Hardcore event breakdown

I can't disagree on the taxes and government. They both suck. I pay more in property taxes than some people pay in rent.

I believe NJ also has the most millionaires per capita, though the value of that is debatable.

We also have just about the cheapest gas prices in the nation.

NJ, for its small size, is also like three or more states. You have Northeast Jersey (no comment...if you can't say something nice), we have the shore, we have South Jersey (a completely different state) and we have Central/Western New Jersey. I live in the second LEAST populated county and I love it it there, though the current governer is all about screwing the small towns and pandering to the cities.

Oh well. It is what it is.

Duke Frost said:
mikestrauss said:
Any and all who start making fun of my home state better be prepared to go 15 rounds. NJ is the best state in this whole damned country. Remember that!


Um, then why do you live in Pittsburgh? If you meant that, you'd still live in NJ...like I do.


Because, through the coal-soot-tinted glasses of living in Pittsburgh, any state would feel like the best state in the country.

Thankfully I live in Washington county now, where I can pay a fifth of the property taxes that I'd pay in Allegheny, and still have better services.
Re: Hardcore event breakdown
Dreamingfurther wrote:
I'd love to see Earth vs. Celestial Ratio

The database does the class and race breakdowns in a chart. To split Earth and Celestial I need to do it by hand.

Earth - 12
Celestial - 8
Both - 1 (9th level in both schools)

Earth - 4
Celestial - 3

Celestial - 1
Earth - 1


IG: Kalaji, Telokh, Gyps (vulture), Madcap (raven), Nalong (platypus), Donatien
OOG: Mike Engler, HQ Logistics Head

Mike you need to revise this.....there is another 2 school scholar in town.. Celestial Prime / Earth Secondary.... or were you just going by 9th level spells?

I think there were 3 dual school PC scholars running around.
Unless someone had a significant portion of build in the second school I counted them in the primary school only.