Hi all,
I know that Staff usually puts up this thread but I figured I'd get the ball rolling.
Thank you so much to our NPC's and to Plot for a really fun event. You all work tirelessly to keep us all entertained. Here are some of my favourite moments from the event.
I know that Staff usually puts up this thread but I figured I'd get the ball rolling.
Thank you so much to our NPC's and to Plot for a really fun event. You all work tirelessly to keep us all entertained. Here are some of my favourite moments from the event.
- All the new players. You all were a ton fun and I look forward to seeing you guys in the future.
- Aram. Thank you for putting up with my minor torture of you. You're hat removal melancholy is hilarious.
- Vhossek returns! It was great to see you again Rob.
- Chad- Dude, your sound effects were on point. The tree spirit voices were creepy as hell. The cabin voice I heard before the tree. I was standing in the cabin and people were talking and I started to hear freaking voices. I legit thought I was sleep deprived and going ******* nuts. Really cool effect.
- The patherghast's were cool. I haven't seen one in so long, it was fun to have the 'don't say it' panic again.
- Mike your character is hilarious.
- Brooks blubbering and crying. It was pathetic and fantastic. Also when I said "tell him what you told me' and you said- 'Okay, Ow Ow Ow Ow OW OW ow'
- Lou- You were my favourite part of the weekend. I've never wanted a rando NPC to become a regular character more in my life. Travis was OOG, marshalling and you could hear the occasional giggle or ' HA' from way back.
- Travis, you know what you did. Thanks man. I failed but it was really really cool. I'm still beating myself up about figuring it out on Sunday morning.
- Matt thinking he was a high ogre. I come to him with an official "I need a knight' problem and out walks Mathis and starts asking my prisoner if he should bite the other prisoners knuckles off.
- Gabe and Kristen- I had a blast spending time with you both. Kristen is a badass. I hope you all know this.
- Pathergaunt fight was a ton of fun. Chris smoked me in that fight. T'was great.
- Everyone has really stepped up their costuming. LOVE IT.