal of a Gypsy curse. "praise the Shreiga" Preformed By the Helpful Kerjal on my Friend Needed a price. So he said Two gold or somthing like that. Well Being His first event he had no Gold so they said "a lock of your hair then" he turned around and they Precceded To waylay him. You can see why no ward was Purchased From them that Night

Okay. Jeremy (or Egor) for my peace of mind and keyboard, please actually use some capitalization. Or lack thereof.

As for gypsies, I noticed a certain event (as an OOG, not as character) where a freshly dissapated body was being looted by a gypsy who shall remain slightly nameless. Coincidentally, that was the day I lost every single bit of materiel wealth I had, and my first res. Kinda strange, too, how the ressurecting person apparently left behind exactly the kind of loot that I used to have. And in a place exactly similar to where I died.