Grievous Slander


I am thinkin' this aloud 'cause it just ain't right. Not right at all. My brother just read me the paper over supper and I had to take a nap to calm down I was so steamed! This whole column is all muddled up!

First off, while there may have been some kinda discomfort regardin' the attire Squire Man-at-Arms Aven wore during her entertainment skit, Sophie never said nothin' like slutty! I mean, yeah sure, it was a little odd for us soldiers to see one of our senior officers wearin' such revealin' clothes in good fun! I guess...

And what's this next bit about Aven no longer bein' apart o' the squad, eh?! Just cause she has bravely decided to accept the rank of Squire under his Excellency, Baron Ivan Drake, don't make her any less part of our ranks! She is a proud soldier in His Graces Army, and I ain't gonna let a no good mud slingin' gossip columnist sully her good name, or that of Man-at-Arms Sophia Dawne! Another thing, there ain't no stinkin' tensions between us at all! We are a tight knit group who care about each other very much.

I guess maybe my squabble ain't really with the author of this wretched section, but in whoever been the one who done submitted the damned rumor!

Next time ya have some kinda concern over our companies' ranks, how they dress, or how they may choose to express to one of us, instead of tryin' to be cute and makin' up some garbage to put in the garbage paper!

I have been tryin' real hard to learn to read, but boy is this stuff discouragin' that endeavor...

Frustratedly yours,

Man-at-Arms Flint Boulderback of Vex Squad, Legion D, The Untiring Phalanx

P.S. Me n' me brother Tinder, and Amaranthus were sittin' off away from others with His Grace Duke Broomis in order not to be rude to people who might not enjoy the aroma of burning Trollweed! We was havin' a gentlemanly discussion regardin' the times we live in, and such. In other words we was shootin' the shite! My brother, Amaranthus, and I were very honored to have His Grace's company for some good ol' fashion discussionary relaxation.

Thank you for understanding that the gossip in the column is based primarily on what is submitted to the paper, and the fault for mistakes lie with the submitter and not the columnist.

And you should see the things we decide not to run!

Eric Woolcott, Editor
Oh yeah, and one more thing! Sun Li Kai's tea is delicious and his beard ain't scrawny, it's just underdeveloped is all! His ears got more care in the growin' up process due to his Elven heritage. Yeah, that's it! If he keeps on with the samplin' o' fine Dwarven spirits every now and again we might see some whiskers that rival even the bushiest of the squad!

I got a good rumor for ya mister or miss rumor writin' person, Sun Li Kai may in fact be made of gold! I seen it myself when I saw the sunlight hit his dome, it gleamed like precious metals! That was a little humor there if ya failed to notice, we love us our Sun Li Kai!

I care very little for petty words, but it is troubling to see honorable people -- who have come to defend Fairdale time and time again -- slandered so fiercely upon every viable opportunity. The Vex Squad has always answered Fairdale's call for aid; is this how they respond to them? Curious.

- Sevaria of Goshawk
Sevaria and Flint,

Unfortunately I would recommend getting used to it. At times Icenia can treat those who try to keep her safe quite poorly. It is the trade off to becoming an adventurer.

In the end, the Vex squad will know its own deeds; and will continue to follow them for the good of the people; not because some newspaper decided it would be easy to spread rumors about them.

-Aislynn Ravenshire
Respect is not earned in people reading your deeds. Respect is earned in people seeing them.

Hail, Vex Squad! Rock of Trellheim!

Squire Ulthoc of Nordenn
FOIGofWar said:
Respect is not earned in people reading your deeds. Respect is earned in people seeing them.

Hail, Vex Squad! Rock of Trellheim!

Squire Ulthoc of Nordenn

Never spoken true....

Did you mean "Truer words were never spoken?"

I ask mainly because "Never spoken true" makes it sound like you are saying no one respects Ulthoc.

Just clarifying, sucm.

I think he meant 'never spoken truer' but probably got some beard stuck in his mouth so we couldn't catch the whole thing. Maybe there was something in your mouth when you said 'sucm' or is there a new word you're going to teach me?
tieran said:

Did you mean "Truer words were never spoken?"

I ask mainly because "Never spoken true" makes it sound like you are saying no one respects Ulthoc.

Just clarifying, sucm.


I said sucm.

Its a joke.

Maybe Gilwing will explain it to you since you seem so quick to jump to his defense.

Or maybe you will ask nicely and I'll explain it to you.

I will point out that while I may be quick to jump to a friend's defense, you seem to attack far more quickly Tieran. Which is the better quality?

Keep your joke to yourself.
And I will point out that I made no attack.

My joke was between myself and Gilwing, don't be upset because you don't get it.

And don't waste your efforts attacking where there is no need.

And try not to waste your efforts trying to get me to waste my efforts answering your clearly rhetorical question.

A friendly joke, eh? Forgive me for not placing much faith in your kindness. Did you not insult Mattock while I was trying to organize classes in Ashbury? Perhaps that was also a joke. I think I'm beginning to see the type of humor you appreciate. I also think that you could learn a thing or two from Man-at-Arms Flint Boulderback.
Funny, I don't remember insulting him.

I remember asking him if he was from somewhere I didn't know or if he was misspelling the name of a place I did know.

I'm very direct when I'm trying to offend someone.

And I never said the joke was friendly, simply that it was between myself and Gilwing.

I think that I am begining to see the extent of your ability to comprehend another's words.

And I also think that you could learn a thing or two from keeping your mouth shut.

That direct enough?

Direct enough to convince me that I am correct. You could learn a lot by emulating Flint. As for learning something by keeping my mouth shut, I must point out that opening my mouth has taught me a few things recently. You may recall the discussion on baning necromancy or the one on hunting undead. In both of those cases speaking up was key to leanring something new.

In this conversation as well, speaking up confirmed what I believe are severe flaws in your character Tieran. Yet, you may be right. Silence may have some important lessons for me. I'll let you know in about six months, but first I'll wager that if silence does teach an important lesson, it's a lesson that you shall never learn.

Good luck!
tieran said:
That direct enough?

Who knew spelling and grammer could cause such a conflict. Especially when it's Gilwing's spelling and grammer. He's lucky he can spell is own name, much less use a cliche correctly. Sparky, Tieran's just an arse, he looks for people to try and debate him so he can belittle them. I think that's why we get along so well, and don't try to get the last word, you never will.

Thanks Red... This guys already been written off though.

I love how people expect me to learn a lesson from silence but won't learn them themselves.

And for the record, I never said that he should always keep his mouth shut, just that he could learn some things from doing so.

But I don't really expect him to comprehend the difference, as my obviously subtle play on words has already been lost on him.

I say that a craft is the fix here. You have to much time left with not a thing ta do. Myself I work with herbs metals and when needed i am a tracker. In these things I find much ta do with my time. If ya dont have any understanding of a craft then i would be happy ta teach ya one. If ya put the same time into a honest days work ya would have alot more ta show for it then useless talk about what others have said should it be right or wrong.

And for the Love of the Earth say your name with some pride. Youve done great things in and around the center you should say you name, not just spit out a "T" sound.

Mattock Lightfoot Ironleaf of the Woodkeep clan
Ah, I should have known my dreams would get noisy where Ulthoc and Tieran are concerned. Good to know you're still alive and kicking, Tieran, though I doubt there is anything persistent enough to kill you at this point. I will have to find a way through the mist and see how things have been in Vandlar one of these days... and I'll drag that good for nothin' lug of mine along with!


I already have a craft.

I have great pride in my name, but when I discourse with others I have very limited reason for using it in full.

And for the record, I've done great things in many places, but thank you.
