Date May 7th
The portal to the ArchMage's chamber shimmers and crackles with energy. Stepping out from the portal, Az'Caine shakes off the rain that has collected upon his robes. He moves over to rack that has an empty hook, removes the robes and hangs it to dry by the constantly burning fireplace. He changes into more comfortable attire and then moves to his desk. More papers piled up from his trip out of the city. He picks up and rings the magical bell that sits upon the desk and then sits back in his chair and waits for the attendant to arrive, beginning to shuffle the papers absent mindedly.
The attendant for today, a Lore Seeker of the name Josalyn if memory serves knocks softly upon the door. Looking up, roused from his inner thoughts, the ArchMage asks "Please have Magi Rhialto, Corstar and Kurak report to me as soon as they can." The ArchMage doesn't look to see if she has left, he knows that she has already dashed away. With the silence of the room, save for the random crack or pop of the fire, the ArchMage once again turns within himself replaying the events of the Ogre's Head Tavern not more than three weeks past. "Hmm, three weeks? What exactly is that to a Time Elemental? Blasted creature!" he shakes his head solemnly.
A clearing of the throat of Magi Rhialto, subtlety announcing his presence once again snaps Az'Caine from his inner thoughts.
"ArchMage, it is good to see you back with us." Rhialto states before another knock from the door announces Magi Kurak and Magi Corstar. Greetings are exchanged and then all take up seats in the Chamber. Magi Rhialto continues once everyone is ready. "ArchMage, the Blade of Destiny is ready to be reassembled. The two parts have been cleansed through rituals and alchemy to the best of our abilities." "And the King?" Az'Caine asks."Yes I believe so. He has spent the better part of two months with the Biata and Stone Elves calming his mind and steadying his emotions. " Rhialto replies.
"Good, good" Az'Caine remarks. "Gather the others and prepare for the Ritual. I have arranged for us to take the blade and hilt away from the city to cast the ritual. We will not jeopardize the citizens should something go awry." That statement causes the Magi, except Kurak to wince just a little. A ritual this powerful and complex could have dire repercussions should it fail and backlash.
"What about the Time Elemental?" Magi Corstar asks, hesitation in her voice. "If it were to try to interrupt..." the ArchMage raises his hand to cut off the thought. "It will not. I have taken steps in the past few weeks to ensure that its old tricks will not effect me again. When the War was raging, we had ways to minimize the Time Elemental's abilities upon us. Those ways were nearly forgotten, but not by all. I was able to call upon", the ArchMage hesitates, trying to find the correct words, "an old friend who helped me recast a very ancient ritual. As I am the primary caster for the ritual to mend the Blade, the Time Elemental will not be able to interfere with me once the Circle of Power is enacted."
"We will have to have Marshal Farr'Shen stay behind to watch over the Sanctum in our absence." Magic Rhialto begins "but for this we need at least two more Magi. Who will be assigned to this?"
Az'Caine looks to the Magi assembled. "There are two we can call upon. The Empress has graciously offered their head Magi of Shadowrose and there is a newly appointed Magi of the Conclave Penta of Parson's Breach. Have Magi Mobeus brought here by end of the week. We will journey to the ritual area in 5 days time to complete it. Ensure that all of you are prepared to assist in the ritual, have all of your protectives at the ready. It will not be an easy task." the ArchMage looks to each Magi, reading all sorts of worry, excitement and other emotions. If he was a betting man, he would put several gold down that he even noticed Magi Kurak raise an eyebrow at the statement.
Without further debate the assembled Magi leave the ArchMage to his stack of papers to review.
The portal to the ArchMage's chamber shimmers and crackles with energy. Stepping out from the portal, Az'Caine shakes off the rain that has collected upon his robes. He moves over to rack that has an empty hook, removes the robes and hangs it to dry by the constantly burning fireplace. He changes into more comfortable attire and then moves to his desk. More papers piled up from his trip out of the city. He picks up and rings the magical bell that sits upon the desk and then sits back in his chair and waits for the attendant to arrive, beginning to shuffle the papers absent mindedly.
The attendant for today, a Lore Seeker of the name Josalyn if memory serves knocks softly upon the door. Looking up, roused from his inner thoughts, the ArchMage asks "Please have Magi Rhialto, Corstar and Kurak report to me as soon as they can." The ArchMage doesn't look to see if she has left, he knows that she has already dashed away. With the silence of the room, save for the random crack or pop of the fire, the ArchMage once again turns within himself replaying the events of the Ogre's Head Tavern not more than three weeks past. "Hmm, three weeks? What exactly is that to a Time Elemental? Blasted creature!" he shakes his head solemnly.
A clearing of the throat of Magi Rhialto, subtlety announcing his presence once again snaps Az'Caine from his inner thoughts.
"ArchMage, it is good to see you back with us." Rhialto states before another knock from the door announces Magi Kurak and Magi Corstar. Greetings are exchanged and then all take up seats in the Chamber. Magi Rhialto continues once everyone is ready. "ArchMage, the Blade of Destiny is ready to be reassembled. The two parts have been cleansed through rituals and alchemy to the best of our abilities." "And the King?" Az'Caine asks."Yes I believe so. He has spent the better part of two months with the Biata and Stone Elves calming his mind and steadying his emotions. " Rhialto replies.
"Good, good" Az'Caine remarks. "Gather the others and prepare for the Ritual. I have arranged for us to take the blade and hilt away from the city to cast the ritual. We will not jeopardize the citizens should something go awry." That statement causes the Magi, except Kurak to wince just a little. A ritual this powerful and complex could have dire repercussions should it fail and backlash.
"What about the Time Elemental?" Magi Corstar asks, hesitation in her voice. "If it were to try to interrupt..." the ArchMage raises his hand to cut off the thought. "It will not. I have taken steps in the past few weeks to ensure that its old tricks will not effect me again. When the War was raging, we had ways to minimize the Time Elemental's abilities upon us. Those ways were nearly forgotten, but not by all. I was able to call upon", the ArchMage hesitates, trying to find the correct words, "an old friend who helped me recast a very ancient ritual. As I am the primary caster for the ritual to mend the Blade, the Time Elemental will not be able to interfere with me once the Circle of Power is enacted."
"We will have to have Marshal Farr'Shen stay behind to watch over the Sanctum in our absence." Magic Rhialto begins "but for this we need at least two more Magi. Who will be assigned to this?"
Az'Caine looks to the Magi assembled. "There are two we can call upon. The Empress has graciously offered their head Magi of Shadowrose and there is a newly appointed Magi of the Conclave Penta of Parson's Breach. Have Magi Mobeus brought here by end of the week. We will journey to the ritual area in 5 days time to complete it. Ensure that all of you are prepared to assist in the ritual, have all of your protectives at the ready. It will not be an easy task." the ArchMage looks to each Magi, reading all sorts of worry, excitement and other emotions. If he was a betting man, he would put several gold down that he even noticed Magi Kurak raise an eyebrow at the statement.
Without further debate the assembled Magi leave the ArchMage to his stack of papers to review.