Would it be acceptable to make tusks out of several layers of white foam paper (as seen at Joann fabrics, Walmart, etc.)? Each layer is 2mm thick, so it would be, in theory, kind of like soft latex in multiple layer form rather than one solid piece. Last year I purchased a hard plastic set of teeth and that didn't work out at all (see page 1 of this thread).
My idea is to have the first layer of the soft foam in mouth on the outside of the lower teeth, holding it in place, then add more layers glued to the previous layer and cut to shape to create 3-dimensional tusks. This foam stuff also holds it shape really well for its light weight, and could easily create tusks of 2-3 inches long. I can draw up a schematic/make a prototype if needed.
The best part for this is if it works, the 8.5x11" sheets of the foam stuff only cost between 60-80 cents a piece depending where you go, so this would be very easy for NPC camp to have a bunch. In addition, if you use non-water soluble glue (although make sure its NON-TOXIC glue) to attach the pieces together, they can be sanitized very easily between use and different NPCs could safely use them.
Would the Alliance accept these types of tusks for Orcs and Ogres?