I am a Count!

Re: I am a Knight!

Tzydl Zhitelava said:
okay now i have to read the book..darnit!!! i have a huge stack of books i need to read already and now there's another one on it!

I just tried looking it up on Amazon and all I can find is a longer book that came out in conjunction with the movie remake. It says 272 pages and that just seems too long to be the original. Try used book stores to find an original copy from the 60's. My copy actually has a photo of the original movie but the text is the original.

This is the version I have. And it's only $1 used.
Re: I am a Knight!

ladies.....note to the wise.....when taking off gel nails....soak them!!!

okay so the book...ever read the gor books?
Re: I am a Knight!

Gor books are about the alter Earth....a planet where aliens abducted earthlings and put them on another planet that was more primitive in alot of ways and more advanced in other ways and then watched them to see what they would do....
Re: I am a Knight!

Except the Scientology aliens just dropped off the Thetans in a volcano, put up a barrier so their spirits couldn't escape, then left. I don't think there was any watching to see what they'd do. AFAIK
Re: I am a Knight!

oh and on Gor slavery is still quite a booming business...and women are usually either submissive veil wearing pansies or powerful killing machines....no in between
Re: I am a Knight!

no the assassins are only men...however some women do have poisoned hair and veil pins in case they get attacked while veiled they are within their rights to kill the attacker...::GRINS::: its a role playing game online too...there is one woman who was a queen of sorts...but she wasn't really all that common...the most common women are the slaves
Re: I am a Knight!

You engage in an RPG in which women are slaves?

I feel a victory in the name of feminine equality was won here today!
Re: I am a Knight!

i *USED TO* engage in RP where women are slaves...yes...and to each their own I always say. Not all are submissive not all are dominant...its a fantasy thing...
Re: I am a Knight!

She is a crap machine!
Re: I am a Knight!

She's a bunny?

((Hooray for cross-thread threadjacking!))
Re: I am a Knight!

she not A bunny she's THE bunny
Re: I am a Knight!

good to know.
Re: I am a Knight!

You'll see.