Is 144 the magic number to no longer be a newb?

yum...quiche......the french have yummy food..
i think his platypus doesn't exist yet
Telokh_Amdo said:
Dr_Chill said:
Telokh_Amdo said:
My pic on the left or the chibi I just added to my sig?
The pic off to the right (thats your avatar right?)

My forum avatar is under my screen name on the left.

I have a series of 6 chibi avatars in my sig.

Are you referring to the chibi all the way on the right in my sig? That's my yet-to-be-played MWE.

I just realized if you change your overall layout, the forum avatar moves around, in my layout (prosilver) the name and avatar pic are on the right. So to clarify, I was refering to your forum avatar under your screen name :)
His MWE is dead.
quiche is egg pie with stuff added to it
if you really wanted to add fruit you could
I think it would taste funny

loves me some egg pie....
Dr_Chill said:
I just realized if you change your overall layout, the forum avatar moves around, in my layout (prosilver) the name and avatar pic are on the right. So to clarify, I was refering to your forum avatar under your screen name :)

Ah, that one. That's from the last HQ event. I'm hoping to get a good close-up at the next event so I can have a clearer pic for my avatar.
pineapple with bacon in a quiche would be yummy...and strawberry bits might not be bad!
I had a very tasty omelet once that has pineapple and brie cheese. I didn't think pineapple with egg sound like a good combo but I trusted my friend who recommended it. Downright delectable.
okay quiche with brie and granny smith apple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MAN I JUST GOT HUNGRY!
I actually had an interesting pizza the other day, it had carmelized onions, blue cheese, and baked apples. I was skeptical at first, but it was damn good!

Brie, mushrooms, bacon, and eggs...I wonder how that combo would work out?
okay boys and girls i'm stuck at work in an industrial park area with only a gas station deli for lunch!!! and now i'm drooling!!!!!

Someone get this girl a napkin!
:::wipes it on tierans shirt sleeve:: ahhh nevermind i'm all set

that was weird.

For a number of reasons.

None of which I will go into right now.