Future of the Chapter


Have you ever considered taking a leadership role in the chapter?
Now is the time!

In order for the chapter to continue we need a new team to step up and take over.
I have spoken to Thetford and thrown my name in the ring.
But this IS NOT a one person job.
Without a viable team, the chapter will be coming to an end.

We have multiple positions opening up.

Owner: This person is responsible for the chapter on a national level. Financials, voting on rules, attending symposium, ensuring other roles are filled, etc.
General Manger: This person is responsible for the chapter on a local level (and fills in for the owner as needed). Scheduling, site management, ensuring things like first aid, insurance, site rules, etc are followed. Also responsible for customer service.
Head Plot: This person is responsible for running events. Plot coordination and preparedness. NPC management. Monster camp needs.

There are a number of other roles we encourage people to try, but without the big 3 (about to be open) positions, we cannot run a chapter.

If you have questions about any of these positions feel free to ask here. You can also contact any of the current staff or myself.

If you are interested, even if you think you are not an ideal candidate, please reach out.

A final decision will be made before the closer. As of right now, we do not have the staff to continue. Let's change that.
I had also previously informed the existing senior staff that I would pick up the duties of general manager if the other two positions were filled.
I want very much to help, though I feel woefully under qualified (and much too far away) to take on ownership or plot. Point me in a direction and let ne know what I can do.
Your friends down at somi are happy to talk to anyone who's considering buying/running the chapter to help them understand what it takes to run a game, live in the ecosystem, etc. So feel free to reach out. We'd hate to see the chapter close.
Your friends down at somi are happy to talk to anyone who's considering buying/running the chapter to help them understand what it takes to run a game, live in the ecosystem, etc. So feel free to reach out. We'd hate to see the chapter close.

New to the forums and fairly new to LARPing, and recently sent a message to learn more about the Alliance and local chapter process/mechanics and probably volunteering as an NPC for the Traverse City chapter's September event near Central Lake, to see how things work and to meet people.

Have been an active table-top RPGer for 40 years, with 90% of time being as a GM. Also grew up in Antrim and southern Charlevoix counties (went to school in Bellaire, Central Lake and East Jordan) and lived in TC (and Kingsley) for about a decade while in college and while running a business in the area. Really enjoy the aspect of creating worlds and background details from which players can interactively create heroic stories and solve problems.

As such would be very interested in helping out in any way possible, once I am familiar with how things work and get to know people. Unfortunately I don't currently live in the area, but my wife and I are hoping to move back to the area at some point in the next few years.

What would be involved with "buying" the chapter and helping to manage it from that perspective?

Alkalin3, I currently live about mid-way between Traverse City and the Detroit area (and am currently working in the Detroit area about 3-4 days a week and from home 1-2 days a week). So I would be interested in learning more, if no one else already active in the Traverse City chapter can afford to step into the ownership position. Also stay in the Detroit area 1-2 evenings a week, so if need be can probably meet with someone from the Southern Michigan Chapter to learn more.
New to the forums and fairly new to LARPing, and recently sent a message to learn more about the Alliance and local chapter process/mechanics and probably volunteering as an NPC for the Traverse City chapter's September event near Central Lake, to see how things work and to meet people.

Have been an active table-top RPGer for 40 years, with 90% of time being as a GM. Also grew up in Antrim and southern Charlevoix counties (went to school in Bellaire, Central Lake and East Jordan) and lived in TC (and Kingsley) for about a decade while in college and while running a business in the area. Really enjoy the aspect of creating worlds and background details from which players can interactively create heroic stories and solve problems.

As such would be very interested in helping out in any way possible, once I am familiar with how things work and get to know people. Unfortunately I don't currently live in the area, but my wife and I are hoping to move back to the area at some point in the next few years.

What would be involved with "buying" the chapter and helping to manage it from that perspective?

Alkalin3, I currently live about mid-way between Traverse City and the Detroit area (and am currently working in the Detroit area about 3-4 days a week and from home 1-2 days a week). So I would be interested in learning more, if no one else already active in the Traverse City chapter can afford to step into the ownership position. Also stay in the Detroit area 1-2 evenings a week, so if need be can probably meet with someone from the Southern Michigan Chapter to learn more.

You really want to play a few games, especially in the area to get an idea of what it's going to take. I'm in Chicago but, I'm sure one fo the other South Michigan Owners would be happy to meet in person if you're serious.

It sounds like a few folks are interested in carrying on the game. So you might meet up with them.

But, here goes.

The new Alliance Rules will cost you 1k a year just to run the game. On top of whatever it'd take to procure the physical game assets. So you'll need to make sure you're getting a player base to cover that.
You'll want to make sure that you have a few staff spots filled.

On top of being the owner, you'll want a General Manager, i.e. another business person. In regards to Traverse City, I think this person has two responsibilities. Getting a camp site secured for every game, and increases chapter attendance.
I think these two are hand in hand. A nicer campsite means more travelers from other games.
This means doing out reach, often attending other larps, managing social media ect.
Someone who can run the numbers on if staying so close to Traverse City is hurting or helping the game. (There's a ton of larps closer to grand rapids, for example. Would putting an hour and a half drive on older players, increase newer player turn out?)
This person will secure insurance, make sure you're running an llc so you're protected, and can handle staff purchases like props and what not.
Generally if you've got two people managing the business, you nothing falls through the cracks.

You'll need a head of plot, or at least like someone who's played the game long enough who can be your anchor. This is big unknown for the game right now, since 2 of the great choices just stepped down. On top of experience, you'll want someone invested in the new rules. The new rules are great but, they do add complexity to stating. If you do it wrong, it can really ruin the game for folks. This person is going to need to commit to a lot of work. Running a larp is leaps and bounds ahead of a table top. Because on top of just writing story, you've got to build props, organize people, create costuming, learn makeup, and stat things relative to your game. In table top if you want 100 goblins to show up and only have 3 npcs. That's a pretty different type of fight.

Another thing, that's unique to your situation is storage of monster camp and transportation. Traverse City has a sizable monster camp, it needs to be taken to and from events. Living far away is going to put that responsibility up.

Once you have those 2ish roles filled out, you can start looking into who's going to do what beyond that.

We have an event this Friday in the Ann Arbor area. If you'd like to come by, it'll be busy but we could show you our operation and you can get a better idea about what you might need.
Thanks for the info. That is more than I would not feel comfortable investing that much without having much of a clue yet as to how things work or how many people are normally involved with the TC chapters events. But I might still be willing to help out once I am more familiar with things.

Thanks for the invite. Unsure if I can make it because my wife and I were thinking about attending RennFest in Holly next weekend. I had thought about trying to make it to a session in southern Michigan, but there was very little info available about upcoming events as compared to the TC web site (unless I somehow missed that info) , so I wasn't so sure that there was even anything else going on in that area the remainder of this year.

Where is the Ann Arbor event being held? What is the start and end time?