
first note: ¡booyah, you kooky graduate! grats on surviving High Screwl!
second note: philo degrees are big business. if you plan on higher education, a philo or a writing degree is the pediment for many a Masters and Doctorate as most of the Big Time schools are looking for people who can analyze and exoress their thoughts
third note: eff practicality - the world's big enough that you can always find a living doing what you love, ¿why bother burning away existence living for the homebound commute?
finally: ¡you whipper-snappesr are making me feel old! stop it or i'll beat you with my cane!
Shoutout to you Jesse! I'm graduating too, though only expecting 4+??? years of school (Double Major of Photography and Cultural Studies). Hooray for surviving the fish-barrel!
Congratualtions to all you Seniors!

I never got to walk to the stage in my cap and gown. I graduated taking summer school. :oops: Stupid homework... they mailed me my cap and degree in the same letter though. :)
Woot Woot!
Congrats Fyn! I will be walking to the stage alone this year. :( But I hope I can get the guy to play Godsmack's "I Stand Alone" when I walk down the aisle instead of that goofy "Pomp and Circumstance" they always play! :P
Why in MY day we had REAL graduations! We had to walk up the aisle uphil both ways in 6 feet of snow with wolves nipping at our heals!

Congratulations to those of you graduating. Hang in there for those of you who have not.
doverman said:
Why in MY day we had REAL graduations! We had to walk up the aisle uphil both ways in 6 feet of snow with wolves nipping at our heals!

Well at least you only had to do it once! :D
Marcena said:
Congrats Fyn! I will be walking to the stage alone this year. :( But I hope I can get the guy to play Godsmack's "I Stand Alone" when I walk down the aisle instead of that goofy "Pomp and Circumstance" they always play! :P
Alone? As in, you're the only graduate of the school?
picked out? hmm usually went tallest..i was always stuck in every graduation (K - HS) with the tallest basketball playin mofo.....ehhh its weird..i think i'm technically old enough to be a parent of some of you....that's for graduating high school....ENJOY is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more are paying for it so you take it more you get to go away from home usually...stock up on microwave popcorn and chefboyardee and raman noodles....don't quit no matter how hard it gets...and uhh...lessee...

you youngsters have it so good..back in my day we had to TYPE our english papers..on a typewriter.....and uhhhh...lessee....i did have to walk uphill for a ton of my college courses but that's just normal...ummm...I dunno i sometimes think you guys have it harder...too much technology.
My graduating class (1987) was the first one in San Jose California to be required to pass a computer pompetency test to graduate...

did you mean computency? HEHEHEHEHEHEEH computer...get it?


the song they play at graduation is pomp and circumstance so that makes the typo cute
As a California graduate myself, I can confirm that pomposity with computers is not only not unknown, but nearly a requirement.

So I can understand a little pomputency.

Dang, Doverman, I like that word. May have to send it along to a friend of mine. It really does cover everything, doesn't it?

Here's to malapropisms and their ilk!

Cheers, mate!
my junior prom marching song was Thunderstruck by ACDC

did i just date myself?
I didn't go. I went last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. And it has just gotten lamer and lamer. :(