Is 144 the magic number to no longer be a newb?

That is a possibility.
hehehehehheheh too funny...I wish we all played the same chapter so i could hang out with you guys and laugh in person.... :lol:
So come play our chapters. Chapter-hopping is fun. You owe it to yourself to vist every chapter that is at lease relatively easy to get to. I've been to old NH and hope to make it up to Deadlands at some point. That's about an 8 hour drive for me, Approximately 8 hours the other direction from me is South MI. So all points in between are fair game. I'd love to make it out to TC or Chicago or even some of the West Coast chapters at least once, but travel is a bit of an issue there.
heheheh well i know that i will be going to caldaria at least 1 time and i am trying to talk to a few of my peeps to see if we can go to this faire play place either for a NJ event or the headquarters event. definitely want to visit that place!
you or your character?
he lies....
Naw, for a while it feels a little chilly, then it gets all numb... see? no cold...
Nah, if it were a timeshare company I would be offering to fly you to Vegas for free and then saying you had to come to an hour presentation.
i love seattle!!! miss that rain....its like having our own little bit of scotland
Marcena said:
With bagpipes? Because if bagpipes are in anyway involved, I shall have no part! I say good DAY suh!

You have just been removed from my Christmans card list.

what?! you don't like bagpipes???! i'm at a loss for words.