
Hello! I'm a high schooler that really really needs another world to go to. I've tried playing D&D, but it's really hard to without friends or anyone who ever played before.
I'm not entirely sure if I can make it to the ranch but I will try my hardest!
I'm looking forward to this.
Hello everyone!

I'm Luke, friend of Lacey and Will. They were kind enough to get me pass to the upcoming April event as a Christmas gift and I've been looking forward to it for months now.
This will be my first experience at LARping, though I have more then a decade of table top gaming, both as a PC and GM. I enjoy writing/running campaigns as much as being a part of them.
I am a Audio-Video technical specialist/consultant. Big words to say I play with video and sound. Basically I'm a corporate event stagehand. For anyone who attended Mile-Hi con at the convention center I might have seen you there as I was one of the people in black helping set the gear.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Hey Friends!

My name is Paul. I am from Salt Lake City, UT. I play out in Seattle and Oregon, but since Denver is so much closer, I plan on venturing out to you all a couple of times this year.

A little about me, I am a salesmen and recruiter by trade. I just love people and I love changing their lives for the better by getting them jobs. I also plan on becoming a Real Estate agent in the next couple of months. When I am not working, I am acting, writing, directing and even designing sets for a haunted house here in SLC, UT. I larp here as well, but something about Alliance just keeps me coming back. Must be something the owners and NPCs put in the water when I attend.

Outside of all that, I am eager to play in your game and look forward to my flights out there. Can't wait to meet you all!

Paul Iverson
Well met Paul!
Hi, I am Luna.
I have LARPed for a little over 12 years and RPGed even longer.
My first Boffer LARP was a homebrew game called Cyantris in the "hills" of Florida.
I have played a little SOLAR/NERO (as an NPC mostly) and I really look forward to trying out Alliance (I hope I do not get too confused about the rules).

I am an IT technician currently, and spend a lot of my time sitting in the dark. So it will be awesome to get some sunshine. Though it sounds like I might have to start training for the long walks.

I am really excited to get back into LARPing, its been about 5 years, because when I moved to Asia there was not much of this kind of Roleplaying available.
One of my favorite things about LARPing is making props, and I already have a ton of Ideas for things I want to make swimming around in my Head.
Hey, I'm Joe and am completely new to the LARP scene. I have been playing D&D for a long time and have recently been looking for something to scratch my roleplaying itch. I am a huge fantasy nerd and have no real outlets for it recently and have been interested in trying LARP for some time. I could use all the help anyone is willing to give to get started. I love Leatherworking and prop making though I have nothing to make them for I am hoping to use these skills for the Alliance.
Hello Alliance Denver!

My name is John. My wife Amy and I have lived in the Denver area for almost three years now. We are attorneys but enjoy a wide variety of activities. Board Games and LARPing are shared interests of ours. We currently play in the Denver chapter of Vampire/Mind's Eye Society and have been involved in the National organization for about 7 years. We have played tabletop together for almost 10 years and I have played tabletop around 20 years. I enjoy Magic the Gathering, various miniatures games, and socializing.

We don't have any boffer experience to speak of, but are very excited to broaden our LARP horizons. We have loved Fighter Practice and meeting so many new friends in Alliance already. We are very excited to see what the season opener brings and are crossing our fingers for good weather. See everyone there, we look forward to meeting all of you!

-John, player of Graham Wolsey
Hello Alliance Denver!

My name is John. My wife Amy and I have lived in the Denver area for almost three years now. We are attorneys but enjoy a wide variety of activities. Board Games and LARPing are shared interests of ours. We currently play in the Denver chapter of Vampire/Mind's Eye Society and have been involved in the National organization for about 7 years. We have played tabletop together for almost 10 years and I have played tabletop around 20 years. I enjoy Magic the Gathering, various miniatures games, and socializing.

We don't have any boffer experience to speak of, but are very excited to broaden our LARP horizons. We have loved Fighter Practice and meeting so many new friends in Alliance already. We are very excited to see what the season opener brings and are crossing our fingers for good weather. See everyone there, we look forward to meeting all of you!

-John, player of Graham Wolsey

Well Met sir...I am afraid I will have to duel you for stealing my non-unique forum Avatar idea. Prepare to meet the business end of steel sir! ... also welcome, I look forward to adventuring with you at the opener.
Hello! My name (on here) is TurtleWarrior, but you can call me Anje. That's a difficult french name. It's pronounced Ahn-Jay. Anyway, enough about my stupidly unique name. Onto the rest.

I have been doing roleplay on forums and MMO games for what might be around 8 years, and I have grown to be very fond of roleplay in all forms. I've become incredibly flexible when it comes to genre and story, but I also used to LARP with an ex boyfriend a while ago. We haven't done it since we broke up, and I've been craving the costumes and acting for so long.

I originally came here to try and find a partner who'd be up for anything like me. A partner who I could just do simple little larps with that didn't have a big, ongoing plot that would stretch on for years. But then I read the lore behind Biatas. I sometimes have this problem with lore. If I didn't make the lore myself or if I just can't find it interesting or open-ended enough, I tend to turn away. Then I read about the Biata race and I knew I would make my first character here a Biata. I honestly hope I'm just pronouncing it right as I pull together this little costume of mine (I think it's pronounced Bye-Atah).

Now I just need tips and information that should concern me most. I picked Biata because I'm a lot like a lowblood sometimes, along with being a highblood other times. I even share the philosophy that goes, "If you're gonna do something, have a reason to do it." I have a habit of getting just a teeny bit steamed when someone does something without a legitimate reason....ok, maybe more than a teeny bit. But I'm a pretty nice person, don't worry.

I also picked them because they were kind of isolated from other races, making them kinda suitable for someone not knowing of the world. I have a lot of work to do with my costume, but I would like some help from other people on what's what and who's who. I'm a very fun and random person for the most part...and I think that's all I got to say. Onto the random goodbye.

Cya later, don't let the crocodiles eat your shoes. And don't forget to shampoo that squirrel across the street!
Hi Anje - so i saw you posting around the forum a bit and I get the impression that you are quite young- if thats accurate (and mea culpa ifits not) you may want to make sure you read up on the age restrictions to be sure you can participate/on what level you can participate in this game on your own. Your enthusiasm is really great but I think your best bet is some reading materials (links below). This isnt really a place to find a "larping partner" as it is a large network of games and a big big community of people in wich you will find a whole lot of people participating. the games in Denver are held once a month, and Fighter practices in Arvada most weekends.

Start here to learn about the local chapter:
Then here to hook up with the local community: (you can do it on this forum too but faster responses are on FB)
And here for the full Rulebook for the game:
Then email here for more direct local information/local packets:

Best of luck and welcome : )

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Please excuse my ignorance but I am trying to navigate all these threads to find out when the Sunday practices are and where they are located. also looking to see if there are some veterans who might want to lend a hand trying to get started. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Ok, I'm sorry for some reason the alliance page that I found on Facebook was not the right one, I'm an idiot when it comes to Facebook.
The practices, craft nights, etc are mostly announced on the facebook group "Alliance LARP Denver".
Combat practice is almost every Sunday (weather permitting) from 2pm-4pm at Ladybug park, near the corner of 66th PL and Dover St in Arvada.
Hope that helps.
Thank you very much, I am trying to join the group on Facebook but for some reason my request is still pending. So am I correct that when you join alliance and pay your membership a copy of the rulebook is given to you? I know one can be downloaded but im a very hands on person and cant stand reading things on electronic devices. Thanks for all the help.
Hey there,
When you join and pay membership, that does not get you a hard copy of the rule book. That is used for insurance, legal fees, and a slew of other things... however you can buy one online and have it sent. Black and white copies are $15 I believe. I wasn't crazy about the last edition only because LULU Press did a very shitty job on the black and white photos this time around for some reason. I am waiting to see if the next one is better so I can buy us some in bulk to have for sale at the game.