
college degrees are only worth something if you want to work in or near a metropolis...if you want to live in the country...just get an associates in business or liberal arts and go to work. :D
Marcena said:
I'm going to be a clinical psychiatrist. For people who are already insane. I just don't want to end up fourty years down the road in an office trying to analyze and relate to kids that grew up in an entirely different world than I did.

¡HAHAHA! with the rate of information growth, beta in world events, and revisioning of the international, human dynamic, you'll be lucky to relate to someone 10 years, let alone 40, your junior. it's just the way of the current world. welcome to the revolution ;)

fortunately, psychology doesn't really change with the speed of technology, just its mode of analysis. if you locate and plumb a specialization you enjoy, you should be fine
Mobius said:
Marcena said:
I'm going to be a clinical psychiatrist. For people who are already insane. I just don't want to end up fourty years down the road in an office trying to analyze and relate to kids that grew up in an entirely different world than I did.

¡HAHAHA! with the rate of information growth, beta in world events, and revisioning of the international, human dynamic, you'll be lucky to relate to someone 10 years, let alone 40, your junior. it's just the way of the current world. welcome to the revolution ;)

fortunately, psychology doesn't really change with the speed of technology, just its mode of analysis. if you locate and plumb a specialization you enjoy, you should be fine

I wish my principal got that. He actually told me "Jesse, if you were a little less insubordinate, I think we would have gotten along."

And I know. Psychology seemed the perfect field for someone like me who is already hoplessly out of touch with technology.
to be a head shrinker you need to study a lot of medicin as the way they treat mental illness now a days is with pills pills pills
though recent study shows that us insane people start taking medicin get just well enough to comit suscide so now there perscribing less meds

The world is quickly going more insane or as I like to put it hopping on my crazy train!
I know all about the pill pushers, mister. I hope not to join their ranks.

As for all going insane...I think it is a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world. :D
Marcena said:
As for all going insane...I think it is a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world. :D

Might I infer from this statement that you believe that, due to the inherent insanity prevalent in the current social world, the only recourse open to a sane individual would be to dash headlong into the fold? That, perhaps, the only sane thing to do is to submit to such a course?

I dare say I would have to be crazy not to agree with you. :twisted:

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents." - H.P. Lovecraft
In one of my English classes, we were told to relate our minds to something. Some people were putting "beehives"; "gardens"; "war zones"; and whatever.

I put Detroit. Crowded, crime ridden, noisy, and a pretty dirty place to boot. :P
Wow. I'd compare my mind to a a bowl of pudding. Not because my mind is like a bowl of pudding but because puddings just awesome.
bah, skip the MD and learn psychology. if you really want to play with drugs, earn your Med-Psych degree. psychiatrists treat the effects, not the cause. "It take an insane man to be sane in an insane world" -paraphrased from the Dalai Lama
Mobius said:
bah, skip the MD and learn psychology. if you really want to play with drugs, earn your Med-Psych degree. psychiatrists treat the effects, not the cause. "It take an insane man to be sane in an insane world" -paraphrased from the Dalai Lama

Actually, I will disagree with that. Some psychiatrists only treat the effects. Every one of them I have ever talked to knows that the most effective treatment is a combination of counseling and medication. Medication to help the symptoms, counseling to deal with the root causes... that is unless the affliction is such that counseling isn't really going to help... there are those.
Yeah. I used to live near a mental hospital. They had almost no funding which led to an outpatient program which led to a lot of Thorazine zombies and a lot of them frozen to death. :(
i would compare my mind to the basement of an eccentric old single man....
That's an interesting mind, indeed. Coming from one who has spent time in the basement of a single old man...there are lots of trains, then?
more like alot of books on shelves and lots of hand carved wooden bookshelves that are built into the walls and perhaps some african masks and an old german shepherd dog and a futon with lots of pillows and maybe some china that was handed down from a great grandmother. some escher prints on the wall and maybe some parrish paintings