Favorite Moments

Leyk of Clan Ahas said:
"Hey Leyk, we're all going to go under the water now, this fey guy came and said he'd help us"

Let's hope it's warmer next time he comes around... I don't wanna end up with glass cutter nipples again...
Dude! Those were real! I mean...uh...


Leyk of Clan Ahas said:
Dude....again timing.
"Ok, you guys suck I'm the only one that can save pearl, I'll go check it out"
*Thump, res*
"Hey Leyk, we're all going to go under the water now, this fey guy came and said he'd help us"

But look on the bright side. If Leyk hadn't gone into the water, none of us would have been on the right side of town to meet that Succubus, and instead of helping us to breathe underwater, he probably would have used up his energy to help Slice fix her house instead. Thus, Leyk's death wasn't completely in vain. Besides, it was pretty heroic. I'm sure that no one doubts the extent that he is willing to go to for his friends. ^_^
Oh! That's how that?s pronounced. I was saying it wrong durring the whole game. At least I didn't reveal my mispronunciation of the word in a public or highly embarrassing place, such as the NERO message board.

Oh wait. I did.
L.E. said:
I'm sure that no one doubts the extent that he is willing to go to for his friends. ^_^

Guess Leyk shouldn't have developed a leak. Where is the reverse lifeforce scroll when you need it? (that was a proud advertisement brought to you by Necromancers Anonymous)

I would have to say my most memorable event in the weekend is when Polare phased out with Jonathan, then phased back in a few moments later completely beserked and throwing spells everywhere. That was fun.

I'll only say the stuff that happened to me:

-being a fluffy pink bunny

-almost being bunny stew

-totaly expecting this dark, wandering figure to try to kill me, so i was prepared. not enough i guess, he killed me raised me as undead and 10 minuets later i dusted wile talking to krujal.

-after dusting, sitting in the earth circle i say to sara "so how many of these do i get?" (holding reserection tickets)

-10 minuets after i res i walk to my cabin only to find about 15 haggs whom i had moraly offended earlyer. they killed me, and tryed to carrie me off.

-krujal comes to my rescue! fights them all by his lonesome, HARDCORE

-after they ran polare arrives at the aftermath (healing arts are you dead? yes.) , standing over my dead body they discover that they only have one life spell. 5"should i use4 it?" (heali3ng arts 2how lon1g...(body dissapates) CRAP!

-yes, within inches of matt bolth times...

-walking to monster camp thinking i'd better not perm...

-draing the only black bead

-joining the 10% club

-getting an explaination of what PD feels like

-getting many huggs

-laying in the dirt waiting for them to find my body and hearing shane with hope

-learning that the npcs were not res-insurable

-the fae of summer giving me life

-going to the sun

-sitting in the earth circle with the same audience and seatting arrangment for the 2nd time in a half hour.

-saying "no really, how many do i get?"

-Aeris trying to see me naked

-going back to my cabin with summer only to find several death elementals that sprang from my roommate's chest

-summer desposing of them...

-taking a short (10min) nap, walking to the tavern and back. sitting dazed at the table watching hords of finfolk kill everyone in my cabin and then drag pearl off kicking and screeming.

-sitting at the table for a wile longer...

-mykel's trile and the gypsey aftermath.

-realizing that the gypsies, rosolian assasins, and fate himself want to kill me.

oh yeah! you'd better beleive i'll remember this one!
You're welcome kid... just remember who ran her *** off for you in the future. ;)
He he he

When that Bee picked up kerjal that was great
Oh i loved resing from being ingulfed. were they realy KB active? :laugh:
Yup. You go straight to dead count once you get engulfed by something. I hates me some engulfing something fierce.
DID not want to see taran naked!!! YUK!! Needed to talk...geeze
Whenever we send out creatures with engulf, they are KB active. If we feel they should not be, we cross the engulf off the card.

They were KB active.
I am telling the truth I just needed to talk with him...
My favorite moments...

--Playing a hag and walking into the inn and having JP ask me if i want to play cards with him taran and nick(while there playing I win!!)

--later as the same hag, having Leyk walk up to me and "Try" to blow me with a 25 point flame trap

Um. . . Good points of the event?

Drag Leyk

*Talking with LE and Shikar and Slice and Diera* "I come out of the water 1, I come out of the water 2. . . " *turn in slow motion. . . * "AH! FINFOLK!!" *Pearl and Neume split for the cabin with the ward* *once inside, with much panting. . . * Finfolk: blah, ward going down! Neume and Pearl: EEP! *Neume drops all her heavy stuff and changes to the good shoes, sprints to the tavern telling everyone she sees to go help pearl, returning to the cabin (still at a full run) and then pearl and Neume bolt to the gypsy cabin to hide behind three wards.*

Trying to fish out Leyks body and getting killed by finfolk 2? 3 times? RPing an angry wet cold elf.

. . . Then the finfolk come and kidnap pearl RIGHT after I came back from trying to rescue Leyk. Grrr.


Getting accepted to plot.
Thank you and good night.
L.E. said:
I'm sure that no one doubts the extent that he is willing to go to for his friends. ^_^

For a price... :demon: