High Orc Tusks

Toddo said:
unless you can afford to donate enough to every chapter so that they can buy 5-8 of the same prosthetics. (Yes, that's a dare, I WANT these masks)


I may not be able to 'donate' outright but I could easily set up an extremely cheap price + gobbies for each chapter for my 'tusk beard'. I still have to get off my lazy arse and do the smaller glueable set.
Brooks said:
Where Does one get "Friendly Plastic"? To make the teeth?



Come out to the Chicago event at the end of the month, and I should be able to hook you up with enough to make tusks.

Yes, it's a bribe.

My boyfriend can't put tusks in his mouth due to bleeding-gum problems. Other than the chin-tusks...Any suggestions on making things like friendly-plastic wreak less havoc on ones mouth?
I keep toying with the idea of trying to attach tusks to an athletic mouth guard, I just never seem to have the time to mess with it.
Ezri said:
I keep toying with the idea of trying to attach tusks to an athletic mouth guard, I just never seem to have the time to mess with it.

I was thinking that, but would that keep him from speaking well, or at all??? We'll grab the stuff and play with it... I guess I'll let you know!
The tusks are kinda supposed to make you talk funny. Having real tusks sticking out of your face would do that too. And once you adjust it's not that bad. If you've ever had a retainer it's an easy adjustment.

Once you make them, wear them around the house for a little while. This will help you adjust them (you almost always have to trim a little here or there) and help you get used to speaking with them.
Would it be acceptable to make tusks out of several layers of white foam paper (as seen at Joann fabrics, Walmart, etc.)? Each layer is 2mm thick, so it would be, in theory, kind of like soft latex in multiple layer form rather than one solid piece. Last year I purchased a hard plastic set of teeth and that didn't work out at all (see page 1 of this thread).

My idea is to have the first layer of the soft foam in mouth on the outside of the lower teeth, holding it in place, then add more layers glued to the previous layer and cut to shape to create 3-dimensional tusks. This foam stuff also holds it shape really well for its light weight, and could easily create tusks of 2-3 inches long. I can draw up a schematic/make a prototype if needed.

The best part for this is if it works, the 8.5x11" sheets of the foam stuff only cost between 60-80 cents a piece depending where you go, so this would be very easy for NPC camp to have a bunch. In addition, if you use non-water soluble glue (although make sure its NON-TOXIC glue) to attach the pieces together, they can be sanitized very easily between use and different NPCs could safely use them.

Would the Alliance accept these types of tusks for Orcs and Ogres?
OrcFighterFTW said:
Would it be acceptable to make tusks out of several layers of white foam paper (as seen at Joann fabrics, Walmart, etc.).
If they are acceptable, this would make getting the racial stuff for Orcs/Ogres considerably easier for everyone, especially those who don't want to make an investment for tusks. They also would help with the talking funny, though, as others say, talking funny when you're an Orc/Ogre isn't really a bad thing. I can't really see a reason why they would be outlawed, though I'm no Alliance rule master like most of these folks. But I'm still have a hard time visualizing your proposal (which, if I like it and it's legal, I certainly will use for my upcoming Ogre), and I would like to see some kind of "schematic/prototype" as you say.
To clarify, I'm basically making a lower mouthguard like wrestlers and martial artists use (got the idea from Ezri's previous post- thank you, Ezri), but have the mouthpiece with two slots jutting out from it. It will be a horse-shoe shaped top piece with the two slots coming out of the curved side attached to a lower part that wraps around the teeth/gums. Then on top of the two slots which stick out from the mouth, I will attach the tusks (which can be custom designed for shape/curvature/length).

I'll make a prototype tonight after work and have schematics posted along with a picture by tomorrow morning. I'll also be bringing them to my home chapter's fight practice this Saturday for approval/review and make adjustments from there.
This sounds cool Peter, I don't know of any reason why from my knowledge of how things work that they would be dis-allowed. Just make sure they can stand up to the wear and tear of a whole day of playing, and if so it sounds cool!
OrcFighterFTW said:
I'll also be bringing them to my home chapter's fight practice this Saturday for approval/review and make adjustments from there.
Your home chapter is Southern Minnesota, correct (got that from your signature)? If so, I'll see you there!
OrcFighterFTW said:
To clarify, I'm basically making a lower mouthguard like wrestlers and martial artists use (got the idea from Ezri's previous post- thank you, Ezri), but have the mouthpiece with two slots jutting out from it. It will be a horse-shoe shaped top piece with the two slots coming out of the curved side attached to a lower part that wraps around the teeth/gums. Then on top of the two slots which stick out from the mouth, I will attach the tusks (which can be custom designed for shape/curvature/length).

I'll make a prototype tonight after work and have schematics posted along with a picture by tomorrow morning. I'll also be bringing them to my home chapter's fight practice this Saturday for approval/review and make adjustments from there.

Those sound awesome.. can't wait to see photos! I'm always wondering if there isn't just a "better way" to make tusks so they're less likely to knock someone's teeth out.. :)
Hey Jesse... don't blame the common folks when we can't keep up with your teeth smashing weight rating superman game style...
Sorry, I got a bit side-tracked with family stuff the last couple of days, and will continue to be throughout this weekend.

As soon as I can find some spare time to work on LARP stuff, I'll be finishing the best version of three prototypes I have going, then posting pics and a how-to-make of the best prototype. One major adjustment so far: Only have one solid piece in the mouth that wraps softly around the gums with two tusks coming out of it vertically in front and then add "padding" of more foam above the lipline to fill out the tusks on the outside, and then cut to shape (make pointy, curve to style).

One downside/solution: They are lightweight and not build for long term use (likely to tear if accidentally hit in the face); however, they cost less than 50 cents each to make (one 8.5x11 sheet can make 6 or more tusks + bottle of foam glue), so make/bring extras to events just in case you need to change them out. Also, they absorb colors/dirt readily, so make sure facepaint dries before putting them in to avoid green/yellow teeth and bring extra cleaning supplies.

Post edited to not leave people waiting endlessly for the pre-promised pics. Oy with the family and the work and the things...
I give in. This task has bested me.

The idea turned out to be too flimsy to hold up if cut thin, too bulky to have in mouth if cut too thick, took on all dirt/paint that touched it, and generally has a bad taste, along with saliva build-up.

Oh well. Friendly plastic it still is it seems.