Hi, I'm Luke! My home is currently in Virginia and I'm currently deployed, but since I've been totally trolling your section of the boards, I figured I'd go ahead and introduce myself so that you all don't wonder too much about who I am and why I'm butting in to your business.
I've been into RPGs since I was about 8 and drew dungeon maps on graph paper for my brother's high school gaming group's D&D campaigns. My brother told me I could even join, once I had read this big stack of about 5 red-bound books...I just stuck to the dungeon doodles, instead. Anywho, I never really stopped liking RPGs. I used to watch him play all kinds of games on the computer and then got into computer RPGs, myself...eventually, I met other like-minded individuals in High School who introduced me to other non-D&D games (all of the World of Darkness games, Exalted, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk 2020). All this just made me want more, though. I was finally introduced to Amtgard and SCA a few years later, but I didn't like the politics so much. Finally, at the end of 2009, a co-worker of mine started talking about this LARPing thing, made a group of us watch Role Models, and got us geared up for my very first Alliance event. That was it. This was the pinnacle of my RPG infatuation...this was love :wub2: I played regularly in the SF chapter for about 2 years, until my job near there ended. I've since moved to Virginia and I'm talking up Alliance to all of my friends there (even got one to go try out HQ while I'm deployed!). Soon I'll be back and I'll be able to get my LARPing fix again...it's going to be EPIC!
Anywho, as to why I'm lurking about in the Denver section. First of all, as I said, I'm deployed...so I have a bit of freedom in what I do when I'm not tasked with anything in specific. Secondly, you guys are a new chapter in a relatively isolated area: I thought it would be helpful to throw some (limited) experience your way while a lot of you are still trying to figure things out. In addition, the Alliance is more of a family than just an international organization of improvisational thespians telling a collaborative fantasy story through their actions and interactions at organized events: we're a family. Family helps each other out, so I'm here to help however I can. Finally, I lived in Colorado Springs for a Summer once...it was beautiful and there were thunderstorms every day...and I miss it, so maybe I'll get a chance to visit someday and check out the chapter :cold: :thumbsup: