Thanks HQ for another excellent event.
HUGE THANK YOU to every new player this weekend. You displayed great attitudes and enthusiasm. It's you guys who keep this game as awesome as it is. I hope you all come back and chapter hop. You guys rocked.
-Sun Li Tea! Tea party was good times. Lots of fun and silly rp.
-Sun Li Grill! Sun Li Kai and I had some rad rp. Jesse you're the man. I am really looking forward to how the big revelation is handled.
-Vex Squad! They are some of the best people a guy could ever ask to roll with.
-Becca and I being flirty as our characters lol. It's really funny and awkward. <3 I'm glad you liked the flowers hehe.
-Heresy! So much fun rolling with you man.
-Hunt Forest! Ash Forest and Arkelian Hunt have another successful colaboration in Icenia.
-Qualin, Henry is endlessly entertaining and his character is a riot. I love it man, I can't wait for CT!
-Renee, Andrea, and Colleen--you guys are awesome, I'm so happy you're coming out often. <3
-Patrick and his aristogoons. Good stuff.
-Actually getting a few more words out of Anna lol. I'm glad you're having fun and coming back!
-RP with Vincent, cool character bro.
-Srya the backpack. Sexy, effective, and functional!
-RP with Aislynn! I love you Ali. I had a blast playing with you! The mod we went on was great. I can't wait to get the chance to PC with you again!!!
-Larien, she's just awesome. She had some really deep rp this weekend, and it was real. Hard to describe but she was really into her character and that just makes the whole environment better.
-Rolling with the Hunt hot on the trail of Hadley! Gebous, Mugg, and Drenten are dudes you want on your side, for real.
-EVIE! Kelsey, I have so much fun with you no matter who you're playing. Even if your character wanted to kill me, I would probably smile through the killing blow. You am teh best.
-Getting in Hadley's face and watching him get consumed by the NekTek Bush.
-Lupi having my back and getting to know him better.
-Joaquin--Chazz plays this role so well. He is the fierce wizard who will mess you up like crazy with the evo.
-Fin'drth and Kiri, I always like it when Scott and Dee have a chance to play. I had a great time with you guys!
-Eldarion! One of my missions is to figure this guy out a little more.
-Getting to flex my slayer and putting on the Earth Blade. My class ambiguity is strong.
-All things Amelia, you're awesome. RP with your Dwarf was great. You should really consider rolling a Dwarf PC..srsly. You look good in red and white!
-Collin official plot guy! YESSS! Kuh-Plot will rock.
-K'RID(SP?) Tedd, Chazz, and Brian were freakin' hilarious as these guys. I love these creatures haha. The hourglass cometh.
-Reminiscing with my BF friends. That was awesome just shootin' the sh*t with you guys. I'm really happy you're all coming out again. LUIGI IS BACK! Oh man, great to see you again Tommy!
Thanks again HQ. See you next time.
Justin Coggin