
That's some pretty kickass makeup!
I know this is an old post. But I thought I add to it. Very nice makeup. I know I would love to take classes on mask making.
i cant see the picture :( ::whines:: my company's internet blocks most of the pics on here. not sure why i get some and not other :(
Set up a VPN with your computer at home. May be a bit slower, but you won't have to worry about filtering. Run it on port 80 if they block the standard VPN port.
computer at home = no internet heheheh the only access to the internet i get is here at work :D
Ah, I suppose you get what you pay for, then
exactly...and i don't pay for this....but i can't figure out why i get some pics and not all....i get all the pics from the movie guessing game that mike v put up but i only get half of the lolcats ones..oh well :(
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
exactly...and i don't pay for this....but i can't figure out why i get some pics and not all....i get all the pics from the movie guessing game that mike v put up but i only get half of the lolcats ones..oh well :(

I have that same problem here at work. The reason is a corporate firewall that blocks certain websites. So if a picture is located on that site, you won't see it.
I neglected to mention web-based proxies as an easy way to bypass that filter. A Google search for something like "free anonymous web proxy" would work.

I also neglected to mention that here's a reason they put those filters on. Even if I don't agree with those reasons, your employer likely does, and depending how closely you're monitored, people might not look kindly on such circumvention. But, honestly, if you only use it to look at pictures on this forum, and you already look at this forum, there's really nothing extra you'd be doing wrong.

Point is: stupidly easy to bypass these kinds of filters, not that you necessarily should. It's what I'd do, though.
my guess is that if i located a proxy circumventor i would have to DL it...and i have a thin no DLing for me :D i just have to live with the fact that i can't see some pics heheheh
Not necessarily. Many web proxies simply display the webpages you want to view in their own webpage, no download needed. My old standby was using and translating from Chinese to English. Since the page I was viewing was already in English, it didn't really do anything other than display the page.
The reason I suggested a web-based one is so it would require minimal setup, and no actual changing of computer settings.