Hardcore event breakdown

Normal APL is in the 14-15 range. That may not sound much lower than 17.5, but trust me, it is rather significant.

We do go out of our way to put lower end monsters into every wave battle and crunchies run the gambit. Modules will be scaled 99% of the time (beware the unscaled modules). IMO, a 5th level fighter or rogue can contribute reasonably is most wave battles. A 5th level caster can contribute meaningfully in about a third of the wave battles. I wish I could say better, but if a 5th level character could contribute meaningfully in every wave battle, level 25-30 guys would solo the wave battles (Scott nearly got to solo the final wave battle of last weekend... much to his dismay).

mikestrauss said:
Normal APL is in the 14-15 range. That may not sound much lower than 17.5, but trust me, it is rather significant.

We do go out of our way to put lower end monsters into every wave battle and crunchies run the gambit. Modules will be scaled 99% of the time (beware the unscaled modules). IMO, a 5th level fighter or rogue can contribute reasonably is most wave battles. A 5th level caster can contribute meaningfully in about a third of the wave battles. I wish I could say better, but if a 5th level character could contribute meaningfully in every wave battle, level 25-30 guys would solo the wave battles (Scott nearly got to solo the final wave battle of last weekend... much to his dismay).


Prison is my friend!
meh yea I understand that I won't be able to do stuff all day as a Celestial Caster and that’s alright. I have my dagger if I really need to have a weapon in a pinch and I can at least run around darting in for a quick stab and distracting things if nothing else. I can't fight crunchies all day but when I do unload it is fun. Glad to hear that you guys try to make sure there are some littler monsters that a 4th or 5th level caster could drop when he needs to.

Some of my best moments so far is when I am running around not doing much in a battle until a bigger thing shows up that has a threshold, or no one has silver to take it down and someone yells "Kill that thing!" and you unload your arsenal of carefully hoarded spells to take it down. =)

I can also believe there is a difference between 14 and 17! There is even a significant difference between 6 and 8.
Dreamingfurther said:
I'd love to see Earth vs. Celestial Ratio

The database does the class and race breakdowns in a chart. To split Earth and Celestial I need to do it by hand.

Earth - 12
Celestial - 8
Both - 1 (9th level in both schools)

Earth - 4
Celestial - 3

Celestial - 1
Earth - 1
Dreamingfurther said:
Of course there were more Scholars than Fighters! Magic FTW =)

In the breakdown next time I'd love to see Earth vs. Celestial Ratio...

Another question, as a PC who is planing to come out the HQ this summer what is a more normal APL? I'm only going to be like level 4 or 5, will I feel TOTALLY un-usefull?

Oh and sweet Dark Elf team FTW! (I'm going to be joining this summer in the heat if I can manage it as a DE Celestial Scholar). =) That sounds like an awsome game.

I know that feeling
I know one duke that did try and have me included in one plot but the pooring rain and cold kinda stoped me
if you make it to HQ Ill adventure with and heal you

Hahaha, I'm sorry but I just noticed your location, Frank. LOL the garbage state.
<<< I know one duke that did try and have me included in one plot but the pooring rain and cold kinda stoped me >>>

Thanks for the promotion, Frank, but I'm just a baron. :)

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
IvanDrake said:
<<< I know one duke that did try and have me included in one plot but the pooring rain and cold kinda stoped me >>>

Thanks for the promotion, Frank, but I'm just a baron. :)

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake

who said it was you ;)
Gwendara said:
Hahaha, I'm sorry but I just noticed your location, Frank. LOL the garbage state.
It's true, though. The top exports of NJ are carbon emmisions and people running from tourists.
there is a reason why its free to enter NJ but all the tols are when you leave
and if tolls were enough they added a new tax...
When you sell a home and leave NJ you get a Special exit tax!

if it wasnt for me having to take care of my Dad in his old age I would sell my house and move to PA
When my Duty to dad is done if I am still larping and in Alliance I will sell my house and buy some land and build a small cabin next to the HQ site
wounder if I should get tag for my estate then :)

Frank Wiccan said:
Dreamingfurther said:
Of course there were more Scholars than Fighters! Magic FTW =)

In the breakdown next time I'd love to see Earth vs. Celestial Ratio...

Another question, as a PC who is planing to come out the HQ this summer what is a more normal APL? I'm only going to be like level 4 or 5, will I feel TOTALLY un-usefull?

Oh and sweet Dark Elf team FTW! (I'm going to be joining this summer in the heat if I can manage it as a DE Celestial Scholar). =) That sounds like an awsome game.

I know that feeling
I know one duke that did try and have me included in one plot but the pooring rain and cold kinda stoped me
if you make it to HQ Ill adventure with and heal you


Hey very cool I'll let you know when I'm coming, although I generally don't drop too much since I get in there blast some stuff and then get out before fighters can close with me... that is unless... eek necros! =) What race are you though? Cause I'll probably look for the other DE's... =P I agree though the rain would kill it for me too.

Thanks for the Celstial vs. earth breakdown to though, I'm glad to see so many Celestial casters! (And a little surprised) Amazement and honor to the man (or woman) with 9th level spells in both schools... =P
Dreamingfurther said:
Amazement and honor to the man (or woman) with 9th level spells in both schools... =P

For the locals: Gee, I wonder who that is. ;)
Ren Suzume said:
Gwendara said:
Hahaha, I'm sorry but I just noticed your location, Frank. LOL the garbage state.
It's true, though. The top exports of NJ are carbon emmisions and people running from tourists.

Any and all who start making fun of my home state better be prepared to go 15 rounds. NJ is the best state in this whole damned country. Remember that!

mikestrauss said:
Ren Suzume said:
Gwendara said:
Hahaha, I'm sorry but I just noticed your location, Frank. LOL the garbage state.
It's true, though. The top exports of NJ are carbon emmisions and people running from tourists.

Any and all who start making fun of my home state better be prepared to go 15 rounds. NJ is the best state in this whole damned country. Remember that!


Um, then why do you live in Pittsburgh? If you meant that, you'd still live in NJ...like I do.

OK NJ lots to do close to PA and NY
nice land some nice forests hills and good sights

the TAXES ARE MURDER it is the most expensive state to live in (when compared entire state to entire state)
the most messed up laws and more laws
totaly bankrupt 40 states have cash surplus of over 10 billion 8 states have cash surplus 2 states are in major debt and one was hit my a major storm and is under sea level the other is NJ.
most corupt goverment in US and msot of known world
more cars in a smaller area trafic nightmares

but if it wasnt for the laws and the taxes I would say ok NJ is great the air isnt bad its fine and the water is clean (well semi clean)

Maybe he is running form tourists. You know doing his part to keep the exports form Nj the top notch that people think of when they think of NJ.
Frank Wiccan said:
most corupt goverment in US and msot of known world

Change that to CONUS and you may be right. In all of the United States though - the protectorate of Guam has the most corrupt government ever. Fact.