I am thinkin' this aloud 'cause it just ain't right. Not right at all. My brother just read me the paper over supper and I had to take a nap to calm down I was so steamed! This whole column is all muddled up!
First off, while there may have been some kinda discomfort regardin' the attire Squire Man-at-Arms Aven wore during her entertainment skit, Sophie never said nothin' like slutty! I mean, yeah sure, it was a little odd for us soldiers to see one of our senior officers wearin' such revealin' clothes but...eh...all in good fun! I guess...
And what's this next bit about Aven no longer bein' apart o' the squad, eh?! Just cause she has bravely decided to accept the rank of Squire under his Excellency, Baron Ivan Drake, don't make her any less part of our ranks! She is a proud soldier in His Graces Army, and I ain't gonna let a no good mud slingin' gossip columnist sully her good name, or that of Man-at-Arms Sophia Dawne! Another thing, there ain't no stinkin' tensions between us at all! We are a tight knit group who care about each other very much.
I guess maybe my squabble ain't really with the author of this wretched section, but in whoever been the one who done submitted the damned rumor!
Next time ya have some kinda concern over our companies' ranks, how they dress, or how they may choose to express themselves...talk to one of us, instead of tryin' to be cute and makin' up some garbage to put in the garbage paper!
I have been tryin' real hard to learn to read, but boy is this stuff discouragin' that endeavor...
Frustratedly yours,
Man-at-Arms Flint Boulderback of Vex Squad, Legion D, The Untiring Phalanx
P.S. Me n' me brother Tinder, and Amaranthus were sittin' off away from others with His Grace Duke Broomis in order not to be rude to people who might not enjoy the aroma of burning Trollweed! We was havin' a gentlemanly discussion regardin' the times we live in, and such. In other words we was shootin' the shite! My brother, Amaranthus, and I were very honored to have His Grace's company for some good ol' fashion discussionary relaxation.
First off, while there may have been some kinda discomfort regardin' the attire Squire Man-at-Arms Aven wore during her entertainment skit, Sophie never said nothin' like slutty! I mean, yeah sure, it was a little odd for us soldiers to see one of our senior officers wearin' such revealin' clothes but...eh...all in good fun! I guess...
And what's this next bit about Aven no longer bein' apart o' the squad, eh?! Just cause she has bravely decided to accept the rank of Squire under his Excellency, Baron Ivan Drake, don't make her any less part of our ranks! She is a proud soldier in His Graces Army, and I ain't gonna let a no good mud slingin' gossip columnist sully her good name, or that of Man-at-Arms Sophia Dawne! Another thing, there ain't no stinkin' tensions between us at all! We are a tight knit group who care about each other very much.
I guess maybe my squabble ain't really with the author of this wretched section, but in whoever been the one who done submitted the damned rumor!
Next time ya have some kinda concern over our companies' ranks, how they dress, or how they may choose to express themselves...talk to one of us, instead of tryin' to be cute and makin' up some garbage to put in the garbage paper!
I have been tryin' real hard to learn to read, but boy is this stuff discouragin' that endeavor...
Frustratedly yours,
Man-at-Arms Flint Boulderback of Vex Squad, Legion D, The Untiring Phalanx
P.S. Me n' me brother Tinder, and Amaranthus were sittin' off away from others with His Grace Duke Broomis in order not to be rude to people who might not enjoy the aroma of burning Trollweed! We was havin' a gentlemanly discussion regardin' the times we live in, and such. In other words we was shootin' the shite! My brother, Amaranthus, and I were very honored to have His Grace's company for some good ol' fashion discussionary relaxation.