First Fight Practice of the New Year Jan 14th!

How often do people go inside? ^^;
matrim1985 said:
Is there anything that you need for this?
Yeah, this is shaping up to be a pretty large group coming to assault your backyard. Is there anything we can bring to make it easier on you? Is there anything other than weapons and warm clothes that we should bring anyway?
Yeah, quite the large group coming. Should be a blast to see everyone again.
KyleSchmelz said:
matrim1985 said:
Is there anything that you need for this?
Yeah, this is shaping up to be a pretty large group coming to assault your backyard. Is there anything we can bring to make it easier on you? Is there anything other than weapons and warm clothes that we should bring anyway?

It is always wise to bring snacks and drinks to any fight practice, it's not so many people that it'll actually be difficult to host, It's still looking only like 10-12 people ^.^
I are sad I won't be showing up :/ Ah well, I'll be showing up for the February event, so it'll be all good.
Apparantly if you complain to enough people, your boss will have a change of heart and give you the day off -_- I'll be showing up, and more then likely bringing Chris Bently w/ me. Possibly new people coming along as well, assuming I can find anyone who's willing to come at the last second, which considering my friends won't be that difficult -_-
Today was super fun. Thanks everyone for humoring my newbie-ness (Psh, you all know you love me now. Don't deny it.) <--Kidding.
Anywho, sorry for leaving early!
No worries about leaving early, thanks for coming out, glad you enjoyed it!
I sure hope my Ice team won. >>; If they didn't, It's clearly all because I left...since I was just so much help swinging 2's for later half. :P
Good news is

Bad news is the Flame team managed to win.
Clearly they didn't, I think it snowed all day. Ice clearly pushed the Flames out. >>;
Nope, I got the final blow on the ice lord. :D Flame won.

Dave, thanks for the hospitality. I had a great time today.
KyleSchmelz said:
Nope, I got the final blow on the ice lord. :D Flame won.

You make me sad. ._.

KyleSchmelz said:
Nope, I got the final blow on the ice lord. :D Flame won

And then I wiped out the other team by swinging 50's. Good times
enjoyed the fight practice, got to work on my skills abit and it was fun seeing everyone there. swinging damage isn't as imortant as hitting the enemy more then you get hit.

David Raatz