Jessica Stephenson
Elinor arrives in short order to the outside of the sanctum. She's reviewed the map five or six times already, but she's determined to commit it to memory. If Jinn had taught her anything, it was that paper wasn't to be relied upon.
She glances up and down the street, humming quietly. She's itchy to get going, the twisting, anxious feeling in her belly growing worse by the minute. If they could just get on the road, it would at least keep her mind off the steady stream of what-if's. She smiles to herself. Well, if the constant travel doesn't do it, I'm sure Myrdin's jokes will be distracting enough.
She glances up and down the street, humming quietly. She's itchy to get going, the twisting, anxious feeling in her belly growing worse by the minute. If they could just get on the road, it would at least keep her mind off the steady stream of what-if's. She smiles to herself. Well, if the constant travel doesn't do it, I'm sure Myrdin's jokes will be distracting enough.