Ghoul hunt

If there is not time this market day, which is likely, I will make sure to help you the next market day after this one.

Thorador Bouldefist
Thorador said:
If there is not time this market day, which is likely, I will make sure to help you the next market day after this one.

Thorador Bouldefist

It is quite likely that I will be unavailable next market day, though if someone wanted to take my organizing and lead it next time we gather, I would be more then willing to let them.

Also, after wonko, I am officially drawing the line. I wish to keep the hunting party small so that the loot isn't divided too much. Any who are already in but are questioning if you can may decide at a later date. none will blame you if you have other obligations and the only time any will be questioned is as the hunt begins. If any do not show we will wait a while and head out without them should they be terribly late.

To those reading this, I have just updated the first statement on this topic and you should go read it if you haven't already.

Deoman. (biata)
Depending on the situations at the time, I believe that I can accompany you if James of Harbor's Far is going, I think he mentioned me but left it open ended just in case. If it works out I always am looking for new things to kill.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of time, the ghoul hunt didn't get a chance to hunt, so, as I am expecting to not be with you guys next market day, I am handing off control of the hunt to any who want it. Should I appear unexpectedly at the next market day, I do not want control back, but rather my place in the hunt and a fair share of the cariousus. should no one take control, either the hunt will be disolved or I will retake control, depending on if I am at the market day or not.
I've 'ad a chat with Deoman. Those lookin' t' go hunt ghouls can see me next market day. Expect t' leave around noonish or so. I'm not big on overplannin' things so whoever wants t' come can join on in. Meet outside the tavern and we'll be splittin' the proceeds evenly among those who lend their talents.
